Hi, just a simple request for a different model... I love the vampire armor's stats for early game light armor, but TIT WINDOW?????? EURGH!!!!!! Having a GIANT, GAPING HOLE in the front of your PROTECTIVE ARMOR has never seemed to me like a reasonable course of action! So I'm wondering if anybody would be willing to do some meshing work... I know it's no walk in the park but I just don't have the know-how or programs to do it myself orz I think the easiest solution would be to just swap the female torso armor model for the male, but I don't know how much fiddly work you'd have to do to fix clipping issues... A more difficult solution would be to rebuild the entire chest and just patch up that giant hole. Or perhaps just patch the hole with a simple texture and leave the appearance of the window there? Putting a bodysuit underneath, or something like that? I really hope someone can do this because I love everything else about that armor, but I cannot stand looking at it with that huge hole in the front. Same reason I'm looking for a replacer for the fur and forsworn armor...