Oh sweet, thanks man! The shirt can just be plain white, and the Jacket can just be the plain green it is too, or an optional leathery brown, if you could do both as separate files that would be amazing. No bandoleer, just the jacket on its own. The belt from the vault suit would be perfect, I prefer it over the Tobar one, though the shirt can cover most of it if it doesn't fit right, I'm not the biggest fan of those little side armor pouch things. The pants could can be plain, just with the knee pad, though would you be able to make them a little longer so they don't have that really annoying gap between the sneaker and the pants leg, kinda like this. https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3223/2663523662_5498d6dfff.jpg The sneakers can just be Red that's totally fine, though if they can be made a little shorter, and more into shoes and less like boots by covering with above said pants, that would be incredible. And finally in Male please. I know some of this might be a bit of a stretch, but if any of it can be done I would be eternally grateful, especially from your good self who I've seen many amazing outfits come out of. Thanks.