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Posts posted by awsomedude

  1. readign trough half the thread all the while thinking guns are stupind and un needed especialy with MAGIC but then i suddenly tought that perehaps a really strong gun would do more damage than a novice fire spell (any magic over novice level is still stronger) that tought let to anouther 'isent there some kind of 'gun' like weapon in skyrim but that is charged with magic?'... A STAFF!



    i dislike guns personably though if you want them its your decition but even i culd get onbard the idea of having short staffs or 'wands' created by the denwer wich is a stringless crossbow that shoots a dose on concentraded magic (this culd take the form of anything for example a bullet or maybe an arrowhead perehaps even a small lighting)

  2. it seems there are no mod that adds this and i would love to see it (perehaps as some kind of exicution)

    if it would be possible im refering to when a dragon lands (he just takes off again after a few hits) you shuld be able to grab on to his back or tail before he gets back into the air and stab him in the neck or simply forcing him to land again

    since the are dosens or mods for surviving incredible falls eider trough enchantments, magical items or spells killing the dragon upp in the sky then fall down with him would be no problem


    Edit: maybe i shuld just get the whole idea out of my head too much shadow of the colossus i guess

  3. ok here is the story

    i was happily listening to the anime bleach's soundtrack when suddenly this idea for a mod in skyrim popped upp and since then i am completly unable forget aboat it and i culd not find any existing mod to add this so here goes


    in the anime bleach the main charather itchigo 'die' he gets to a place that supposingly is his soul (or something) were he is faced with a dark mirror image of himself wich is the evil being that lives inside him this hollow (meaning some kind of demon) then tries to take over his body in order to stop this itchigo has to fight and deffeat him if he fails he is dead and the hollow is free to roam the world to consume and destroy evrything but if he deffeats him he awakes in his own body (usaly with his enemies all bloody and chopped upp)


    that is the basic idea for this mod

    -not die at death instead be teleported to your soul/plane of existance

    -fight a clone of yourself with all your spells and stats (maybe a little stronger for challange)

    -return to original location fully restored if win die if lose

  4. still its kinda wierd seeing a bunch of ppl just floating down the river :confused:



    ps. it would also be cool if someone culd make a mod were you kinda tie a rock to a dead ncps foot or something making the stone pull him down

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