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About FonzieD

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  1. basically, editing the .INI text file itself won't actually make any changes. you have to open the .EXE file and edit values there.
  2. i can find a few references to the cover bonus (i.e. COVER_BONUS_LOW 20) but it doesn't appear to do anything when i try to change it. It was brough up in another thread but its possible the changes are working but just not being displayed on the UI. Not sure if this test would work but try and set up a shot that hits with the regular cover, edit the cover up to something like 99% (ie would make the shot chance zero) and see if it still hits. Unless you've already tried this... i don't think so. based off the almost non-existent programming knowledge i have, cover values in this game are constants, so it's hardcoded into the game. i think i would have to decompile the code itself, change the values, then recompile the code. but if anyone knows how to change it, i would definitely like to know, since IMO the game would be 10x better if cover was more balanced.
  3. same. i've been digging around for a bit in the UPK files and I can't seem to be able to find anything that changes cover bonuses. i can find a few references to the cover bonus (i.e. COVER_BONUS_LOW 20) but it doesn't appear to do anything when i try to change it. there was also supposed to be a second wave option that would increase cover bonuses as well, but it can't be enabled for whatever reason. if someone who knows what they're doing could look into it, that would be pretty ballin. edit: seems like cover bonuses are hardcoded into the game, so i don't think editing UPK files can touch those values. dang.
  4. i tried it using a regular assault rifle and it worked fine, didn't really do any sort of extensive testing. this should be pretty interesting when put on the right weapons.
  5. i can help with vocals if you want, i've got recording stuff of my own
  6. if you have a problem with VATS being too slow i made a mod to speed it up without effecting gameplay: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38104
  7. not to nitpick or anything but for the vocals in NVB i noticed there is background noise, probably your computer or something. you can easily run your vocals through a filter to try to get rid of sounds like that. but the mod itself is good! got it myself.
  8. also im referring to the slow mo after a VATS kill not a regular kill, kill cam is different
  9. yeah it's off but it still plays after every kill
  10. the slow motion thing after you get a kill is nice...the first few times you see it, but it gets really old and slows down the gameplay. can someone remove this after EVERY single kill?
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