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Posts posted by Trucidation

  1. I don't care for the glamour faces either, if I want that I just go play Studio Illusion games.


    Immersive / tactical / difficult combat - better AI combat, AI working together, AI using potions/spells. I used Duel Combat Realism previously and liked the blocking/stamina effects etc, combined with some elements of PISE (?) for the NPC AI.

    ASIS replaced PISE (same author), for the other stuff have a look at ACE ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10037 )


    Better look and feel to NPCS - cloaks, armour, variety.


    - "Immersive Armor" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19733 ) - the weapons optional addon is bugged, stay tuned on the comment thread


    - "ARMONIZER Armors Pack" by Ketaroz ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27028/ )


    - "WEAPONIZER Weapons Set" by Ketaroz ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24015 )


    - "Cloaks of Skyrim" by Noodles ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12092 )


    I try to avoid single-set mods, we really need some kind of Automatic Variants process for equipment too.


    A better economy - more difficult to get gold, more incentive to rob and cheat, harder to get good armour/weapons


    Harder travelling / harder map reading - no compass hints, no fast travel, need for a horse etc


    More going on in the world - I quite liked Warzones Civil Unrest, although sometimes it could seem a little like SKyrim was full of Flashmobs


    More realistic movement speeds, first person perspective etc

    My playstyle is different so I don't have much for you here.


    Been shopping around for more conflict as well, but so far Warzones still does it best. The alternatives all seem to have deficiencies - Occupy Skyrim spawns way too many mobs, even worse than Warzones (author has said he's working on a toned down version so keep an eye out); Immersive Patrols is closest but it has the deal-breaking bug where factions you're friendly with STILL attack you anyway.


    - "Skyrim Immersive Creatures" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24913 )

    I wanted to try SkyMoMod (Monster mod), but it's been wonky as of late and I got tired of waiting for the Lore Friendly Replacer mod to keep up with it. Immersive Creatures is a good replacement.


    - "Camping lite" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11526 )

    Always thought it weird that the player didn't know how to take a break and set up camp for the night. This is the least intrusive of the various camping mods.


    - "Conjure Rideable Ethereal Horse Spell" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9534 )

    Got tired of losing horses to dragons, random bandits, etc. This may be a bit too convenient for your tastes though.


    - "Choice is Yours" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26359 )

    Stops the automatic forcing of quest acceptance on various quests until you explicitly agree to take them on.


    - "Automatic Variants" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21377 )

    Cosmetic. Instead of fighting off 3 wolves that look like clones of each other, they all look different now. Ditto many monsters.


    - "Mighty Magick Skyrim" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13166 )

    Balances and tweaks to vanilla spells. Originally I wanted to choose between Better Magic or Improved Magic, but they both have issues.

  2. Torture isn't just about cutting people up; you can do more to a girl than just stab her. It's ironic how games can blithely show decapitation kill moves, complete with blood splatter, but can't even go anywhere near genitals, let alone show them in action. Throw in some parental controls to toggle this stuff off, to appease the prudes.
  3. My dream mod isn't so much just a mod as more like an overhaul of the NPC scripting system.


    - Where are the huge army battles? If Dynasty Warriors could half-ass this years ago, by now other games should be able to do it as well, and in a better way.


    - NPC dies, quest gets screwed up forever. What the hell. If Guild Wars 2 could have NPCs merely fall unconscious and be able to be revived, even by other friendly nearby NPCs, this would no longer be a problem. "b-b-but murder crime!" well yeah, if the damn PLAYER actually killed the NPC, not because they died due to some weird stupidity like the pathfinding algorithm making them walk off a cliff.


    - Crappy linear dialog. FFS, this is 2012. If Dragon Age could pull off multi-path branching quests with appropriate dialog, there's no reason other games can't do it. NPCs that only recycle 5 lines of dialog are so freaking 8-bit, that era died with the NES. Why the hell do we still have one-dimensional NPCs who parrot the same tired lines of dialog repeatedly, especially when you've done something massive like save their town or win the war for them ("who are you?" "I'm the goddamn dragonborn, who just saved all your collective arses, how could you not know this, you're a goddamn soldier!").


    - Lame follower system. Because it's actually impossible to tell them what gear to wear, what combat tactics to use (cover me, guard this spot, protect that guy, stay in formation, attack at will, etc), stuff that would actually make sense for a squad leader to tell his followers.



    Got plenty of beef with other areas, rest assured, this is just one of my favourite complaints.

  4. This is a great thing, if only because updating NPC dialog to reflect quests done is way harder, since you'll have to edit thousands of conversations.


    On the other hand, a newspaper is just one thing, updating it should be relatively trivial by comparison and it would a boon to immersion as the other posters have pointed out. Would love to see this mod, good luck!

  5. What exactly are you looking for mod-wise? And the reason there are so many perverted mods is because of the high amount of young teenage gamers (mostly male) going through puberty... :P

    I doubt there are many "perverted" mods, all I see is a bunch of body replacers (that happen to be nude, but you play with armor on), several admittedly skimpy armor sets, a couple of succubi type summons or new races, but that's about it. There's 1 prostitution mod, and I think maybe 1-2 adult themed animations. But "many" "perverted" mods? Doesn't seem like it at all. There's no sheep rooting that I could find, nor any kiddy fiddling (although there's a mod to make children killable, ironically).


