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Posts posted by BeamingBrain

  1. With mods to keep enemies going toe to toe with you you can play and get up to some very high levels with mods and the enemies will do the same.

    Just when you do all the points you need to assign have nowhere to be dumped into. I think therefore there should be actual endless leveling version of a perk tree. Like lets say you want to grow 50 levels into ranger nothing is stopping you. Not sure what sorta balance would work but knowing how modders make stuff thered be different types of scaling. Just when we level up when we are already super late into the game it seems useless, and it is. That's not the only solution for it.


    We could have a menu pop up when you press T in the perk menu or such which lets you convert levels into stat ups. Or even levels into a different set of perks, like in the pipboy instead of pressing T for the perk chart to come out, theres multiple perk charts or something and you can get stacking perks, idk.


    Basically with mods making survival mode more difficult, then enemies level scaling and stuff I do need to actually get more use out of my levels if I decide to try modded survival as a permanent file where I go to play every now and then. Plus with faster leveling mods because, I'm having the enemies 30 levels above me with level scaling and extra spawns and 10x the damage and stuff I think its ok to level up fast lol. And if not I at least need a console command bypass for survival.


    And idk how much others would like this idea or not, but I think having a permanent file alone and keeping it fresh longer is significant, like we can always start a new game but if we wanna just grind out some in our old file that'd be fun too.

  2. A Katana with unique animations and can decapitate or remove limb of opponents on death depending on where they are struck(more consistently) and with combo attacks each using some stamina which you can continue like in a hack n slash game. It'd be neat if they could slice enemies in half or diagonally etc but I know thatd require a heck of a lot of work so I dont expect it.


    Chameleon armor/effect from stealth boys has you semi-transparent (significantly) with your color changing continuously like Chameleon from Mortal Kombat Trilogy(psx) except more fluidly hopefully.


    For eventual anthro mlp mods please make it an undershirt/underarmor with unique perks, so we can change which pony we are on the fly instead of having to change our race mid-game through mods.


    For the eventual drug visuals mods, I want stuff to be trippy and colorful, for minutes at a time. Where all colors get more vivid, not blurry stuff. Im for entertainment more than immersion I guess and any would be cool, I just like the stuff that can cause seizures(epilepsy).


    Make a drug Equip mod, so you can use it in combination with the drug visual mods which will come out, instead of having to retake drugs constantly, besides a whole box of mentats or whole jar of buffout would be overdosing. Perhaps give them a time limit like a fusion core and we can adjust how long we want the countdown.


    Make lasers and flame rainbow colored, and explosions rainbow colored and glittery instead of dusty. Thatd be difficult to do I'm sure, but itd fill my brain with such dopamine.


    Excessive blood as an add-on to the blood retexture mod. I wanna see blood gushing out of enemies when they are decaptitated sometimes in unrealistic amounts.


    Able to add to clothing and armor and weapons blood stains which gives a perk easier to intimidate enemies, and costs a blood pack in modding or a bloodpack with adhesive/paint. I wanna see some dark stuff, it gets the blood pumping. Perhaps a more immersive or realistic cannibal animation for when immersive first person comes out.

  3. Of all the realism or difficulty increasing mods you might think this one would have been made.


    I like messing around with mods to be powerful and fight hoards of enemies, and move much faster than normal and thought that the jumps between super fast and pausing time were too jerky. And its another type of rush I can get while playing, if I have to use the items in real time for healing repairing etc. It'd require a quick organized mind.




    But for the immersion aspect its just plain obvious. Why can we repair our gun five times with time paused and change all our gear and heal, while a handful of enemies are around the corner or on top of us? It just doesn't make sense.


    I think this mod would be swell. Not sure what sorta modders would want to give this a try skill wise, but I am sure it'd be harder to implement your pipboy hand flinching from impacts while using items. It'd actually make gunfights exciting and cautious instead of casual, but I'm totally biased. I think a simpler version would suffice but I welcome more complex mod versions of this idea as well.


