Looking for someone to either update "Glowing Arrows V2 By Jerry60k " to include the DLC's arrows or to possibly point me in the right direction to a mod that has all the base game and DLC's arrows that glow after you/npc's shoot them 1. i have looked at the nexus for a patch or a similer mod that has all vanilla base game and DLC arrows that glow 2. the ones i did find on the nexus were either extreamly old and unupdated or they didnt include the DLC's or they only did one type of arrow to glow ( i was looking for all arrow types in one esp not 15 sepperate ones) 3. i have tried using my creation kit but for some reason it just will not start up in the past month or so, just crashes instantly or i would make an attempt to make a patch myself (thats a whole other story i'd rather not deal with today) 4. looking at the mods page here on the nexus the guy hasnt been around sence 2013 and if its not ok to edit the mod, for someone to stepup to the plate and possibly make another mod like his but with all the added arrows from dlc's so with that being said i have come to here in search of someone who is either better at google than me or is willing to make a patch for glowing arrows V2 or to make a mod like it edit: i should state i tried Jaxonz Archery util, and that mod only worked %30 or so of the time, cool mod if it actually worked