I don't mean to spam but I posted this earlier in mod troubleshooting, and nobody replied. I'd really like to know what's going wrong so i can fix it, so here's what I said: Hi, I'm new to the Creation Kit so I'm still a bit fuzzy on what to do. I recently made a test NPC for Breezhome, which for the most part is pretty straight forward on how to do. One thing I can't do is get my NPC's health to be reasonable, no matter what I change his level and health stats to he always dies in two hits, unless I make him invulnerable, in which case he doesn't lose any health and will never fall down. I messed with almost everything, I've even given him the stats of another NPC, and he still died in two hits. I've tried making him essential so he'll fall down but won't die, but even when I check the essential box, he still dies. I know to save after every change I make and I know to make it active and hit OK and all of that, so I know everything's saving correctly. This may be a small thing that I'm not doing and it could just be some idiotic mistake I'm making (I wasted three hours not realizing you could scroll through the race menu) but I have been following the tutorials and there's nothing about this problem. According to the tutorial I'm doing everything right, which is why this is so frustrating for me. If seeing my mod will help determine the problem here's the link: http://skyrim.nexusm...le.php?id=9074. Thanks!