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About lyssa23

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    United States
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  1. I know it's been over 2 years since this last post, but I had to say something. I have a brand new Alienware computer with a great graphics card, quad 3.80 processors and 16 GB of ram....and my screenshots still come out black and white and twisted! It has nothing to do with the ram, tech people. Just had to say that. I have also downloaded several other views and all look the same so far. Scott
  2. I am playing Skyrim and would like some mods. I am having difficulty because, if I attempt to download an adult mod, the Skyrim site says I am not a user. When I try to log in, it says "no user with that name". If I try to add it, then it tells me that "email address already in use." Well, duh!...I am the user. Anyway, didn't want to add another user to Skyrim as Nexus doesn't really want us to have 2 logins....not sure what to do or how to proceed. Help? Scott
  3. I am having great fun at level 37-38. Just got married and Lydia disappeared, but my wife doesn't follow! Puzzled now. Anyway, am a Wood Elf, archery, daggers, restoration, and sneaking. Approaching max out on archery and sneaking, very good at restoration. Glad to hear I have a long way to go.
  4. The copying and pasting of faces works! That is great news and a lot of fun. It is changing the way I create faces and people. Thanks!!!
  5. Copy and paste the face!!!??? OMG! I didn't think that was possible. What are the basics or where do I find them? Wow!
  6. Just so it doesn't sound dumber than it looks, the "bald" part was with the character "Faith"; she was always bald. That's not as bad as not usuable, but... :-)
  7. I hope this one is really easy and I feel stupid afterwards, but... I am working on a Mod near Bravil. It is going well, but I do notice that when I am approaching my new island, my NPCs appear by dropping from about 20 ft or so in the air. Sometimes, they do it when I just turn around and am on the island! Help! On that same note, I had to reload all and, though CM Partners works fine and I can create new ones who work, I can no longer use Sah or Jessica Alba, both I adore. :-) Ideas? I keep trying to reload the skin, etc... textures in a new order, but it doesn't seem to work. Thanks,
  8. I love using the CM mod! However, I downloaded the companions, partly, to see them. They are always in chameleon or invis mode. How do I stop this? If I have to take away a spell okay, but I can't figure out what to do or where. Help!
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