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  1. I have played both Oblivion and Skyrim since they first were released. I enjoy both still. I generally play Skyrim several hours every day but Oblivion less frequently though I still enjoy it. I very much like the mages guild and the fighters guild in Oblivion and I think both were better than their counterparts in Skyrim. I especially like the fact that in Oblivion every major city had both a mages guild and a fighters guild, better than in Skyrim. Thieves guild is better in Skyrim but the Dark Brotherhood is a toss-up. Pretty good in both. Any thoughts?
  2. Mod archery shop with all the arrows in the game appears to be installed properly and load order checked but vendors not appearing anywhere i have checked including in the drunk huntsman and in the sleeping giant inn. Any ideas? Nevermind. Just my own stupidity. Now works fine.
  3. Just went through process of uninstalling skyrim se due to a problem with crash to desktop as soon as I exit Braidwood Inn(using alternate start mod). Now after reinstalling and installing skse(1.6.640) and many but not all my mods. I still have this exact same problem. Don't know if it has to do with the skse version of the latest skyrim se update. Any suggestions? All of the mods I have installed worked fine before the latest skyrim se update.
  4. Skse updated again. However I am getting quite a lot of ctds. Currently unplayable with skse. Using alternate start and as soon as I leave the inn I get a crash to desktop. I don't know whether the problem is with my mods or skse(I do have the latest version ). It works fine if I start without skse but I haven't played very long since the update.
  5. Incidentally I don't see an option to disable updates in steam.
  6. everything was working fine just a couple of hours ago, but now I get the error that I am using a newer version of skyrim. I check and see that the version of skyrim has been updated again to 1.6.640 and I can no longer start skyrim se. Very annoying.
  7. Followed normal process to access college, no problem with faralda, took her test and she granted access. All of the other trainers at the college provide training as usual. I do have anniversary edition, but this occurred prior to that as well. The only thing I haven't done is completely uninstall and reinstall skyrim.
  8. I have not started the containment quest, I have just finished the first lessons quest. Also, I once was able to train with faralda, but now for multiple playthroughs I have not been able to train at all. The only magic related mod I have installed is apocalypse magic.
  9. I am a member of the College of winterhold, but Faralda won't train me. I have the training option when I talk to her, but when i select it she says nothing and the training dialog never comes up. She will sell to me, but no training.
  10. Finished the eye of nocturnal quest, Nocturnal gave me the skeleton key and the Bow of Shadows. I have done this quest many times, but never have I gotten the Bow of Shadows from Nocturnal. Any idea where this might be coming from? I do have some mods installed, but nothing that should cause this.
  11. Disabled F-secure DeepGuard and now works fine.
  12. Not now getting the you have newer version with skse, but now won't launch and gives application load error. This after updating skse to 1.6.323
  13. For now, I am just playing Oblivion, which I still enjoy.
  14. I assume this is due to skyrim anniversary edition being updated yet again. I don't blame the skse developers, more of a bethesda issue. Very frustrating that I cannot launch Skyrim, Any suggestions? See capture.
  15. I am now able to run skyrim se and some of my mods are working. SkyUI is not working, which is a pain. I did install the preliminary silverlock skse version for ae, but when I try to launch using the skse loader, I get the same message about my version is newer than skse supports. So it won't launch. When I do start skyrim, I get the message that skse is not running. Installed the latest version of skse preliminary from silverlock and everything is working. All my mods so far are ok, though I don't have too many installed(about 16). My previous attempt failed I think because it installed it incorrectly. Found a new youtube video on how to install it and their directions were clear and made the process simple.
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