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Every time I try to preview or just post the topic I get "Cloud flare is checking if this connection is secure" page and then thrown back out into the main Forum and my OP completely wiped.
I know this is off topic but baddasery reminded me off the blasto 6 add on ME3, ("baddasfully, blasto what are you doing with my car?"). But yeah on topic, I 100% agreee, though maybe it should be a little more... vauge? I mean like instead of just vamps and wears it could be like a catagory like "supernatural" For all things that go bump in the night (and of course those that bump back) like vamps, wears, ghosts, deamons (non deadric i mean), etc.
What happend to make gothic die? I never played gothic (though gothic 5 looks good).
I like the Idea of an elder scrolls MMO, the only I don't is that you won't be able to go first person (from what I've seen) which will be a big negative as for me it was one of the staples of the series (that being a rpg from a FP perspective) unless they make it so you can. other wise the only way they will win me over is with overwhelmingly good story, locations, gameplay mechanics and most importantly the ability to say "screw you" to the main story and do your own thing (the other main thing that is a staple of TES), aka going exploring caves, mines, forts etc without it needing a quest to make you go there.
Actully I have two hopes, 1) it's set on ALL of tameriel (they have the maps done for large sections already, just need to convert the data over), either that or in the desert 2) They introduce a MP component that you can slip in and out of seamlessly, turn it on and you can see any other people on MP, turn it off and they all vanish, either that or they have a seprate MP questline, one where you arn't some special person, just some run of the mill person, most of the quests are random (but lengthy) so it doens't feel scripted.
You all seem to be running under the assumption that I don't know about things like resource managament, becuase I thought it went without saying, if I understand the basics of how exceptions work, then as part of that infomation I would know what kind of issues come with It; catching exceptions are an expensive thing to use, but that's why you only use them in places you can predict with reasonable certainty that comething could go wrong; thats why you don't NEED somthing to run consantly in the backhround checking for issues, but you don't seam to care about.. no wait don't know about it. It would seem that I made an error and thought better of most of the people who have replied then I should have. I'm sorry for not realising that you don't understand things like logical assumptions, "If, there for it is", my bad, I apolagise. I think I'm done here, If you all want to have a harder, more dificult time with things then fair enough, I was only asking if people wanted to make life easier for themselves, but it would seem you want things pointlessly arduous, almost as though like having it that with the way you are arguing ,fair enough. To the people who replied polietly and also to those that helped me personally, thank you; to those of you who were outright hostile and rude ,learn to be a little more polite and lastly to those who were uncompramising it would seam as though my efforts to change your thinking was unavailing, whether if that was becuase you honestly thought that this was a bad idea or were mearly being sturbbern enjoy having to spend hours trying to find the culprate as to why your game is CTD'ing without any idea as to the cause, I know I won't.
explain to me how try { } catch { } finnaly { } Is hard? Whilst it is hard to predict where a crash may happen, there are certain places where it will depending on circumstances, eg: lighting, files not loading properly, competing data from two or more sources, etc. Therefore it's mearly timeconsuming. @stemin Either way, I'm not going to argue about this any more, it's tiresome trying to convince you that life would be made easier by this and for the record, your the one with the bad attitude, your the one who started being hostile and now your just being rude so I'm not going to acknowlage your posts from this point on. p.s. it's a fact not an opinion when it's a fact that one program crashes for the same things that the other program doesn't; thinking back I think he's right as the only time Oblivion crashed for me was when I was trying ENB (which my comp didn't like for oblivion), other then that oblivion ran 100% (well it lagged like hell but it worked).
@xlcr: Thanks for you help, the game is now playable, it still crashes (not CTD, just starts not responding) but it works mostly. Still, this Just proves my point, unless you know things like "Certain quests should be finished before use of certain mods" then your just going to go around in circles. Again, xlcr, thanks I give kudos to you.
Yet again your miss-understanding me, I'm starting to wonder if your doing it on purpose? I never not once said that bethesda was responsible for me crashing, What i was was that beth's software doesnt make it easy to determin what the problem was, and me wanting a crash report of some sort was to make it so you don't have to slog though for hours trying to find the problem (like what your suggesting) Also for the record, I do know about programming and software principles, I'm not an aficionado programmer but I know enoough to know that the cuase of a crash Is most Often user related, but it still doesn't change the fact that without some sort of error report, you often have very little idea what causes hence the need to spend hours trying to find it, I think you need to go back to school and learn to read becuase obviously (as shown) you arn't getting my point. I've never heard of game booster, I will look into it. Want to work out the problem from my load order? ok: yes, I'm aware of the "update.ESM" but I installed 1.6 patch and update.esm is being reported as not there by Wyre bash, but both BOSS and NMM say it is and the BSA is there in the folder, also I've used boss to set the load order and Wyrebash isn't reporting any mod conflict errors. So , what do you think the problem is? Oh and it crashes in the same place, near where you encounter the pack of wolves when you travel with the person you escape from helgan, disable better villages and you can go further but instead it crashes when you physically reach near the smiths house. And lastly, how would having an error reporting system within skyrim give steam more power and make it harder to make mods? All i'm asking is that when you get a CTD that skyrim or windows throws an error report, it's not that hard, exeception catching is an easy (if slightly processor intensive) to put in, it's just time consuming. EDIT: Just used Game booster, whilst it didn't stop the crashing, It did reduce my stuttering by about half, thanks for that. EDIT: And this is what it says is what game booster reported : which doesn't help much as it's a mod that's causing the crash.
Your miss understanding me, Most crashe's I've encountered have been the result of a problem with a mod, not my hardware/software. If that wern't true then Skyrim would crash when I turn every mod off, but it doesn't, Skyrim can crash for many differant reasons and yes conflicts from two mods trying to do somthing can cause a crash and that's what I'm talking about; and you're right, I did add biased questions, but only to get my point across, when skyrim crashes, You have to guess what It could be with a VERY time consuming process of putting one mod on,running skyrim and then seeing if it works or not, either that OR you do know what the problem is. So far All of my crashes have been becuase of a mod, Which one(s) I don't know So I have to guess and try and work out which one it is, somthing that can take hours. Honestly, If I didn't know better I'd say It's like you don't want an easier time of things and would rather find reasons to leave it as it is. EDIT: And yes, you can use Wyrebash to prevent mod conflicts, but not in all cases., If this were the case then I should not be having problems (wyre bash reads all green) yet my game crashes, I have an idea but nothing exact, this would be easier if skyrim told me what made it crash, as it is, I now have to slog though mod by mod, untill the game works. Now you can't tell me that It would not be better to have skyrim tell you somthing about the crash then just nothing.
Honestly, can some one explain to me why the coders at beth felt the need to make it so that skyrim just CTDs without a meaningfull message so you as the user can actually determin what the problem is? When skyrim first came out you had that sound problem, but does skyrim tell you? no it just CTD's. Oh look a mod has not loaded properly, but don't expect skyrim to tell you that. AH, a conflicting refrence from two mods, but again don't expect skyrim to tell you that. It would be immeasurably easier if skyrim actually told us WHY it crashed instead of just CTD and that's it. Other games don't all give messages either but there problems are often far more specific as to why becuase they arn't as MODABLE and there problems are more often, driver issues or missing DLLS or corrupt files. If I were to start a pettition to make it so beth has to put error reporting into there software so we as users can have an easier time working out why it crashed, would you sign it? p.s. I know it's not an easy thing to code for (sooo many variations) but if they can make the engine that runs skyrim then this is by far a minor thing by comparison, it's not a large thing, but it's a very welcome thing (at least I think so).
Might as well delete/lock topic, I fixed this problem myself, thanks for the help, much appreciated.