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About xanordon

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  1. Wow! I've got Full Screen without distortion! I wish I could give you ten kudos! Thanks to all who gave solutions - I was a bit hesitant because I felt I could very easily stuff it up, and wouldn't know how to fix it if I did. But I thought that there would be less chance of stuffing up with this solution, the Graphics Extender. And it was easy - all I had to do was select the full screen resolution I wanted, 1600 x 900, and voilĂ ! I'm so thrilled!
  2. WO! More exciting than Belldandy?? Is that possible?? :) Yes maybe she is toned down for doing something inappropriate, and has to work her way back to full goddess-hood by helping the player. Yes, the player would have to be subject to the command "ignore friendly hits" or something like that. Otherwise it would be like standing in the middle of an Atomic Bomb!
  3. I've been trying to download a mod called "Morrowind - Buy a House" but when I click on the file, I get an error message saying "Can't find the server at fs3.nexusmods.com Is there anything that can be done to correct this? TIA Xan
  4. I finished a quest for the daedric lord Meridia - and was rewarded with a kick-ass sword - and I thought it was about time I made my way to High Hrothgar to see the Graybeards. (I'm not using fast travel in this game because not using fast travel seems far more adventurous and increases the immersion factor by a gazillion-fold for me) I stopped at an inn on the way and a woman there asked me to fetch her drunken husband's stash of alcohol. So I did and when I got back she was behind her locked door at home, probably asleep, so I thought I'd wait for her in the inn, maybe have a sleep myself. But in the inn, I got into a drinking contest with a guy called Sam, and woke up the next morning in the Temple of Dibella in Markath, a very far distance away, with a quest to sort out everything I had done the night before (which I didn't remember!) So after cleaning up the temple, I started out to go back to the Inn to give the bottle to the poor woman, and sort out what I had done the night before, when a pauper asked me to steal a valuable statue from the temple I had just awoken in. I did that, got caught, and to make up for it I had to go and fetch their next "Sybil", a medium who spends her life in contact with Dibella. So then I started out again to complete all the quests, so I could then get off to High Hrothgar, but near the front gate a visiting tourist from the Imperial City got murdered, and in the confusion a sneaky looking guy quickly passed me a note which said to meet him secretly. So now I have a lot of quests to complete before I make my way to High Hrothgar. I have to meet this sneaky guy and complete his quest so I can go and fetch the Sybil for the priestesses of Dibella, so that I can return the bottle to the woman and find Sam and sort out what he and I did last night, so I can then continue on my journey to High Hrothgar. No doubt my path to High Hrothgar, even when I can continue, is strewn with further quests as well. The point of this ramble is to say that to me, Skyrim and its quests seem even more involving, more complex, more immersive, and even more fun than any of Bethesda's previous games. What do *you* think?
  5. I need to be able to carry more stuff, to take all the loot from a dungeon to the shops in one trip instead of having to go back and forth many times. So I tried Increased Encumbrance but that gave me an error message, so I tried out a few of the Multiple Encumbrance Multipliers, one by one, but I got the error message again. It seems that whenever I try to change the encumbrance, I get the error message. The error message I get says "Unable to locate reference for global script 'AA_ConAlmDiv'. Continue running executable?" Can anyone help me increase the encumbrance *without* getting the stupid error message??? TIA, Xan
  6. I'm afraid not. When you click on options, you only have the choice of four options (640 x 480, 800 x 600, 1024 x 768, and 1152 x 864) and no choice of changing to any other settings. I really appreciate the effort you went to, to help, though.
  7. When I start Morrowind up, it offers me a choice of four resolutions, all of which have the same proportion: the height of the screen is .75 of the width. However, I have a widescreen, which is 1600 x 900, so the height is .5625 of the width. So when I'm playing, the image appears distorted, stretched from side to side. One solution would be to somehow make the image on the screen 1200 x 900. There would be a strip of black on either side of the image, (each measuring 200 width x 900 height) but at least the image would no longer be distorted. Does anyone know how to put the image back to its normal proportion? Is there anything I could change in the .ini file? Or better still, is there a mod which would do it for me?
