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Everything posted by TheShadyLady
Still no feedback, offers, or ideas? Nope, and no bumping threads in the mod request forums. And there's thread necromancy in there as well. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/2881-all-newbies-read-this-before-posting/ So lets just say..... [/thread] 'Nuff said. -DarkeWolf, Nexus Staff I think we should cover the basis of where Mouse would appear, when first meeting the Warden and his/her party. The situation, the scene, how would Mouse be introduced, location-wise as well.
And... I just hit the backspace by accident and lost everything. Awesome. Now I have to retype this all. Daniekf: I like your idea, it fits, but not enough to satisfy the players that want the mod. I know what sort of connection they are looking for already. While I agree, intelligence will dominate emotions in this mod, I cannot say it will be with your idea. Not unless it is a last resort. The problem with your suggestion is there is no face to face interaction, unless I use a lot of cutscenes to make mental projections of them interacting within the Warden's body. Which is just a pain in the ass, and what your idea does is only really add points to abilities and lack an real connection. Now if a storyline came PRIOR to it, and that move of bonding together wasa last resort, then I could accept the idea easily. Lets see if I can break this down as clearly as I did before I lost the damn page: Mouse's storyline progression when entering the game will be in stages. It's meant to act like how you form a friendship with your other party members, but considerin Mouse is, well, Mouse, there will have to be more attention. Let it be known, that is because the people requesting the mod WANT to give Mouse more attention. So those that will be using the mod for the purpose of just downloading it, and don't realize it, could be in trouble. He's going to have his own story that, if you do not realize nor acknowledge, will make him your enemy. Not to say he isn't even if you do realize. First stage: Gaining Mouse's respect: This might sound easy, but it's not. Really, did you think something like Mouse would just see your display of power and be impressed? No. He's powerful, and very capable on his own. How else would he have met up with the Grey Warden by himself when there are templars everywhere? Gaining Mouse's respect will be done by making smart choices, showing him you have a balance of power, emotions, and intelligence. While he may take intelligence more highly, he does have a firm understanding that emotions run deep within those outside of the Fade. Which makes controlling them all the more important to him. Mouse will be giving his advice and philosophies here. It is up to you whether or not to listen to him. But be warned, taking everything he says could result in no respect, just as ignoring his words as well. To build respect the player must find a balance between Mouse's words, ones that could easily be lies, remember. He's quite good at manipulating others. This stage is about more than just that, it's about displaying the power between the both of you, finding balance in one anothers presence. And making him see you are the leader, and while he has the ability to do you much harm, perhaps even bring death upon you, he is will a guest, a member of your party and needs to respect your orders. After this, it will open up the ability to pursue more than just a companionship, or maintain it. I shall list both options. Second stage: Maintaining Mouse's respect: It's a follow up to what you were previously doing, only, now there is an established position for the both of you. Either, you've become a leader with his respect, or a leader whom he does not respect, which will result is a lot more negativity towards you. Raising up that disposition will be more difficult now that he's has an idea of you. Advice and discussing beliefs will be here, which will pave the way to asking more personal questions. Mouse will respect you if you do not wish to talk about something or notices a dislike for a topic. That's temporary, though, because it will be brought up when you're more comfortable with him. To those that are treating him poorly, he will merely spit out insults or advice (rudely), and guarentee your death. Either by him or by your behavior in battle. You two have already determined your positions in the party, now comes learning one another more. Pursuing a relationship: Truthfully, it is like maintaining the respect of Mouse in the beginning, you won't see much of a difference until you start hitting certain topics that begin steering it into that direction. Direct flirtation will be an option, but it won't get you anywhere aside from amusing Mouse, or even annoying him. Spamming the same identical responses, flirt, flirt, flirt, will bore him and make him lose respect for you as a leader. Compliments, charms, and discussing logical things/ideas/beliefs/tactic, anything related to deep conversations will help him understand you, and vice versa. So you are