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Everything posted by pickinthebanjo

  1. Looks like I could not find the time to get to it today, I will see if I can find some time tomorrow.
  2. The white is because it's texture path is broken (It's not really broken, it's just nifskope that is broken). Go to Render - Settings - Then add the folder that contains the textures (I just use New Vegas Data as the folder)
  3. Not sure if this helps but earlier today I was trying to get a stalker .dds face texture into the game and I noticed that there are some head meshes in the .bsa's so I wrapped it around it but since it was from a different game the UV map was incorrect. In any event I would also like to know how to get a new face texture into the game.
  4. The problem I have in doing it in blender is if I attach a mesh to another than I need to use one single texture since it is now one piece instead of two, I do not texture so this is unacceptable. Because of this I prefer to split a mesh into as many pieces as I possibly can so that texturing becomes quite simple. This is the reason the AN-94 in my stalker weapons pack has no silencer, I would have had to attach it in blender since the barrel pumps back and forth meaning if I had two separate pieces the silencer would just stay put as the barrel moves back and forth, I would have had to work the AN-94 texture into the silencer. This is why I would have to recommend just doing it in Nifskope.
  5. Yes, I can teach you some basic cut and paste modding if you'd like. Suffice it to say though those steps in the first section of that post I posted is how you would do that. The copying of branches is simple enough, the reason you copy the whole branch is so that it is still considered the same piece as you copied. (has the texture node and such rather than just the mesh node (NiTriStripData Node)) Paste it on the BSFadeNode from your weapon, then reposition. Repositioning is easy if you've done it before but if you have not than you probably do not know what vales to alter. Here is a tutorial - Turorial
  6. I will see what I can do, you pretty much just want the mask attached to the helmet right?
  7. Where did you get the silencer from, did you make it or copy and paste it? If you just copied it then this should be rather simple to sort out. - Right click on the silencer from whatever you want to grab it from and select copy branch. - Right click on the BSFadeNode in your weapon (Top of list) and select paste branch. - Rescale/Reposition as needed. If you made the mesh (I imagine it's either an .obj or .3ds file) - Open Nifskope and import your mesh. - Go to Spells - Stripify TriShapes. - Right click on the NITriStripData node and select copy. - Close Nifskope and load your weapon now. - Duplicate a static piece of your weapon (Barrel, or reciever) and select Duplicate branch. - With the Duplicated piece selected, scroll down the lower column on the bottom of the screen until you see the NITriStipData and right click on it and select paste. - Rescale/Reposition as needed. As you can see it's somewhat easier to just take an existing silencer and attach it rather than just making one but it is still fairly simple either way. For more on getting custom meshes into nifskope I do have a tutorial on that subject if you wanted it.
  8. Yes 3ds has nifscripts available to export .nifs. From what I can tell though they do not work on the 64bit versions (not for me anyway). @ TheLozza - How did you attach the mask, by exporting the helmet from nifskope, then attaching it in 3ds max? If so just select the mesh then export as either .3ds or as .obj, nifskope loads them both.
  9. Well you have the tree on the left collapsed so I cannot see any of your setup. From what I can see though, it looks like you have no BSFadeNode, so this will probably not work as a weapon ingame. Take a look at some of the weapons from new vegas and see how they have them setup, it should help you understand which nodes are required for certain purposes.
  10. Edit: Thanks looks like that did the trick. I suppose the last thing I would like to figure out is how I would add in a new face texture? I have the face texture files from stalker CoP and Clearsky all saved on my computer and I would like to add one of the faces in so I can use it as the face for the weapons dealer I am making.
  11. I managed to solve the problem of the new vendor just walking away as soon as I enter the shop. It was because he was set to sandbox in mick and ralphs cell, I switched it to the cell from the store I am making and now he says put like he should. I am still having difficulty making him sell anything.
  12. Post the files and I will take a look at them, but like I mentioned earlier, I don't really have much experience rigging clothing.
  13. Hello, I would like to add a vendor to one of the unused buildings in freeside that could sell the weapons from one of my mods. I spent the night creating the store and setting things up for the actual merchant but I have never made a merchant before so I am not sure as to what I should be doing. I opened up Mick from Mick and Ralphs and wrote in a new ID so I can use it as a base for the merchant. I changed his appearance and that, but I do not know how to make him actually sell anything. I linked a merchant container I made for him but there is still no buy/sell option when I talk with him. He also has this problem of just leaving the store and disappearing the moment I walk in. I am not sure if I am going at this all wrong but I would like some opinions on what I should do next.
  14. I do not make armor but with weapons I just use the gimp normal map filter, though I would like to learn more about baking high poly meshes to make normal maps
  15. Quetzlsacatanango is correct, the 1st person model in not required in any way. I imagine it was put in so that lower resolution textures could be used for NPC's and world models, reducing system demand. Probably why there are two sets of textures for Fallout. As for your other issue, post a pic of the nif so I can see how you have it setup.
  16. So I take it your having difficulties in the actual setup of the object in question? What exactly are you trying to get into Nifskope? I have numerous Nifskope editing tutorials that I have not really found a place to post but whenever someone needs help I usually link them. Give a quick description of what your trying to get into the game and I will see if I am able to help you. I do a lot of weapon mods but I do not do any animation or clothing mods so I cannot help with that but I can with most other things.
  17. yeah I probably should have actually read the post first. I know exactly what you mean by not having enough time to work on your mods though, I got the same problem. I do know that I seen a tutorial on the Geck wiki on making a new radio station, could answer that last question you had.
  18. I don't do texturing but if you can track down a silver textured silencer than I can ask the author for permission to use it and I can just attach it to the hunting shotgun for you. Then it's just a matter of picking a retexture mod that you like to use on the shotgun since they would use the same texture map.
  19. If you need help with AWOP why not just message the author who made it? I am sure if anybody knows that mod well it would be him.
  20. Well I noticed the sights were generally bad in New Vegas. What I did was just open the meshes in Nifskope and reposition the sighting node, problem solved. I have a tutorial on doing this if you need it.
  21. I have a frag grenade I made up in blender the other day, I will see if I can dig it up.
  22. Well as confusing as that last paragraph sounds I will give it a try when I have time, thanks
  23. When you get blender it is best to go for v2.57 as I found it to be very stable. When you get gimp you should also do a search for gimp normalmap plugin as well as gimp .dds plugin, that way you are able to make the proper format NV uses as well as normalmaps
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