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Everything posted by TheWideMurloc

  1. So I went to try and make the mod i requested for ds2 where the crappy audio quality sounds are replaced with ds1/3 equivalents to make the game not sound like dogshit. Much to my dismay, unlike the sound files for ds3, ds2's sound files are an organizational nightmare. Over 200 .bnd files when unpacked with UXM each needing to be unpacked themselves to get to the fsb files with in, each of those fsb files containing dozens to hundreds of sound files, a great majority of them repeated, redundant, and unused in game. I decided the task was too daunting. It got me thinking. Is this really the only way we can ever get sound files to work for ds2? Might there be a way to dump and override sound files in a similar way that igp11 and gedosato do texture files? Like get the sound you want to replace to play in game, and have it dump the .bnd its contained in so you can edit it? As it stands now, ds2's file structure is much too much of a mess for a casual modder like me to get anything done with sound effects using the current tools available. (UXM, Yabber, and DSSI)
  2. Is it possible to have fallout 4's night time skybox have the beautiful auroras like skyrim did? I'm trying to make my game look more like halo reach, and reach had auroras very similar to skyrim
  3. yeah, I replaced it with a new one to make it totally independent of the lever action rifle. (ma_Gnasher) all of the receivers use this as the new target OMOD keyword, and the Gnasher weapon has the ma_Gnasher Keyword replacing the Combat Shotgun's ma keyword. Now that I mention it, I DID use the combat shotgun as a base for the weapon object, while using the lever action rifle's receivers as a base for the receiver OMODs to avoid any wonky fire rate upgrades from the combat shotgun receivers effecting the new weapon which is classified as "bolt action", hoping the keywords would sort out any differences. edit: Further tweaking by adding more mods to the MA and Object Templates (mainly including barrels) have completely fixed one part of the issue. The gun now has appropriate intended range and damage values. Now there is ONLY the issue of the mods not showing up in the workbench. With all these new mods added, the only thing that shows up on a newly spawned Gnasher is the Muzzle Brake and Null Muzzle, even though the random prefixes and suffixes on the weapon indicate it having things like a marksman's stock or a powerful receiver applied. The new muzzles, grips, and barrels were all copied from the combat shotgun's this time, so I can be sure that Copying the receivers from the lever action rifle is not why they aren't showing up on a weapon object that was copied from the combat shotgun Realizing now that these are 2 seperate problems, I wish I had chosen a different title. Edit2: I think i found it and it makes me feel dumb. I forgot the co_mod objects Final edit: Yep, im dumb, this is resolved now.
  4. So I just finished (or so I thought) making a mod that adds a new weapon. It uses the Combat Shotgun as a base. changed keywords to use lever action rifle animations from far harbor, and have its own mod association. I didn't want to take the time to remake mods for every slot so I made the new mod association property only handle receivers, and made copies of the lever action rifle receiver omods, renamed them, and tied the MA keyword to them. Created a new AM and ZM for it, set them to the weapon appropriately, and the weapon does 1 damage per projectile in game, and do not have receivers to choose from at the mod station. What did I do wrong/forget? edit: the stats say it has -35 range. I don't know how that happened since I double checked the base range values, but that alone wouldn't explain why the receivers are missing from the mod station Edit2: I managed to get the gun doing damage, but the problem isn't completely fixed. Part of the problem was an overly sharp damage falloff outside the optimal range. That was easy to fix, and now the weapon can actually do some damage. However, the receivers still aren't showing up on the weapon workbench like they're supposed to, and the optimal range for the weapon is still, for some reason, -35. Now that the gun can kill things, though, I'm calling it a night for now. If anyone knows what's wrong let me know and ill get on it tomorrow
  5. Simple concept, but I have no Idea how easy/hard it would be to create. The idea is to simply have a notification occur whenever you clear a location to the point that it gets marked as "CLEARED" on the map. A simple message prompt would be enough, but also having a sound play on top of it would be excellent.
  6. Alright we found the issue over in that discord! the texture files were generated by blender in a strange resolution, not supported by the game. After changing them to dimensions of other fallout texture files as reference...well... https://imgur.com/a/ZoiJwm8 All that's left is some minor texture tweaks, and the go ahead from the author of the drumless minigun mod and I'll be sharing this with the world!