    If it ever gets made Imma have a hell of a time trying to read the pipboy with the drug mods active while tripping on acid in-game with a dozen enemies shooting me lol.

  4. An error occurred while parsing the masterlist: yaml-cpp: error at line 283, column 7: bad conversion: set elements must be unique. This probably happened because an update to LOOT changed its metadata syntax support. Try updating your masterlist to resolve the error.






    Except this just happened when I reinstalled LOOT as I uninstalled and reinstalled the game and some of the mod support programs as the game stopped working even when I turned mods off. On NMM I unchecked all mods and ran it from there and it still doesn't run, the game just tries running. Which is why I reinstalled the game, which somehow didn't help.


    Also it says the DLC is dirty and should be cleaned, I checked to see if it'd run with the dlc also unchecked but nope. Imma try the other mod programs too.


    NVM just forgot to run through nvse

  5. Ok I figured it out, bashed patch was in the wrong load order, But I had to edit it with loot first, then load wrye, then etc etc, basically i just had to reread the beginner's guide and try all variations of what it could have meant.

  6. SkyUI doesnt work

    mlp beds breaks (doesnt load/crash on load) game

    animated prostitution mod isnt working, I have no item and no way to craft item, unless I need more resources but I just got skyrim so idk, it says I should receive the item either way.

    got feminized khajit and argonians fine

    perk mods arent working

    feminized npcs mod isnt working (makes a lot of npcs female) it doesnt load the game

    Rain mod is working.


    I am using nexus mod manager, loot tho idk what its purpose is tbh, wrye bash/smash and tes5edit (im rather new to this, modded a little on fallout new vegas before)

    tes5edit takes ages loading extended color palletes to the point of not being worth it so uninstalled that mod.


    Idk how to rearrange the mod load order to see if that helps, but these mods there are no signs some of them even installed, I did delete skyrim and reinstall once to find out which mods prevented me from loading such as the mlp bedrolls, but had to go and reinstall them all anyways, and I tried reinstalling SkyUI and it didnt help, I dont remember if I tried to redownload it or not. Im going to try that next, since I did delete skyrim maybe some installation files are missing though I kinda doubt it.


    I just got skyrim recently so I don't really have any convenient ways to check all effected areas to see exactly if even more mods dont work.

    More gold mod doesn't work either, at least judging from the starting game.


    So far the category of gameplay effects and changes do not seem to be working, altered shields mod is working fine, new items mods are fine. Cannot find the cannabis place for the cannabis skyrim mod, its supposed to be near the whiterun stables and I walked around there and couldnt find it. I will double check as maybe I overlooked it. I may have to redownload then reinstall? I sorta doubt it but who knows.


    Other mods I have yet to find the locations for to see if they work.

    Immersive first person view works, but is a little weird when it comes to weapon wielding so Im not sure really. If its supposed to be how it was in new vegas, its not and when I changed camera pressing f it perma changed it to differ. I could see me blocking rather well before, and now I cannot see me blockign with this first person mod, so maybe its just the mod I should uninstall and its no actual problem.


    More music mod works.


    Still need to test more.


    wrye says "This is a report of records that were detected as either Identical To Master (ITM) or a deleted reference (UDR).


    Detected 1 dirty mods:


    • UDR: 3

    • Skyrim.esm: 02BD60 - REFR attached to Interior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 0414DD 'JaphetsFolly02')

    • Skyrim.esm: 081979 - REFR attached to Interior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 05B91B 'TwilightSepulcher01')

    • Skyrim.esm: 109CD2 - REFR attached to Interior CELL (Skyrim.esm: 02FD85 'ForsakenCave02')





    Can someone help me with this? how do I fix this?


    Another problem is tes5edit loads stuff in the wrong order?


    Selana and Valerica breaks game.


    WRYE is being bloody stupid, it wont save the order I list, and when I try to load the game or anything it resets to only loading skyrim and update!

  7. idk how to change the topic, but *NMM now not fomm, i fixed the beginne downloads stuff but its not showing two mods i tried downloading already. They wouldn't don't download through nmm so idk if thats the problem or what.

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