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Posts posted by Phylistine

  1. Hi-


    Just purchased a large SSD to replace my HDD which has always had a screeching disk noise. Since I do some music recording, the HDD will not be remaining in the system (need it quiet). I'm looking for a way to migrate all downloaded mods and the vortex install itself to the new drive (preferably without having to re-download mods). Can anyone advise on the steps to do this? Current thought is migrating the mods folder then uninstalling Vortex, and then reinstalling Vortex into the new location and pointing to the migrated mods path? Not quite sure how to do so cleanly though or if there's a better option. Thanks.


    edit- also need the mods to register properly to check for updates and the like, as if they'd been downloaded normally.

  2. I'm sure this is a wild unreachable idea... but has anyone tried to actually replace the hairworks files with tressfx files?

    I've noticed tressfx taking a much smaller impact on my frame rates (980ti) than hairworks, possibly due to the tessellation- though it may just be an engine thing.

    Just thought I'd throw out the idea if anyone was willing to even look at it since the tressfx files are open source.

    also; please don't turn this into an AMD vs Nvidia post.

  3. As we all know, STLM 3.1.1 looks phenomenal. As we also all know, it causes using a torch to make Geralt's face shine like the sun because of the bloom.

    If anyone knows how, it would be great to get a quick mod to disable bloom only for Geralt's torch, or match it to that of the torches used by guards, but keep it for the rest of the game.

    Just a thought.

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