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About hangman04

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  1. In response to post #39525245. #39528920, #39529290, #39529630, #39533865, #39542225, #39543125, #39543345, #39543435 are all replies on the same post. it's the same shiate all over again, from when people stole good modes from nexus like sites and posted them on steam for money.... the exact people like boomerizer where downloading them and not giving a crap... some may say that it was a different thing since it involved money, but now it may not be about money (YET!) but it is about pride! and sometimes pride can be more powerful than money.... the bad thing is that beth by their non action actually endorsed this s#*! on their platform.
  2. why father has returned is quite obvious... to make more money.... directly and indirectly.... they are well aware of the advantages that modding has provided for their pc version of the games, they want to replicate same results for their console version and last but not least they wanted a platform for a future paid modding implementation, where they could eliminate the middle man (valve - better split proceedings in 2 than in 3....). u say that they don't give a damn about their platform problem, which i agree but i also think that they consider this a trial / alpha test run for the platform, and things for them will start when skyrim enhanced will be released, and also it will be the stepping stone for the next games: skyrim VI and Fallout 5 and who knows what other games they have in the workings which will probably be made for full integration in all major platforms through the beth.net .... I also think that in the end... we will have 2 kinds of authors... pc modders and console modders.... maybe with some cross platform collaboration in the case of some big projects... It's hard to tell how things will unfold as future is not as clear as it used to be. But my fear is that paid modding and the migration of professional teams from free sites like ours (nexus) to their platforms.... might be a loose loose scenario for everyone, but this may as well be my fear of change and everything will be just fine...
  3. I admit i am an adblock user, but one day i said wth this site is too good not to share 2 bucks for the add removal :)
  4. In response to post #36417095. #36458210 is also a reply to the same post. and how are they going to script that limitation ? :)
  5. In response to post #24682284. #24682924, #24688774, #24689099, #24689669, #24712014, #24712544 are all replies on the same post. the only think they Beth could do, the least, is to invest a fraction of the revenues in the functionality of the CK, cause the better their sdk is, the greater the possibility to make complex mods, which can be charged to a dlc level and can probably attract professional groups, small indie studios etc. On the other hand it is possible on long term that this new way of earning money may attract other distributors that may want to compete Valve, and which way is best to compete than giving the author a better cut of the deal.
  6. In response to post #24706469. #24706799 is also a reply to the same post. Torrenting doesn't really mean the user won't pay for the use of a mod eventually. Some won't indeed, but atm everything a mod author does is a freebie, so everything is relative to what your reference point is $0 or $1k. And regarding the cash flow.... oh well you don't have to consider it like a subscription that brings a steady income every month, but more like a one time gig that cashes out in time :).
  7. In response to post #24705719. PS: now what i would expect from Beth is that they will provide improved CK and maybe other tools to make things really interesting !
  8. In response to post #24702734. as i said in the previous article, paid mods will also bring professional "mercenaries" that might create better content.
  9. In response to post #24608229. #24608459, #24608944, #24609039, #24609259, #24609439, #24609544, #24609824, #24609959, #24609974, #24610559 are all replies on the same post. Dark0ne, don't worry this is just the heat of moment. After 1-2 months everyone will be complaint. Worse things have happened in the gaming industry ( pay to win in mmorpgs, even the dlc system) and people were lashing and swore they would never do this or that, and by the rage one would say that the companies will go bankrupt etc etc. But the truth is that almost every "unethical" change became eventually the norm, and this (mod authors getting payed) is by far the fairest addition. It's just a matter of time. You will probably loose the people who started swearing on the forum and you had to ban them :)).
  10. In response to post #24608469. #24608589 is also a reply to the same post. asset stealing was always an issue, but people hardly care since there weren't any money involved imo. "If it was 75% then Bethesda and valve wouldn't make much making the practice a pretty terrible idea (though it's already a very terrible idea)" well maybe but you are forgetting they don't get anything from modding atm and also forgetting that this isn't only about Skyrim... the framework will be implemented to the other games that support modding, and even though the but-hurt and quit-rage that we see around, this system will get traction, it's just a matter before people get used to the idea. Also it is possible that small studios will negotiate those %, given to meet some dlc quality standards and some beth peer review. i am sure this will open a new set of opportunities.... why did u think that darkzone added donation systems? imo, so that nexus won't loose modders who would expect to make a buck, as the donation system really works (same system a lot of software companies use, and also very common on google play). this move from valve kinda hurt nexus anyway, since there will be modders ( and probably good ones) who will condition($) the use of their modes, and you won't find them here. You may hate them but if the content they provide worth the cents one may as well pay for it....
  11. This is an interesting turn on modding. Well my 1st problem with what they implemented is the way revenues are split between creator, distributor and software provider. I mean 25% is just old fashion communism :)). On the other hand a 75% for the mod author would have been more promising, imo. There is also one aspect that i didn't see being pointed out here, the fact that it is possible that the modding community will be enriched with "mercenaries", meaning professional people / or teams with industry level skills that will provide top quality content given that they can get money from this (although a 25% ain't that promising....). Don't get me wrong we have a lot of pro modders but it feels like they are 1 in every 100s or smth like. i won't mind more quality content even if i would have to pay for it. On the other had, we might get some unlawful competition even, from former or current beth employees to have access to original development tools, (maybe an advanced version of CK, maybe havoc animation software etc) and for a buck might be willing to share some things that it would be impossible for other modders due to the lack of logistical resources....
  12. In response to post #16162200. #16162375, #16162510, #16215550, #16224790 are all replies on the same post. @whodat1 I agree with him, as I am an old user (since the morrowind era), and i found myself having to download huge amounts of mods in a short period of time, either after i had bought the game/expansions or after i had a clean reinstall of the game, or after a prolonged break from tes, which resulted in having all my mods outdated. So, yes, Dark0ne is fairly accurate with the behavior of a new user, or the behavior of user who starts from scratch.
  13. Simple question: new action values or you changed the animation for an existing weapon class? Depending on your answer it will be cheering or meh....
  14. In response to post #11700308. have you tried pressing it and see what happens ? :))
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