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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. I wanted to say that I've been testing the mod recommended by showler, the one called Old world blues - sink vendor fix, and I can confirm that it doesn't fix anything, for me. I didn't notice any change whatsoever I tested this with a new character, no other mods. Sold things to it and bought some, waited 3 entire days outside sink so inventory would restock (it still doesn't if I wait inside the sink), it restocked and the items I sold to it were still there. So tl;dr: that mod doesn't fix any of my issues. I will try with the other one also from 2011 that says fixes the garden, I don't have a problem with that but whatever. My request stands anyway in case that one doesn't work either and anyone is interested. I do know there's a lot of good older mods, it's more of a performance concern. My computer is really old and I need to squeeze as much performance as I can, and there's a lot of older mods that use bloated scripts and things that have been improved a lot in these last couple of years in their modern counterparts, nvse has come a long way. Example: project nevada, increased wasteland spawns, etc. Those mods still work, but there's better alternatives now that won't make my game crash every 10 minutes. This is an opinion by the way.
  2. Yeah I actually saw that one a while back but I forgot about it. I didn't consider it because of the age, i have sort of a rule not to use mods made before 2014 so I was kinda hoping for a fix made not a decade ago but I'll guess it will have to do if it works. Thanks.
  3. The sink vendor is broken, I think anyone that played owb already knows that. What I don't understand is why no one ever bothered to fix it. Seems like it would a an easy enough job for a modder with some experience, which is not me unfortunately. Problems with the sink vendor: _Stores all the items you sell to it forever, cluttering its inventory very quickly. Normally with other traders the stuff you sell to them only stays until their inventory restocks. _Restock timer resets everytime you enter the sink. A problem most prevalent while playing the dlc is that the sink's inventory will never actually restock because every time you enter the cell to store loot or something the 3 day timer to restock starts over. So anyway, a mod to make the sink vendor work like other traders in the game would be nice. At least the first problem, the second one becomes less of an issue once you finish the dlc and stop going to the sink so often. A good way to balance this would be to reduce the amount of caps it has, but that's not too important to me.
  4. Anyone else thinks there's too many pickable plants/fungus in zion? I use Unfound loot because I like the hobo experience and honest hearts just throws me off by having hundreds of harvestable plants and valuable cave fungus everywhere that respawn every three days. I started working on a mod that replaces most of the harvestable plants and cave fungus in zion with their already harvested static counterparts that don't respawn by using the search & replace function in the geck and going cell to cell changing most plants but leaving some intact. However I think such a mod would be better done by an actual modder. Who knows, maybe it can be done a lot faster with scripts or something. If anyone is interested I would appreciate it.
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