  7. So I've been getting some help from the folks in the Commonwealth Spartan discord, who have an interest in seeing this work out, and we've got some advanced troubleshooting done...turns out the problem is SOMEWHERE in the texture files or the BGSM file...We managed to get the shields working with the default Minigun.bgsm It ain't pretty, but its in game without CTDs now, and we've narrowed down where the problem is...Still don't know WHAT the problem is https://imgur.com/a/YCinY6U
  8. That object is from the base mod I'm working with as a canvas, which works when the shields aren't added, so I don't have high hopes that it'll work, but I'll give it a try...loading up the game now while I type this aaaand...no dice
  9. the 2 inside are just a note that the 2 outside are children of the #20 ninode (the change I assumed you wanted me to make). the CTD still happened before I added those children. This is what it looked like before (still caused CTD) https://imgur.com/a/GQhjBOU
  10. the new shapes are already given the seperate names "ShieldLeft" and "ShieldRight" I haven't tried the child idea, though. I'll give it a go once im able to open up my game. I assume you mean the TriShapes, which are what the new models are imported as when introduced to the minigun and no dice... The files currently look like this: https://imgur.com/a/latGGPv
  11. I've been troubleshooting this for hours and I'm at my wit's end. The problem is this: I've added a couple small changes to the minigun, trying to add blast shields to the front so it resembles the halo 3 minigun. It looks fine in nifskope: https://imgur.com/a/8utu8Dv But the second the new model tries to appear in game, it CTDs I've checked everything from the BGSM, the textures themselves, and even a bunch of other stuff people have suggested that I can't even remember the name of. Some stuff like Skinless, Full Precision, etc. I really don't know what else to do, so If anyone wants to tinker with them yourselves to help me get this working let me know so I can send you the files. If you have ideas as well for me to try, shoot em here. I might have already tried it, but in case I haven't, it might just be the key The original process I followed was mostly similar to this: The only differences were I kept the original mesh instead of deleting it, since this is meant to add on to it, and I created new "BSLightingShaderProperty"s since I was adding new textures to the shields. (I've tried using the minigun's instead but that still CTDs) With all the things I've tried, it's possible the problem lies with the mesh itself. Perhaps someone who's familiar with using blender to make models for fallout 4 knows what's wrong. If you can see anything glaringly absent from this, let me know: https://imgur.com/a/o1hLWlX
  12. ok many days of frustration later, I've found the cause and a fix! If anyone else is having this problem, I hope you know how to use Fo4edit or CK cuz you need to in order to do this fix, since I've also done some personal changes to the esps involved for personal use. So the issue lies with the mods that have weapon attachment based flashlights included. In this case the culprits were Misriah Armory; the MA37 and br55 expansion to that mod; and Tactical Weapon attachments, which includes additional weapon attachments such as, laser sights, barrel mods, and, you guessed it, flashlights Open up all suspect esps in fo4edit (or comparable program) Look under the addon nodes for each mod and find the nodes tied to the flashlights. Many of them point to a custom light object since the base game's flashlight is not...well...a flashlight. Simply change this. Point it, instead, to defaultPowerArmorHeadlampLight [LIGH:000B48A0]. It might also work if you change it to the default pip boy light, but this worked for me and I didn't want to risk breaking something that was already fixed in order to try it. There MAY still be some inconsistencies such as light brightness, color, etc. but the gobos will work.
  13. I've been using the pip boy flashlight mod for a long time with no issues. In addition, I've also used mods and mod weapons that add, or already include tactical flashlight attachments, in order to have the flashlight point the direction I'm aiming while in third person. This combination has also never caused any problems until recently. Suddenly, for some reason, I'll launch the game, and, depending on the weapon I have equipped when I load the game, certain weapons will use the better looking GOBOs from the pip boy flashlight mod, but others will revert to the default. The weapon I had equipped in the save I load always uses the new gobos, but it's never the only one...and sometimes they are from different mods...IE I'll have a minigun with flashlight attachment equipped in the save I load, and it will use the gobos, but the MA37 and BR55 will also use the better gobos, where every other weapon doesn't. This pattern does not seem to be consistent though, and when I think I've noticed a pattern something happens where, for example, the ma5 assault rifle will use the gobos, but every other weapon from misriah armory will not, meanwhile I'll swap to a completely unrelated weapon...and it has a replaced gobo. Does anyone know what the issue is here, and maybe even how to fix it?
