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About hvezdosvit

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  1. Please let me explain, I am not necromancer, I AM DOCTOR! :) This did not let gamer in me sleep for past XY years, but finally there is solution for any game (some adventure or any other title or even program you want to stop but still let it stay displayed). At first I googled uPause: !!! Be warned: I DO NOT RECOMMEND TO USE iLivid Download Manager !!! but download site (in description of 2nd video) is allowing only download through iLivid Download Manager, which install unpleasant addware maybe you will be able to compile binary file from what seems to be source code in C or contact author (please post binary in that case somewhere) https://github.com/Cotix/uPause I gave up on uPause a tried to come with something myself: 1/ download pssuspend https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897540.aspx to some <DIRECTORY> 2/ create 4 files in <DIRECTORY> pauseSkyrim.bat echo %date% %time% Skyrim pause attempt >> log.txt pssuspend.exe tesv.exe unpauseSkyrim.bat @echo %date% %time% Skyrim resume attempt >> log.txt pssuspend -r tesv.exe pauseSkyrim.vbs Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") objShell.Run("<DIRECTORY>\pauseSkyrim.bat"), 0, True unpauseSkyrim.vbs Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") objShell.Run("<DIRECTORY>\unpauseSkyrim.bat"), 0, True eventually you can try to replace commands with following if you are NOT the administrator (not tested) pssuspend.exe \\<PC_NAME> -u <ADMINISTRATOR_LOGIN> -p <ADMINISTRATOR_PASSWORD> tesv.exe pssuspend.exe -r \\<PC_NAME> -u <ADMINISTRATOR_LOGIN> -p <ADMINISTRATOR_PASSWORD> tesv.exe 3/ Try to run bat and vbs files and see if they were processed in <DIRECTORY> log.txt file created by them 4/ The tricky part is how to run your scripts from the game. I personally have (among others dummy keyboards also) THE OFFICIALLY WORST GAMER KEYBOARD IN KNOWN UNIVERSE - Logitech G11, where I can run macros starting also executable files. If you do not posses such "programmable" keyboard/mouse, try to find a software running on the background (may be installed as service or run everytime you running skyrim) allowing you to fire shortcuts from any application running on OS - please share the name of such software here. Do not forget, that user, under which is running "shortcut starting" service needs to have access to <DIRECTORY> (ie. I was not able to run from G11 pssuspend when it was in c:\windows\system32 even if I am admin with UAC disabled on my PC) Enjoy while learning languages! :-)
  2. CTD solved in my case. I have New Skyrim installation, modified it for last week, 250 plugins. Mods: all DLCs, off. and unoff. patches, XP32, CBBE, Racemenu (used to have also ECE but problematic, maybe proper installation could help), Requiem, Phinix ENB (Enboost before it), CoT, RND, ApachiiSkyHair, Alternate Start, 3DNPC, DSpSoB, FNIS, Frostfall, Real Shelter, SMIM, UFO, ... SKSE 172 and 173 later when triing to address bug source. No LOOT error (many warnings I probably should TS5Edit out or Wrye Bash patched), many papyrus warnings and errors (should I try to solve them?). Brand new character started by Alternate start, no relict scripts found by Save Tool. I experienced Almost every time CTD when trying to load in the middle of the game/died. Papyrus log ended by see lower - every time without any common preceeding log [05/27/2015 - 11:32:15PM] VM is freezing... [05/27/2015 - 11:32:15PM] VM is frozen [05/27/2015 - 11:32:15PM] Reverting game... MIcrodumps not tried to log events deeper. Issue started to appear in the middle of modding/testing process (last week, new installation). Among other adviced, I have read on the Internets that this may be caused by used XP32 or Racemenu or SKSE 172. Tried to downgrade to 171, but not sucessfull - SKSE got disabled and Requiem crashed game after a message. I moved all SKSE scripts out and as result I had no CTD after load/death. Solved by upgrading Racemenu 321 to 322 " Fixes NiOverride BodyMorph floating wrist bug Fixes NiOverride occasional crash when loading other saves of the same session " What ma have helped too: Installing SafeLoad mod, adding recommended properties to SKSE.ini Hope it helps somebody (posted to several forum/threads)
  3. CTD solved in my case. I have New Skyrim installation, modified it for last week, 250 plugins. Mods: all DLCs, off. and unoff. patches, XP32, CBBE, Racemenu (used to have also ECE but problematic, maybe proper installation could help), Requiem, Phinix ENB (Enboost before it), CoT, RND, ApachiiSkyHair, Alternate Start, 3DNPC, DSpSoB, FNIS, Frostfall, Real Shelter, SMIM, UFO, ... SKSE 172 and 173 later when triing to address bug source. No LOOT error (many warnings I probably should TS5Edit out or Wrye Bash patched), many papyrus warnings and errors (should I try to solve them?). Brand new character started by Alternate start, no relict scripts found by Save Tool. I experienced Almost every time CTD when trying to load in the middle of the game/died. Papyrus log ended by see lower - every time without any common preceeding log [05/27/2015 - 11:32:15PM] VM is freezing... [05/27/2015 - 11:32:15PM] VM is frozen [05/27/2015 - 11:32:15PM] Reverting game... MIcrodumps not tried to log events deeper. Issue started to appear in the middle of modding/testing process (last week, new installation). Among other adviced, I have read on the Internets that this may be caused by used XP32 or Racemenu or SKSE 172. Tried to downgrade to 171, but not sucessfull - SKSE got disabled and Requiem crashed game after a message. I moved all SKSE scripts out and as result I had no CTD after load/death. Solved by upgrading Racemenu 321 to 322 " Fixes NiOverride BodyMorph floating wrist bug Fixes NiOverride occasional crash when loading other saves of the same session " What ma have helped too: Installing SafeLoad mod, adding recommended properties to SKSE.ini Hope it helps somebody (posted to several forum/threads)
  4. CTD solved in my case. I have New Skyrim installation, modified it for last week, 250 plugins. Mods: all DLCs, off. and unoff. patches, XP32, CBBE, Racemenu (used to have also ECE but problematic, maybe proper installation could help), Requiem, Phinix ENB (Enboost before it), CoT, RND, ApachiiSkyHair, Alternate Start, 3DNPC, DSpSoB, FNIS, Frostfall, Real Shelter, SMIM, UFO, ... SKSE 172 and 173 later when triing to address bug source. No LOOT error (many warnings I probably should TS5Edit out or Wrye Bash patched), many papyrus warnings and errors (should I try to solve them?). Brand new character started by Alternate start, no relict scripts found by Save Tool. I experienced Almost every time CTD when trying to load in the middle of the game/died. Papyrus log ended by see lower - every time without any common preceeding log [05/27/2015 - 11:32:15PM] VM is freezing... [05/27/2015 - 11:32:15PM] VM is frozen [05/27/2015 - 11:32:15PM] Reverting game... MIcrodumps not tried to log events deeper. Issue started to appear in the middle of modding/testing process (last week, new installation). Among other adviced, I have read on the Internets that this may be caused by used XP32 or Racemenu or SKSE 172. Tried to downgrade to 171, but not sucessfull - SKSE got disabled and Requiem crashed game after a message. I moved all SKSE scripts out and as result I had no CTD after load/death. Solved by upgrading Racemenu 321 to 322 " Fixes NiOverride BodyMorph floating wrist bug Fixes NiOverride occasional crash when loading other saves of the same session " What ma have helped too: Installing SafeLoad mod, adding recommended properties to SKSE.ini Hope it helps somebody (posted to several forum/threads)
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