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Everything posted by pickinthebanjo

  1. you should really start a thread asking for help getting the geck working, I am sure there has been others having this problem and you never know you just might resolve the problem. Most of these mods are very simple to make but you would need to get the geck working as well as nifskope and gimp (or other image editor) I would give some of these a shot but I already have about a dozen mods I am currently updating and about 5 others I am working on so my hands are full for at least a month. If you can get the geck working and still need help with nifskope or something just pm me and I will help guide you.
  2. how was the geck not working? you did not try to run the FO3 geck did you?
  3. the .50 BMG is not a rifle it is a caliber developed for the Browning .50 Caliber machine gun in the late 1910s.
  4. Just leave the first person model object slot blank, it will work fine. I had that problem at first but after looking through a few other mods and noticing they all let it blank I figured it out.
  5. To get your character to hold the weapon correctly just move it in nifskope. This has happened with all the weapons I ported and all I had to do was reposition the pieces to their proper places. From what I can see though once you get it held correctly (just move the rifle parts back a bit) you are going to have some clipping issues. The SVU I ported is about the same size and it clips through the shoulder, I had to move the grip/trigger back and chop a bit of the butt down to make it fit properly you should also scale it down because it is larger than it should be
  6. The bow and textures would be the simple part, I could do that but animating is a whole other area. If you have somebody that can make animations than have them PM me but unless there is someone willing to animate a bow than I see no sense in making the mesh/textures. I do not think that oblivion animations would be portable but then what do I know, I don't animate so maybe they are possible I just don't know.
  7. Kind of funny how many different answers there are for this problem. I made a few weapons that had this problem. For me it was like they were made of chrome, like looking at a mirror but you could still see the texture if you looked straight at it. Post a pic so we can see exactly whats going on here because there could be a few different causes and maybe solutions to your problem.
  8. Most of them do, I think they all do but I am not sure. Mainly silencers scopes and extended mags
  9. You got a decent point, though most bows and even arrows are composite now
  10. A crossbow would be easier but the problem with making weapons like that are the animations. In order to make the bow function properly a new animation would have to be made.
  11. feel free to use them, I made them for you in fact. It was only after I ported them that I decided to release them, originally they were made for this pack. As far as a 9mm pack, most of the guns in my mod pack come in all calibers so there are many 9's to choose from
  12. uses a feral ghoul skeleton, so you say all I have to do is put it in the same directory? The problem with that is that I use no creature mods so I have no directory to add it to, so do I just make the directory and copy the file structure like it is in the BSA that I unpacked the ghoul from?
  13. Yeah I seen that to, I got the SVU, L85, and the Groza using it at the moment
  14. I have been wondering how to add creatures to New Vegas for a while now and I attempted it last night but could not figure out how to get the model in the GECK. A bit of help on this matter would be much appreciated. I would like to first figure out how to get the model in, I could care less if I need to replace a creature's mesh. Second, after figuring out how to add the meshes I would then like to know how to create a new character and what I would need to do in the GECK to spawn them into New Vegas. I have the meshes setup and ready I just need to know how to add them.
  15. An interesting idea. I have the weapons mo completed more or less which is part one of my three part stalker mod. I also have a rough draft of the armor mod completed which adds most CoP armor into a box in Goodsprings and an optional file to replace all factions with different types of armor (legion - monolith, NCR - Military, Raiders - Bandits, ect) this was going to become part two at some point. A better Idea would be to add factions for this purpose but that is beyond me at this point in time. I would be willing to work with you if our goals are similar, but first I want to hear in detail what you would do with the armor and weapons I ported and how you want this to be put together.
  16. Yeah I figured I would have to do that, and what do you mean by Nifskope and nif scripts? As far as I knew it was not possible to make a new animation with Nifskope alone, am I wrong about that?
  17. I just tried it out, it works quite well. But my main question still is how do you edit .kf files and what program/plugins are used because I need to make animations for the RPG-7 and a couple of other weapons still
  18. mine has a silencer and a larger mag but thats it, I made a ton of weapons though.
  19. You may be right about that. I just got the new model into the game, just have to texture it and add a sighting node. The new version has a proper bolt that pulls straight back, as well as a new scope reticle.
  20. attempting another round with the new model, hope this one works
  21. Yeah I like picture tutorials as well so I make sure to include lots of pics, I pretty much mastered getting guns in NV so if you need a hand just pm me or use skype
  22. Thats an interesting idea, it is posted as a tutorial in another thread called "how to become a moder" or something like that. You found it helpful though?
  23. Thanks, sounds promising. I will take a look when I finish up what I am doing
  24. Last time I just added weapons to the leveled lists there were conflicts with other major mods so that option is out. I have heard that it is possible to add them to the leveled lists through scripts but I have no scripting experience.
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