  14. I just noticed this bug happening in my game after installing the tactical animations mod and having the NPC animations apply to my own character. After noticing my own character was doing this, I looked at curie, and she seemed to be doing it as well. To test, I uninstalled the mod to use default animations again, and curie was still pointing her weapon low when in combat. Anyone know what might cause this and how to fix it?
  15. I'm trying to make a mod that replaces the firing sound effects for the minigun. I've got it working on the regular barrels, but the tribarrel attachment seems to have a different firing sound, and that sound is not found in the minigun folder of the fallout 4 sounds ba2 file. Anyone know where this mystery sound file is? I made a video which, at the end, shows the tri barrel sound effect, maybe someone recognizes it? https://youtu.be/E9QwZ76IZm4 Edit: I'm incredibly stupid, there was a mod adding a new sound for tri barrel. I uninstalled it and now it works perfectly
  16. So I had a big fiasco a little bit ago with some animation swapping issues. Today I got a new one for you. This time, I'm trying to use these animations: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/31599 on the m6 magnum from the misriah armory pack: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/39368 My process went as follows: viewed the file path for CovertSidearm (Deliverer) first person animations, and altered the m1911 first person animation file path to match, so that the animation files are now located in Meshes/Actors/Character/_1stperson/Animations/CovertSidearm deployed the altered mod Opened misriah armory's esp in fo4edit and changed the m6 magnum's anim keywords to the deliverer's. The result? The m6 now uses the deliverer animations...the deliverer animations are not replaced with the m1911 animations the weirdest part? As a fix I tried to do the same process again, but with the 10mm pistol instead of the deliverer. Changed the file paths, changed the anim keywords...the result from THAT? the m6 now uses the deliverer animations...yes, that's not a typo...the deliverer animations, NOT the 10mm animations. what the heck happened? edit: new finding...the 10mm pistol now uses the deliverer animations but with the slide now floating half a foot above the weapon edit2: on a hunch, thinking maybe somehow the 1911 animations got corrupted and changed into the deliverer animations before i did this whole process, i deleted the 1911 animation mod, deleted my entire actors folder, and let vortex rebuild it, to ensure any loose deliverer animation files were removed. redownloaded the 1911 animations and did the process over, and now the deliverer uses the 1911 animations (yay), but the m6 magnum is still using the m6 magnum animations, despite the keywords telling it to use the deliverer's Edit3: changing the file path to match the m6 magnum's seems to have worked...even though the magnum's weapon object is using the deliverer's keywords...i dont know why this worked, but ill take it.
  17. OK so yeah let me get this out of the way first. This was INCREDIBLY stupid of me and this is ENTIRELY my fault that I'm in this situation, but lets say I was editing a mod and accidentally uninstalled it before deploying in vortex (specifically, I was adding music to https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16635) This means the changes did not save. Is there any kind of backup or a way to restore the changes I made without doing it all over again manually? I was hoping the added files might be found in the recycle bin since they were deleted, but apparently they were ULTRA deleted
  18. We've been getting lots of awesome halo mods lately. Things like the BR77, Misriah armory pack, and leveled list additions for the latter, combined with marine/odst armors from GUN, its been getting easier and easier to fulfill my halo RPG fantasies in fallout. There's only a couple things missing to complete the experience. Replacements for environment vehicle props, including things like replacing the tanks with Scorpions, APCs with Elephants or one of the halo wars vehicles if thats too big to fit on the APCs places, military jets with longswords, the UFO with a seraph, vertibirds with Falcons, as well as all the civilian vehicles, you get the idea. A replacement for the non radio soundtrack to be tracks from various halo games. This might be a bit more questionable to release on the nexus due to copyrights, but if I'm wrong...this would tie the whole experience together. I know microsoft is pretty lenient with their asset usage though, so maybe it wouldnt be a problem at all. (solved-ish?) https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16635/ can be used to insert (legally owned) halo soundtrack files into the game While that all would be enough to make me happy It would be absolutely amazing to get some enemy replacements/additions, like maybe a flood replacement for ghouls, and/or an addition of a roaming covenant faction. The latter would probably be a hassle to implement with the energy shields and such, but gosh darnit would it be awesome.
