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About Tearoth

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    TES V: Skyrim
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    TES V: Skyrim

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  1. You don't get into trouble as such. But Asta will only have one line of dialogue for you if you strike the roots and retrieve the sapling, which is that you should leave, and you're not welcome anymore.
  2. Yeah, the vanilla option is allright, but my Bosmer Druid would feel bad hurting the tree. And she should definitely feel welcome at the Eldergleam xD Would be sick if someone could whip something up.
  3. Hello! I'm looking for a mod that alters the "Blessings of Nature" quest, to allow the player to get to the Eldergleam without hurting its roots with the "Nettlebane" dagger. Both to gain Maurice's favor, but also to avoid Asta becoming angry with the player, telling the player he/she is not welcome there anymore. So basically a mod for 100% devoted Kynareth worshippers and/or druid builds.
  4. When i don't have any items equipped, slot 32 is empty for me.
  5. Simply as the title suggests, i'd love to have a mod that removes arrows/bolts when the armor slot is not currently equipped. Slot 32.
  6. Hello everyone! I was wondering if anyone knew how to use xEdit to remove a glow effect from an enchant? I use Summermyst, and when i equip an item with the "Spurs" enchantment, my horse glows green. How do i remove this in xEdit? Thank you in advance!
  7. Thank you for this simple fix. Much appreciated.
  8. Anyone know if one already exists? I know there's a mod for furniture for Super Mutants. But it doesn't have a bed. I'd love to be able to give Strong a bed he can sleep in.
  9. I tried. It happens to everyone in the game. strange, try to wait few days (usually if there is a attacker they won't move, so i suggest you download "Run for Your Lives mod" https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23906/), you can try to load earlier save before this thing happening. also there is "resetAi" command it reset the npc's ai (don't use the quote). hope this will help you. None of these solutions seems to work, sadly. It's not an animation issue either. It's definitely something to do with the objects themselves. 'Cause the NPC's all move towards the object, but just stands in front of it.
  10. I tried. It happens to everyone in the game.
  11. So i've noticed how Alvor stands near his forge, but doesn't actually use it anymore. He either stands staring into thin air, or sits on his chair eating bread. He never uses his forge. Same goes for all the other cities. It's also Hod and his sawmill, and other interactive actions the NPC's usually do. People do still use the broom and do gardening and such, though. But smithing, sharpening wheel, lumber mills, etc aren't being used. I'm running a decent amount of mods, and i suspected either Immersive Citizens, Relationship Dialogue Overhaul, or something similar would be the issue. But to no prevail. I've started new games without any of those mods enabled, and it still happens. Any ideas?
  12. This is exactly the kind of overhaul i've been looking for for the weapons. If this would get the "Visible Weapons" treatment aswell, it'd be the ultimate weapon mod for Fallout 4. I can't wait to see how this will turn out. Thank you for all your hard work, antistar.
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