    Check out the new houses, there are some nice ones.


    Bunch of pretty good ENBs too if you're into that kind of tweaking.


    Crapload of armor and weaponry, literally hundreds of mods. Kinda wish we had an Automatic Variants that worked for gear.


    Quite a few good spell packs too, including several that bring badly-needed variety to summoning.


    Plenty of realism-themed stuff, like hypothermia, camping, all the good outdoorsy stuff. Makes travelling Skyrim an interesting experience rather than just rush from point A to point B.


    Why not just browse the Nexus by category? At the Files dropdown, select the first option ("Category"), then pick one. Use sort by Download, descending order, which gives you the list of mods sorted by popular download count. That pretty much hands you the popular mods on a platter.

  6. I could have sworn I read a mod that did this, unfortunately I didn't bookmark it (probably didn't like what else it did so I moved on). Likely one of the various follower mods. Sorry couldn't help, good luck with the script.
  7. Welp, time to round up the usual suspects. If you run SkyrimLauncher.exe, is the "Data Files" option available or greyed out?


    If it's greyed out here's the fix:

    - goto \Documents\My Games\Skyrim\ and open "SkyrimPrefs.ini" in notepad

    - find the [Launcher] section, and add this line: "bEnableFileSelection=1" (no quotes)

  8. Make it a castable spell then. When you cast it, you'll see the light barrier if you're close enough, and you get the "Leaving X, entering Y" text.


    After all we already have a "Detect Life" spell, we could name this something like "Detect Borders" or something.

  9. I didn't watch the install video suggested by the other guy, but I'm pretty sure it should have shown you that you need to EXTRACT the files from the rar you downloaded from the SKSE site, and PASTE them into your Skyrim game folder.


    NOT install it with NMM. SKSE IS NOT A MOD. It is a utility, like NMM itself. You put the SKSE files into the Skyrim folder, that's it, no installation, nothing.

  10. There is still a lot of work to do for this "open world" or better yet "open decision game" most fans of these types of games are craving for.


    You are making a very good general point, why is somebody immediately my enemy? we certainly understand why the undead attack us (they generally dont like the living desecrating their places of rest) and also why the machinations of dwemer attack (security protocols) but what about bandits or mages?


    especially in your case, it should be possible to talk with the caller sooner (by asking one of her "subordinates" for a "audience") and try to negotiate for the books without unnecessary bloodshed. After killing everybody and then saying "ups sorry my bad" is pretty weak.


    We are on the road though and I hope that we havent seen the best yet.



    We are missing huge opportunities for the Speech tree here. Why can't we parlay with random bandits/mages/whoever, right? With a high enough skill you might even be able to negotiate to trade with them. I'm sure those lonely isolated groups wouldn't mind swapping some extra furs or whatever for coin with a non-hostile passer-by (i.e. the player, provided you attempt to talk to them).


    Heck, we should have a whole journal tab dedicated to "gossip", which you could also "trade". This would make the random dialog you hear from NPCs actually have some use. Like say you could wander around Whiterun and hear some interesting things, and then later on approach some bandits and then trade them for this info. I'm sure SOME of them would be interested in the goings-on in the world, after all it's just prudent. Simply killing anyone approaching on sight is pretty stupid, it makes more sense that they would give you a chance to say what you want if you don't simply approach them with sword in hand.


    Man, think of the THINGS we could do with the currently not very useful speechcraft tree...

  11. That would actually be a good idea. Personally, while I kinda feel sorry for the orphans, I don't want them underfoot in my houses, seeing stuff that might traumatize them and interrupting sexy times with your followers. Plus I might get the urge to have them working, which might get me in trouble with the anti-slavery people.


    Being able to build an orphanage would be a great idea. You could do stuff like construct a classroom and hire a teacher for them, build a playground they can use (swings, see-saw, riding horse), etc. That would be awesome, you'd be the kind patron who saved them from the gutter and gave them new lives... instead of the creepy uncle who "rescued" them only to confine them in a house somewhere.

  12. Skyre might work...Skyrim Redone...altough if you wish to unninstall that one...you are in trouble.

    That's my beef with SkyRe... it changes so many things - not all I agree with - and judging from the sheer number of complaints I've come across in various mods, is pretty well known to cause incompatibility issues.

  13. Anyone know of any good "perk"mod...that changes the default perk trees to others more interesting.Also...a good performence wise ENB would be nice and maybe an archery overhaul if there is any out there.

    I use ACE because I didn't feel like trying to get multiple perk-changing mods to work. It feels mostly like a balance mod though, if you're looking for radical changes you may prefer something else. It's got archery improvements too.

    - "Athyra's Comprehensive Enhancements" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10037 )


    If someone wants to recommend other perk mods I'd like to know too.

  14. Actually I ran into this too, albeit only for dragon-type armor. I remember staring at the smithing screen incredulously at the zeroes. Unfortunately I don't have that setup around anymore so I can't tell whether actually smithing the armor and seeing whether the pieces actually had non-zero ratings. The only mods that could possibly have affected armor/smithing I had were ACE and Immersive Armors.
  15. How about giving them different scripts when they're in a home? For example, the first lucky two get to sleep in beds and everything. The rest can stand around pretending to be weapon racks or coat hangers. I imagine they'd be a bit too short to pose as armor mannequins though.
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