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  1. I really hope it's going to be compatible with "Power of The Stars" by bl3azy ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27621 ) because STARS DAMMIT.
  2. Agreed, would do a hell of a lot more for immersion, that's for sure.
  3. Ya from what I heard they're prerendered maps, rather than procedural ones created on the fly. Was kinda disappointed in a way, judging from the graphics I thought they had the ability to mix-and-match several prerendered sections together. E.g. urban, throw in a random carpark, a building or two, some walkways, etc. Didn't realise each and every single map was fully prerendered. I'm also interested in the weather/lighting aspect. It'd give more options to carry things in your inventory like night vision scopes or whatever, then later on combination stuff to reduce the number of things you'd want equipped, etc.
  4. Agreed with you. My biggest beef with the game is the crap "HOMG 3 MISSIONS, PICK 1?!?!?!?!" because you're basically forced to let panic sodomize the remaining 2 countries you couldn't send a team out to (let's not even get into why a global organization can't field multiple 6-man squads). I'd rather have 3 missions back to back in a week, it'd be more realistic than a whole week of nothing happening and then blam, all 3 on Sunday. It won't necessarily be easier either, since it's highly likely you'd have lost or injured soldiers after the first mission, so it's still possible you have to let the remaining missions go, or attempt them with a team of weaker and less experienced soldiers. You could easily end up losing more soldiers too so I'd say it wouldn't be easier by any stretch of the imagination. And it'd be fairer than arbitrarily forcing panic on you. At least you'd know you had the choice of not being able to help them due to not enough manpower, or trying and failing and losing a whole squad. It would have been YOUR CHOICE, rather than a random lottery ticket.
  5. Are the trees fixed, 1 to a class? I'm wondering if we could make multiple trees available to a class, and when the game creates a new soldier (i.e. you hire one and he/she arrives at your base) it'll pick one of those trees. Would introduce a bit more variety rather than the current "everybody is the same" feeling. This would be an alternative option if we couldn't create custom trees with multiple perks to choose from when ranking up like the OP posted.
  6. New to the game, haven't tried looking at the files yet, but I do agree cover feels worthless a lot of the time. Would definitely love to up the cover values, especially as you guys have said even the AI is smart enough not to waste making an attack with a low to-hit% shot.
  7. Imho there are way too many "choose 1 of 3" incidents; I'd rather have a steady flow of 1 or at most choose between 2 missions. Currently I can sit at base for days on end with nothing happening, then suddenly *blam*, choose 1 of 3 missions pops up. I'd rather have a steady flow of missions e.g. once per every other day. That would keep the overall mission count same over the same period of time (e.g. 3 missions per week), while not forcing you to eat panic because they magically happened at the same time, forcing you to pick which one to do. At the same time it wouldn't be easy since if your soldiers get hurt you can't simply take the subsequent missions as they come - so there would still be missions you'd need to skip, or risk doing with a weaker squad. More realistic imho.
  8. I've always just used a memhack tool like ArtMoney, same here. Integer. Ditto for Elerium and Alloys. Harder to find values for other stuff like the number of, say, Floater corpses, but that's just because the game doesn't show you the number. Meh. Edit: Thanks for the link Drakous79.
  9. Have some internet cookies. I too bemoaned the lack of a noncommittal path through the game, there are just way too many things you get shanghaied into. "No, I don't want to be a thane - but if you insist on thanking me for killing that dragon then that will be 5,000 gold please."
  10. I remember someone else had this issue, turns out he was using a dual wield block mod or something, removing that fixed it.
  11. Eh, let the masses have their high def but tiny maps. Surely I'm not the only one who'd take a larger map and improved NPC AI over graphics in a singleplayer game. Low poly, render fog, pop in, transition screens... bah, nothing can be as bad as the BBS games and roguelikes we played back in the day. It's criminal how little else other than the UI has really improved. brain_exploded.gif Well damn, there go my plans for 2013...
  12. I think many of us would be happy if it were scaled up even just a teeny bit, like say twice the current size along either axis. The current scale isn't bad, but many places seem as if they're within yelling distance of another location - which makes creating, say, roving town border patrols unfeasible because they'd sight others way too often. With a larger area animals would have more 'breathing space' too - struck me as odd that people-shy creatures were as close to encampments as they are. Didn't have the fortune to play either Arena or Daggerfall :(
  13. None. Didn't play vanilla Skyrim long enough to lose my horse but enough to observe how it would get into fights etc. A ride replacement mod was my no.#1 priority, didn't take long to settle on "Conjure Rideable Ethereal Horse Spell" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9534 ).
  14. I haven't checked it out personally, but I recall reading about the Tundra Defense mod ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22330 ) having some kind of planting thing going on with the farms. You could try asking the author about it.
  15. Took a while to dig through my browser history, but this should be it: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/167695-console-command-to-make-a-bed-pc-owned/ I know that link's for a different game but iirc the engine is similar. Cross-refer with the Skyrim console commands here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Console , look a little past halfway down the page for "setownership" - it specifically says it can be used to fix beds.
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