basically continuing the respect and forming a stronger companionship between you two, but the option to start tilting it into a romance subtly shows. Like I said before, Mouse will have stages. He's a shady character who will be just that, shady, demonic, he's not going to mount you right off the bad. And as for sexual relations, Mouse's drive will be minimal. Knowledge, power, his host body, that comes first before needs, urges, emotions, etc. Essentially, you'll be forming a stronger bond with this party member, which, near the end of this second stage will become available for romance purposes. Stage three: So now you figured out what direction you'll be heading in, right? Now it's about keeping it. Figuring out just where it's supposed to go, how far. Enemies of Mouse, those that treated him like s*** until now are in for a surprise. Stage three is about transitioning what was set so far and making choices on how it's going to change the way the party works as a whole. Mouse Haters that have been cruel will face his wrath in this stage, he will become fed up and find you incompetent, there-fore he will either leave or challenge you. Those that keep a friendship/whatever you want to call it with Mouse, will be given choices with Mouse's existence. He wants to ensure he will be able to walk around your world, Warden, will you guarentee he will be or will you take a blow at being disliked by him (not losing respect, merely his disposition). Romance interests again echo that of a friendship with more personal options as well. You'll have alike options and will be able to respond more... Affectionately. His responses, however, will vary. If you appeal to his needs his disposition will rise, you have already been trying to gain his respect before, now it's about getting him to like you as a romance interest or friend, enemies, it's pretty much obvious what will happen to you. Getting him to like you brings him that much closer to him inserting emotions with logic. So rather than him logically thinking your survival is required for now, he will feel more possessive, even protective. Again, Stage three is about transitioning what was formed, and making it something more. But as always, Mouse is a manipulator. Remember that, please. He may respond the way you want a lot of the times, but he will NOT lose his demonic persona and qualities. You're making him adapt to his new enviorment, not changing who/what he is. Stage four: Enhances what has been done in stage three. He sees your worth as a leader and acknowledges it. He will now give little to no argument on choices and tactics, rather, he will follow them out and make sure they are completed fully. Mouse will still have his wits and default persona, but his back talking is reduced due to his respect and liking of the Warden. Completing his own personal quest will help (Stage three) immensely. By now he will keep himself in reserve, if the Warden speaks to him he will relay what he thought about the recent story progression, answer questions and advice that will still be there. For enemies he is either dead or just gone. For romances he acknowledges you more. By that he sees your attraction, and listens all the more. This is the stage where sharing a tent becomes an option. He is now seeing you as a companion that, while can be discarded, it would not be easily. He rather enjoys your conversations and all that jazz, and rather milk it for all its worth before your end. Whose hand that is done by is still unknown. While he is fond of you it does not mean his judgement and knowledge has been discarded, choose poorly or ignorantly and he will see it, scold you for it, etc. You want to protect him? Not needed, but appreciated. Want to be a humanitarian/Elfentarian/Dwarfitarian, he'll tell you still don't be a hero, get the job done right. Romance may have offically bloomed, but he's still going to poke at your stupid moments. The ending is still under construction, that is the basics. It's a slow process, but it's meant to be harder to get him than the others. He is powerful, he sees himself superior as is. He will always see himself that way, but perhaps you could gain enough respect to make him see you as something a bit more? All major story points will be covered, origins, etc. More will come. This was just covering the vague basics of the romance aspect of it, since it was currently on topic. Abilities and all that will come shortly too. Speaking of which, though. Yes. Mouse will be on default with magic, strong magic, with a blade in his inventory as well. There are so many aspects of him it is difficult to just set one default. He's interested in mages greatly, worthy ones. Magic is the leading factor in his combat abilities. But he's a sneaky thing, and knows how to stab someone in the back. Ok. I'm tired of typing this second thing again. Read. Comment. Stop just viewing and leaving it at that, people. If you are so interested in reading on this then start giving input already on what you want from this mod and if you can help. Happy days, people, I'm out for the weekend, probably.