  19. tell me about it. bethesda has been overdue for a new engine for a long time. Animations seem to be the creation engine's jankiest system.
  20. ok so i think i've finally got this working! I ditched the subgraph idea after finding this tutorial https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/articles/548/ I basically followed the instructions from that with a few key differences to cater to this particular mod which ill detail for posterity: 1: Since the BR77 has different animations for different grips, fire modes, and mags, while the misriah armory only has different animations for burst or regular, i had to first open the mod in creation kit and remove the animation keyword additions in the mag and grip object mods, as well as the "hybrid anim keywords" in the burst fire mode object mods such as "burstforegrip" 2: After that was done, following the tutorial to a T was producing issues with the animation keywords for the dmr that were placed in the br77 defaulting to null values and removing its master requirement when saved in CK, causing the in game animations to just use the combat shotgun's animations all around. Instead, i simply did the same process in fo4edit instead. Added misriah armory as a master, then replaced the null values (which should have been the dmr keywords) with the dmr keywords in the fire mode object mods and br77 weapon objects. I just hope this babbling nonsense I just spewed is of any help to anyone in the future who tries to do a similar mod and runs into similar problems. only drawback is now the mod requires both misriah armory AND the br77 to function, but any self respecting halo fan should have both installed anyways
  21. See its doing that, opening CK for a while then closing on its own, but when its done, there's nothing new at all in the animtextdata folder
  22. ill explore the masters and see if that will work. Cover all the bases.
  23. if you mean just the keywords, ive done that as well. I didnt add anything there to the subgraphs, though, since the dmr's subgraphs didnt have them
  24. Are you asking me or the edits that mauskal did with the misriah animation files? For my content all the models and animation files were created from scratch based on my own baseline and do not rely on any existing vanilla bone positions (hence the custom animations). Everything lines up perfectly and is held by the character in 1st and 3rd person correctly when my animation files are in use for the weapon. I cant guarantee any animation replacements will line up the weapon correctly unless the user was to edit those animation files to line up to the weapon bone positions I placed. This happens with any custom animations for any custom weapons really, replacing animations from one weapon to another (especially made from different modders) generally will cause weird placement positions if the files were not edited to fit the other custom weapon. Was asking @mauskal about the modifications. IMO, its better to get the model done properly before animation. On the very basis, the right hand should hold the weapon grip and if the left hand does not line up properly, the constraint can be disabled and line up manually thru animation. what i did was copy the .hkx files of misriah armory and use those to replace the .hkx files of found in the br77's animations directory (that way users dont need to download the misriah armory pack, only the br77). Then I took the .nif files of the br77 alongside the .nif files for the dmr in misriah armory, and lined up the grip of the br77 with the dmr, like N7R detailed, and since the models are similar (the br77 even has a dmr configuration) this ended up with the animations lined up perfectly...but only in first person. Third person started having all the issues i've been trying to resolve lately. My most recent attempt to fix this was me looking through the subgraph files of the br77 alongside the dmr's subgraph files, searching for anything that wasnt either a reference to the br77 or the misriah dmr. Anything that was a vanilla animation path I changed in the br77's files to match what it said in the dmr's files. For example, the br77's files make reference to the submachine gun for any unaltered animations, whereas the dmr's files make reference to "gripriflestraight". So i searched for any mention of "submachine gun" in the br77's files, and replaced it with the appropriate "gripriflestraight" reference instead. When all that was done, i just added the anim keywords found in the dmr to the br77 weapon in CK. This resulted in the hands now lining up with the weapon, but instead causing the new problem with the restricted range of motion where I drew this sketch https://imgur.com/a/TTk8jLN also does this seem like the right thing to be running to generate the metadata? D:\Program Files (x86)\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\CreationKit.exe -GenerateAnimInfo:BR77.esp ..\Data ..\Data\Meshes\AnimTextData --speed --stanceI've been trying to do that, but it isn't generating new animtextdata. I unpacked the br77 main ba2, replaced the relevant files with the altered versions, deleted the existing animtextdata, moved the br77 main ba2 to a backup folder, and ran that command like the subgraphs wiki page suggested, but no new data was generated. What I might be able to try doing is just replacing the keywords instead of the .hkx files, and make misriah armory a master of br77, but I'd like to avoid that if i can, to minimize the required mods for people to get this. Plus i have no idea if that would even work.
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