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About str03mm3n

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  1. I have this issue where it seems that some weapons are dealing a lot of damage, even with the damage multiplyer set to 1x(vanilla values), where some weapons have the base values of 10, while the BAR, FAL and both chinese and US assult rifles have the base value of 40 or so, giving them 150-200 damage. Multiplied by 3-4. Also using WMK and the RH_IronSight. This is breaking the experience of the game. Anyone out there with a fix for this. I guess it's I that have messed it up:P Thanks in advance.
  2. Well, this was the little trublemaker.. FalloutNVCheatTerminal.esp Active And as soon as I started using mod tools everything sorted itself out like a charm. I got to stop being lazy..
  3. I have some basic mods that works just fine, new textures and weapons, such easy stuff. However, wanted a new experience. I wanted to try some of those bigger mods like Weapon Retexture Project, A World Of Pain, EVE, Outside Bets and Project Nevada. Now the game crash on startup, because, some place, sometime, I messed up bad. And I have no real clue what.. So; 5USD to the one that straighten up this mess:P Could need a step by step instrucs probably so that I dont overwrite at wrongs patterns and so on.. 0 of 45 plugins hidden. 0 of 36 messages hidden. −Summary Your masterlist is already at the latest revision (r4569; Jun 9, 2012). No update necessary. Recognised plugins: 39 Warning messages: 0 Unrecognised plugins: 6 Error messages: 0 Ghosted plugins: 0 Total number of messages: 36 Total number of plugins: 45 Plugins sorted by user rules are counted as recognised plugins. −Script Extender And Script Extender Plugins NVSE Version: −Recognised And Re-ordered Plugins FalloutNV.esm Active DeadMoney.esm Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Deflst}} HonestHearts.esm Active OldWorldBlues.esm Active LonesomeRoad.esm Active GunRunnersArsenal.esm Active CaravanPack.esm Active AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Invent, Deflst}} Project Nevada - Core.esm Active Requires: New Vegas Script Extender Project Nevada - Equipment.esm Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Invent}} Requires: New Vegas Script Extender and Project Nevada - Core.esm Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp Active Requires: Project Nevada - Core.esm Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp Active Requires: Project Nevada - Core.esm Project Nevada - Dead Money (Rebalance).esp Active Requires: DeadMoney.esm, Project Nevada - Core.esm, Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp Active Requires: HonestHearts.esm and Project Nevada - Core.esm Incompatible with: Project Nevada - Dead Money + Honest Heart Patch.esp and Project Nevada - Dead Money SF + Honest Hearts Patch.esp Project Nevada - Old World Blues.esp Active Requires: OldWorldBlues.esm and Project Nevada - Core.esm Note: Choose only one of Project Nevada - Old World Blues.esp and Project Nevada - Old World Blues (No Cyberware).esp, not both Project Nevada - Lonesome Road.esp Active Requires: LonesomeRoad.esm and Project Nevada - Core.esm Project Nevada - Gun Runners' Arsenal (Rebalance).esp Active Requires: GunRunnersArsenal.esm, Project Nevada - Core.esm FalloutNVCheatTerminal.esp Active BoilingOil - Eli's Edge.esp Active christinecos.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Graphics}} Erebus.esp Active mac10.esp Active Shotgun Commando.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Stats}} Desert Recon Kit.esp Active HDTshop.esp Active NCR Rearmament v1.5.esp Active Incompatible with: NCR Rearmament v1.5 (Lore).esp AWOPDeadMoney.esp Active Requires: DeadMoney.esm Faster Terminals.esp Active WeaponModsExpanded.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Invent, Delev, WeaponMods}} Incompatible with: RH_IRONSIGHTS_NV.esm, Weapon Mod Expansion.esm, AND Weapon Mod Expansion.esp WMX-ShotgunCommando.esp Active Requires: WeaponModsExpanded.esp and Shotgun Commando.esp Incompatible with: WMX-Arwen_NV_Realism.esp WMX-DeadMoney.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Invent}} Requires: DeadMoney.esm, WeaponModsExpanded.esp WMX-HonestHearts.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Invent}} Requires: HonestHearts.esm, WeaponModsExpanded.esp WMX-OldWorldBlues.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Invent}} Requires: OldWorldBlues.esm, WeaponModsExpanded.esp WMX-LonesomeRoad.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Invent}} Requires: LonesomeRoad.esm, WeaponModsExpanded.esp WMX-GunRunnersArsenal.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Invent}} Requires: GunRunnersArsenal.esm and WeaponModsExpanded.esp WMX-ArenovalisTextures.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Graphics, NoMerge}} Requires: WeaponModsExpanded.esp and Selected Arenovalis' / Milennia's Weapon Re-textures. Refer to the readme for details. WMX-PreOrderPackCaravan.esp Active Requires: CaravanPack.esm and WeaponModsExpanded.esp EVE FNV.esp Active WMX-EVE.esp Active Requires: WeaponModsExpanded.esp, EVE FNV.esp −Unrecognised Plugins Reorder these by hand using your favourite mod ordering utility. Accurate This Machine.esp Active mossberg500.esp Active WMEVE - FOOK.esp Active AWOP DLC + GRA Conflict Error Fixes.esp Active outsidebets.esp Active EVE FNV-[GRA Patch for EVE 1.3].esp Active
  4. It's the greatest gun ever made. Way better than the HK416 the Norwgian Army use these days. Norwgian handcanon, that's what it is.
  5. Oh.. I really enjoyed This Machine. It jusst annoys me the lack of a bolt:P
  6. So, in Norway we had this rifle that I would love to get made. The AG-3 is basicly the HK G3 and quite similar to the FN FAL. The F2 version is kinda complicated, so I will show it to you with pictures. Then it is hard to find a good picture of the F2, so here is the really basic animation version. http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q19/kpeders_photo/WIP/AG-3F2Riflemanofficer.jpg The picture is from Project Reality i belive. Under you'll find a couple of links, those will take you to a series of pictures of the AG-3, AG-3F1 and AG-3F2 that will give great details Great detailed pictures of both AG-3 and the F1 version. English text Great information and pictures of the F2 version. Norwegian text
  7. Not to nag, but is there a way to get the bolt to work with this machine?
  8. Would be nice. Only need the bolt though. Is the loading animation working?
  9. Or why not the M1914? Basicly the 1911 just with some minior customs. The one true military handgun Norway ever had. Damn those 9mm..
  10. I've never used the M1, but that I am actually able to see the chamber and that there's no bolt annoys me... As Alice Cooper said: I'ts the little things..
  11. Ok, first of all, my english is rusty at its best, so I hope you all keep track. Ok, so This Machine is my weapon of choice, unfortantly it contains a most annoying issue. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/images/35213-2-1288248076.jpg As you may see, you may also see the chamber and that's it. http://www.nonstopweapons.com/m1-garand.jpg Here you may see the differences. There should have been this ironplate that you push above the magazine-well and chamber. If someona may make such a thing, I would be most greatfull.
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