Daniekf: You pull through again, haha. I'm liking your suggestions, while I'll probably word it a bit different to fit Mouse's tone more the points you covered that he would speak about came pretty close. I'll have to read up again on a few things Dragon Age-related when doing the Fade and all its properties, just to make sure the facts are correct. Probably will do that with the Darkspawn too, just to be safe before doing final scripts for the mod. You seemed to grasp the fact Mouse would be relying more on intelligence than feelings when he was replying to the Warden's comments, which is good. I would think that to Mouse emotions would be more distant, and intellect would be more dominate. Which works out better in my opinion. I was talking dialogue to a friend of mine, who suggested that intellect dominating emotions could work in the romance part of things. Showing Mouse various aspects about mortals. It sounded cheesy to me, but it might just be one of the more sensible options. So I added it to the list, and request suggestions on how that could work as well. I've been sick a lot recently, and sleeping more than I usually do. So pardon me, my brain is still waking up at the moment. I'll post more when I can think more clearly. And the dialogue as well.
I guess I'll post about dialogue now too. All things considered, it's going to be fleshed out completely. Mind you, these are ideas, concepts, etc. that I myself will suggest, and input suggestions that others also requested for this mod. I'm not going to write out actual dialogue, save it for the actual mod, but these are ideas for what kind there will be, and conversations to be had. Meeting Mouse: That would probably have to be the most alluring conversation. For it will be the one that makes you, The Warden, decide whether Mouse will join your party, or if you will send him back to the Fade. Ignorance here will end badly for you if you refuse to listen to what he has to say (in general, you'll have a choice to kill or add him afterward he speaks as well) and go for an instant battle. Playing to his favor would mean a less hostile conversation, but Mouse is still aggressive in his persuasion. Classes, races, origins all would be affected. Human Nobles he'd be interested in with heritage, most likely. Nobles have power, and Mouse like power. Mages will obviously have a closer connection right off the bat, he'll recognize you, perhaps even remember the way you answered him (?), which could affect how he reacts to seeing you once again. You a Dalish? He'll give you some advice, and criticize your people, but give his respects as well for refusing to be slaves to the humans like the city dwellers. Dwarf perhaps? He might tell you something about what a shame it is they are disconnected from magic. Or maybe it's a good thing? Still a work in progress. Attack Mouse, kill Mouse, final words for farewell? "I'll be back." "This isn't over." "See you soon." "Remember, Mage, true tests never end." :P Something, something, something. Have him join you? He's not going to bow and thank you, that's for sure. It's a wise decision to have him in your party, and he knows he's quite a valuable catch to have at your side. Even if he could at any moment turn into the enemy. Lucky you, eh? Conversational options: Ask about the Fade? Ask about others of the Fade? Ask why Mouse left the Fade/wanted to leave the Fade? Ask his views on the Darkspawn and the Blight? Ask about what he mentioned that's personal (Mage Origins, Nobles, Dalish, every origin will have something that's different) When you get to a higher approval rating perhaps even ask his views on the rest of your party, on things advice even to prepare for the end of the Blight. Mouse is powerful, he is intelligent, and he is full of advise, best option is to check back to him often for it. Besides, he likes it when others listen to him. It's official. I went and ask those that I spoke to about this potential mod, and the majority rules that it is requested to have some form of romance. But really, romance with Mouse? How is that possible? How is it not? Is Mouse incapable? We'll find out. Lets just say he favors the smart and wise ones, ignorance is not found to be cute nor worthy of respect in his view. That much is so far known on the mod Mouse will have. He likes an open mind, and will test to see if yours is open. Or is this just a trick to make you a potential host for his demonic self? Just what would you do for Mouse, we will have to see. Pissing him off? He'll talk down to you, maybe even try to kill you at a certain point if the conversation keeps swinging in a certain way. Or maybe he'll just leave. He won't respect you if you don't earn it, and it's not about being nice. It's about being smart with him, and if all you do is insult, whine, and act ignorantly, he will continue to give you negative results. Other companions? Mouse will have some lines for each of them, that's for sure. Some snark, some wit, some insults, and even observations. Morrigan might have just met her match. Oh dear~ Ok, I had a lot more to type but... I fell asleep writing this. So I'm posting what I've got here and now, and will add on when I log back in. Thanks for reading, feedback and more ideas on what I've posted tonight would be great! :3
