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Everything posted by t225hp

  1. Just want to input what fixed my ctd in the Bannered Mare problem. I had finished with the Greybeards but not gone back to Ivarstead to finish Klimmek's quest. It was at this point that Bannered Mare problems started for me. Once I went back to Ivarstead and finished Klimmek I could enter the Bannered Mare again. Then continue the "In time of Need" and " A Night to remember" quests. Don't know why it solved my ctd issues, just passing on what worked for me.
  2. I'll chime in as well that this happend to me with a Radeon 5800 series. The fog flickering and fire and hair flickering started for me as soon as the new driver was installed. I can live with it for now as it seems to be worst in Whiterun. Other areas it is almost unnoticeable. I wonder what the chances are that Radeon fixes this in an update though. Nice to know I can fix it by a driver rollback if it gets worse and I have to. Thanks for the info all.
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