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Everything posted by pickinthebanjo

  1. I have been trying to figure out how to add the weapons that my mod contains to NPC's. I would like to arm most factions with various different weapons. I imagine it is possible to add them through either a script or a quest but I am not sure how to do that exactly. If anybody has any advice on the matter I would very much appreciate that, thanks.
  2. Weapon Creation in nifskope tutorial Sighting node tutorial Here are two tutorials I made
  3. Well apparently even one of their moderators on their official forum is not good enough. It would look like thats that I guess, not sure what else I can do at this point.
  4. Ok so it looks like it was not ok, my mods are locked and I may be banned. I wondered if anybody was willing to help me find in writing the proof I need to save my mods and account. I would be very much in your dept i someone can help me search because between work and family it looks like i wont have the time to finish looking before tomorrow
  5. I made a series of mods containing several weapons that need a new animation made up. For example I need to make a bullpup animation for the FN F-2000, Groza, and SVU as well as an RPG-7 animation. I copied the .kf files for each reload animation into a folder then tried to import them into Maya, 3DS, and Nifskope. The first to did not support the .kf files but nifskope seemed to but I received an error stating a missing root note. I have not tried to import into blender yet though I do not believe it would support the import either. I do know that it is possible though since I have seen several mods contain custom animation files. I am new to animating and would like to hear some thoughts on animating fallout weapons with custom animations. thank you.
  6. well I play on very hard with the lethal headshots and I find it fairly difficult to find the time to manage a headshot on an enemy that is dumping a 30rd mag on me since i do not use vats at all. But like you said "a headshot is 97% lethal" so you can't really have it both ways. Also you say a chest shot is 70% lethal yet for example lv4 armor is designed to stop .30 rifle bulets, so how will you account for enemies wearing armor if it is designed to stop the round you are firing at it. He should have a much better chance than only 30% survival.
  7. the one mod that helped for realism for me was "lethal headshots" (something like that, forgot the name) I really have to watch what I do because if I get caught in a gunfight more often than not I get shot in the face .
  8. I agree, I too am not good at texturing thats why I dumped that G43 here
  9. , I just can't see how it's easier to sift through massive lists of text than to just tap a keyword into a search box.. the search box up at the top of the screen does exactly that for any thread. The nexus files are not the only place you can search.
  10. I myself find this thread quite useful as I am very busy modding to search through an entire database of files
  11. Here is an untextured G43 and unfinished Nagant from CoP which didn't seem to get activated in the actual game (though a modder textured it and activated it, I don't have his permission to use the textures) -1891 Nagant (Unfinished)
  12. how is the mod coming along
  13. PC's are always the way to go, if they start to get old you can just upgrade them. I sold my PS3 the week I built my rig built. FO3 and NV are not that demanding so unless your going to be doing something crazy you should be ok with a fairly cheap pc
  14. they will all be in a stalker weapon pack i threw together, if you wanted to save some time you could just DL it and take from there. Should be up anytime after tomorrow
  15. Hey sorry I did not realize how many mods I made that you already had, I was just going for the whole database.

    Just thought I should let you know.

  16. lol, thats good to here. I was pretty sure I heard that also
  17. It seems for my ports the problem was the mesh, but for my RPG port I am almost positive it is a problem in the texture so I will try and see if I have the same problem because it doesn't shine like the others it glows
  18. I was still wondering if anybody knows how I can make new reticle's because I would like to make the proper ones for each of the mods I made.
  19. well inside the BSShaderPPLightingProperty node look for ShaderFlags, I had two extra options ticked that I had to remove in order to reduce the glare. I have no idea what most of them do so just enable some and see what happens. I only know how to reduce it not raise it so sorry I can't be of more help.
  20. thanks, i've had people ragging on me all day for that fix
  21. Could somebody share some advice on how I should go about reducing the glare on a weapons mesh. I ported over a few weapons from STALKER COP and they work fine but the textures are very glossy, almost reflective. I imagine it is a simple fix in nifskope but I have not yet found out how to go about correcting it. So if somebody could help me out I would very much appreciate that since I had a few requests to lower the glare on my mods. I chose not to post pics because it seems fairly self explanatory but if you'd like some just ask.
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