  8. If Azura was an NPC it would be easy for an experienced modder to make her into a companion, wouldn't it. But there's no NPC named Azura in the game. As far as I can tell, the only thing that operates when she's talking to you is a script. Even when you can see her in front of you, after defeating Dagoth Ur, she's still just a script. I wonder if anyone has thought of creating a beautiful goddess NPC with awesome powers, named Azura, looking like the version you can see in the cave after defeating Ur, based on your encounters with her in the game, and design her as a companion. Not a CM companion, though, that would be too restrictive. What do you think of that idea? Xan
  9. There's a mod that's working on her, on http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4681 but it involves the use of the console at this stage. Other than that, you might like to try "Marry and Companion Free" which supplies BAT files for marriage, for followers, or for both, which can be used on most NPCs. Xan
  10. How can anyone choose the option of joining the Imperial side? They *were* just about to cut your head off in the beginning, right? And if it hadn't been for the dragon putting in an appearance, they *would have* cut your head off, n'est-ce pas? It's a bit like the option of betraying Mr House in Fallout New Vegas, after he and his robot saved your life at the beginning of the game. What do you think about that? Shouldn't you be *against* the enemy, rather than helping them?
  11. In Oblivion, there's a mod that changes every NPC to a beautiful female. (See these examples.) And there is a mod which converts all armor and clothing, including robes, to "skimpy" armor and clothing. You have a choice to select the medium skimpy, which is really erotic but still keeps the naughty bits just barely covered, and the extremely skimpy, which doesn't! Using the "all beautiful females" mod together with the "skimpy" mod really improves the game, and I'd like to see both mods in Skyrim. Xan
  12. When you join the Thieves Guild, Delvin gives you a quest called "The Numbers Job" in which you go to Haelga's Bunkhouse and fudge the numbers in her ledger. But the quest arrow points to an unclickable box in one corner, on the top floor. The ledger itself is across the other side of the place on the floor below, and it's also unclickable! So the quest cannot be done, and you can't get any more Numbers Jobs from Delvin! Could someone fix this with a mod? Thanks in advance! Xan
  13. What do you think of Karliah's voice? Does it turn you on or piss you off? For me it really adds a lot to the character. She's soft-voiced but absolutely determined. Moira Quirk (from GUTS) does the voice acting. I'm not "that way" inclined, but if I met a girl like Karliah in real life, she could leave her Nightingale Boots under my bed anytime!! Xan
  14. I can understand that if you didn't want to do the main quest, you'd rather have it completed, rather than unstarted. If it's unstarted, then it's always there, waiting for you to start it, inviting you and putting some small degree of pressure on you to start it. You have to keep making the decision not to start it over and over again. But if it's complete, there's no further decision necessary or possible. It's done, complete and out of the way, and you can get on with the rest of your life in Cyrodiil. Much easier! Xanordon
  15. This thread is for posting your Vilja-moments - those moments when Vilja (or some other companion) responds to what you were thinking, or to an event inside or outside the game, moments when Vilja seems almost psychic! For example, someone reported that their Mum dropped a dish in the kitchen and Vilja responded "What was that noise?" A classic case occurred this morning - My Dad came into my room, while I and Vilja were battling daedra. Dad said "Where's your Mum?" I said "I don't know!" Another daedra joined in the fight and Dad said "Are the car-keys gone from the fridge?" I said "Dad, I'm in the middle of a battle!" Dad said "Do you know if she took her shopping-list with her?" I yelled "Dad, you're distracting me! I could get killed here!" but just then I managed to kill the last daedra with just a few health points left. As Dad turned to go, I sighed with relief and Vilja said "That guy asks way too many questions!" (This thread is just for Vilja moments, though. Keep using the thread attached to the files for getting help with technical difficulties, or for praising Vilja for being such a wonderful companion. Or for praising Emma for creating her, for answering every single comment so helpfully, for having a wonderful Swedish accent, or for continuing to make the best companion even better... etc etc etc. Emma doesn't want any praise for herself, of course, but she has given us all months of fun and brightened our lives with the best companion ever!)
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