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Nexus Mods Profile

About yoba333

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    United States
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    Morrowind, Half-Life 2, Bioshock
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  1. *Waves hand infront of face*

    Not sure if day dreaming for a couple of weeks or dead ;)

  2. Just because it's on Steam doesn't mean there won't be GFWL attached to it. Other games have done this.
  3. I spawned near a small village, somehow turned on freecam, saw my own character and thought there was someone else with me, spent a couple of minutes trying to ascertain whether or not my character was friendly, turned off freecam, spotted a fellow survivor, got a Winchester from him, and lagged out. I haven't had time to play it again :P.
  4. Ladies and gentlemen, for the month of March slowdivefan and the rest of the "IWD Team" won the March FOTM contest for Neverwinter Nexus with their mod Icewind Dale. Congratulations are in order for the entire IWD Team, however, today I got the chance to speak to slowdivefan, and you can read the interview below. Be sure to vote in the FOTM contest if you want to see your favorite mod author interviewed here. Congratulations to the IWD Team for creating the March FOTM.
  5. *Throws fae-... Cake at you*
  6. I signed the petition, but I'll probably buy it on Xbox if no word is out on the PC version.
  7. I don't go for this game so much. I do enjoy the gameplay, but I feel that experience points come in way too slowly. I'm definitely not the best player out there, and I would have to spend hours just trying to unlock one weapon. I got bored with it.
  8. I'll wait until an actual gameplay video. But then I'll be throwing my money at them.
  9. good mods, you should make a mod like ambassador but with a yao guai from honest hearts, just a simple suggestion. a yao guai with companion wheel and custom text when you talk to him, im sure lots of people would enjoy a yao guai companion on new vegas, thank you im looking all around for a good companion mod maker and someone suggested you so your the only one i can relie on. plzz help
  10. We need the sharks to take care of those dastardly bottlenose dolphins. I know they're down there, just plotting something....
  11. I was definitely going to ask about mod tools, as that concerns the Nexus directly.. who knows, we may end up with a BG Nexus :P.
  12. So a few minutes ago I got an email from Cameron Tofer, a member of the Overhaul Games team who is working on the Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition. He's agreed to answer some questions I had concerning project, and I was wondering if you all had any specific questions you want me to ask? I have some questions of my own, but let me know if you have any you want me to ask. I'll likely send him an email back in a couple of days. Thanks!
  13. Have you tried Khan Academy? It's been really helpful to me in the past.
  14. For 48 hours only, the original Fallout game is free on GOG. If you're a newcomer to the Fallout series and have only played Fallout 3 or New Vegas, this is your chance to see how the series got its start. You can download the game here. If you're expecting a game that is similar to Fallout 3, you're looking in the wrong place, however. The original Fallout was developed by Interplay, whereas Fallout 3 and New Vegas were made by Bethesda Game Studios, a different company entirely. The original Fallout is a CRPG, a turn-based game that is much different than the modern Fallouts. Despite it's differences, I highly encourage you to head over to GOG and download the game that started it all. It is only free for 2 days, so do it quickly. GOG.
  15. KD, you should make a texture pack for Project Zomboid :P.
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