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About PeterTran

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    Fallout 4
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  1. I'm looking for a permadeath mod, as in a mod that will delete my saves when my character dies. I've tried looking for something like it, but haven't been successful. I know it exists for Skyrim, for example this one. Theoretically that means it should be possible in Fallout 4 as well? If something like this doesn't exist, any ideas on how I could create it myself? I've made a few mods myself, so I'm no stranger to the creation kit or scripting; just need a pointer in the right direction.
  2. Didn't even know that was an event. I'll give it a shot later tonight and report back. Thanks! EDIT: Haha! It works! Thank you so much shavkacagarikia!
  3. That didn't seem to work either. That's annoying that they don't all work. Thanks for the help though. I guess next would be to ask how can I find the list of animation variables to use with GetAnimationVariableBool Maybe with that I can figure out if the player is aiming or not and go from there. EDIT: I tried to do something a little bit different by registering the animation even, but even that still doesn't work... It works if I try it with the "JumpUp" event though. Scriptname TestScript extends Quest Event OnQuestInit() RegisterForAnimationEvent(game.GetPlayer(), "rifleSightedStart") endEvent Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName) if (asEventName == "rifleSightedStart") Debug.MessageBox("rifleSightedStart") endif endEvent
  4. I'm working on a simple mod, and for testing I'm writing a script that'll display a message box when the player presses their "aim down sights" button. But I can't figure out which key that corresponds with in the CustomControlMap.txt that comes with F4SE. I tried using "ZoomIn", but that didn't work. Even using the hard keys like "LTrigger" doesn't work on my x360 pad. Any ideas? Here's what I'm doing, if you need to know: Scriptname TestScript extends Quest Event OnQuestInit() RegisterForControl("ZoomIn") endEvent Event OnControlDown(string control) if (control == "ZoomIn") Debug.MessageBox("ZoomIn") endif endEvent This works if I do other buttons such as "Jump", but I can't figure out the ADS button for some reason. Any help is appreciated!
  5. I'm using A Tweaked ENB. It works great for the most part. But there are sometimes where if I look in a certain direction, my screen suddenly flips upside down, and half of the screen is stretched. A demonstration: http://imgur.com/a/2sNT6 In the first screenshot, it looks normal. But in the second screenshot, I move the camera up slightly. The problem goes away if I disable ENB. I also notice that this generally happens in very busy cells, whether that means lots of objects or light sources. Any help would be appreciated. EDIT: Upon further inspection, I notice that it has to do with light. For example, I was in a dark cave when it was fine, but when I equipped my torch, the bug appears. After trying a few different ENB's, they all have the same problem. Pretty much anytime the camera gets very close to a light source, the bug occurs.
  6. So I'm editing an nvse script in geck, and I am using the geck powerup. For some reason, it just refuses to save. So I start over with the original working script, make a silly change such as adding in an extra space between two lines, and try to save, and it refuses to let me do that. I can't edit scripts at all, what can I do about this? I can save scripts just fine if they don't use nvse though.
  7. Thanks mhahn, after listening to your advice, and doing extensive testing, I started to notice where and how the problems show. Looks like proper esp merging is going to be a tedious job to do, but it has to be done. Thank you.
  8. So I've reached my 255 esp limit, and now I'm learning how to merge esp's. I read up a few things, and decided I should first see what it's like for a merge to mess up your game. I decided to do what I was advised against, and that was to merge all the Unique Landscapes esp's. So I enabled my new esp, and disabled the old ones, fired up the game, expected a crash, and nothing. The game seems fine, everything seems to be working exactly as it was before the merge. How am I supposed to know if a merge had gone bad or not? Keep in mind I did not visit any of the UL'ed areas in game, simply because of lethargy and time, but if I were to merge several weapon and armor esp's together, would I have to check every individual item I merged? Thanks. EDIT: Small update, I decided to visit an area changed by the UL mod, specifically the imperial isle, and everything looked exactly the same, everything was working as it should have been. Did the merge just not go bad? If so, then why is it inadvisable to merge the UL esp's?
  9. Topic moved to: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1031640-how-to-know-if-an-esp-merge-went-bad/ I felt that was a more applicable forum.
  10. Hello, I'm in a little predicament. I downloaded a mod, that adds a backpack to the game. The backpack works fine and all, but it's a bit too large, and doesn't sit quite right on my character's back. I want to change it, to make it slightly smaller, and move it down and back a little (relative to my character). I tried doing this by editing the backpack mesh in nifskope. Basically, I just adjusted the scale. Once I did that; however, I got a red exclamation point where the backpack should be when I equip it. Indicating a missing mesh? What am I doing wrong? Any input is appreciated.
  11. So Skyrim CTD's everytime I try to sneak inside of a dungeon, sometimes in the overworld as well, but not usually. As a sneak character, it's pretty annoying. Anyone have any ideas what could be causing this?
  12. The script wouldn't compile, here's the output: Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "BerserkerHeal"... C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\BerserkerHeal.psc(3,15): no viable alternative at input 'Game' C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\BerserkerHeal.psc(3,19): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input '.' C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\BerserkerHeal.psc(3,6): Unknown user flag Game No output generated for BerserkerHeal, compilation failed. I got the script to compile when using this: Scriptname BerserkerHeal extends activemagiceffect Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller) if(akKiller == Game.GetPlayer()) Game.GetPlayer().ModActorValue("Health", 1000) endif EndEvent But when I tried to use it in game, it wouldn't work.
  13. Thanks, I'll experiment with that and see what I can come up with. I really appreciate it.
  14. I'm trying to create a mod, and within it I want to incorporate an effect that makes it so whenever I kill an enemy, I automatically heal an amount. I can't figure out how to do this, and any advice would be appreciated.
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