REQ: Romance cut-scenes mod
TheShadyLady replied to Ambrya's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Ideas
Yes. I've been wanting this. It would be nice to have more memorable moments with the love interest. But I think it would also be nice for even those other party members you are friends with. Well, not the ROMANCE options, but friendship-based cutscenes. As for the romance one, I definitely like all the given suggestions and hope to see this one done. This would contribute to the game a hell of a lot, and make the experience of romance in it so much better. Good thinking! :D -
Brainstorming. If Mouse was in the real world, just what would he be capable of? Shape-shifting? Abilities alike to Uldred? Perhaps more? I think if this mod is going to get anywhere we need to set down some ideas. And since people are lacking I'm just going to blab away on ideas, and hope you guys give me some feedback. Hopefully someone out there will get zapped with intrigue and help make this mod for the ones that request it. I was going through the ideas about summoning others from the Fade. Mouse was a puppet master in Mage Origins, but would that necessarily mean he would be the type to bring forth others to aid him, or would he be powerful enough on his own? Truthfully, I thought the latter. Mouse tested the mage, and when I think about it, if the Pride Uldred was taken by was there instead, I would definitely bet on it that it would still try and possess the mage. Which gave Mouse more self control, even after being found out and all. He used Valor and Sloth, as well as the Rage Demon in the test, but were they until his influence, or even really there? Would there be a point in having Mouse be able to craft those from the Fade into the real world? Truthfully, I think it's not necessary. As much as it is interesting, or would be interesting to see, I think Mouse works better as an individual rather than relying on summoned creatures. I like the idea of Mouse going into "rage" mode of some sort, maybe his own form of berserk that would summon only in a certain mode? No idea. I think it would be a last minute resort, as in, if he couldn't keep fighting in his human skin he'd summon others, and if they couldn't handle it only then would he transform. But, perhaps ideas from your end could make me think otherwise? What other abilities would Mouse possess? In a living body now, I would think he'd be more prone to either using magic as a true mage; what abilities he possessed within the Fade and more with the body, perhaps. Or maybe he'd be more of the forbidden sort, and actually take up Blood Magic as his primary weapon. In all honesty I could see a mix of sorts. Primarily, it would be Blood Magic, and not what is just there already. Mouse would most likely have to get some custom attack and defense spells relating to it. In my mind I can see his attacks being wider in range, meaning, multiple targets would be affected and taken out much more quickly than what a regular mage could do. Which would also present a challenge to the people that want to fight and kill him, think Uldred was bad? I think Mouse would be worse. Changing into his original form, a Pride. Like Uldred did. I think it is vital to Mouse's mod to have this, because it will still show that despite wearing human skin, and no matter how he acts, what he truly is, is undeniable. Would this just be limited to just battle? No. I think during the storyline with Mouse it is also vital he morphs, even if it is just at camp or during some conversational/cutscene. It wouldn't be to smash and bash, it would be more to make a statement, or discussing what he really is. He could probably squish someone who bothered him in his human shell, transforming for that purpose would be a waste, most likely. More ideas are welcomed here. Back to the magic, though. I think basic elements should be given, wider range of attack, more powerful team member and opponent if an enemy. Because in truth, Mouse is either going to be stronger or equal (in the real world) to the Warden with him being a Pride, one that most likely stronger than Uldred himself. Again, though, these are just observations and suggestions being put in here by myself and other fans of Mouse. Weapon? Do you think he would have one or not? My opinion? No. He'd just use his hands, or claws, depending on his state. Rather than using a staff I think he'd be prone to whipping out a spell straight from his hands. A dagger or blade maybe if he happens to get the slip on somebody, but otherwise hands on magic. Input? Drain Life I think is important with Mouse if he's getting himself a body, by the way. And I think I'm out of most of my ideas. I don't know what is even possible to be done as a mod, so feedback and ideas would be nice. Otherwise, those are the most common things that come to mind currently.
Daniekf: I tried to find the discussion you mentioned and could not, could you link me to it by any chance?
I suppose that's true. Another tent entirely? That too could work out nicely. I like it. Ah, well with those dialogue options already preset it wouldn't be much of a problem at all, you are correct. :3
Improved Blood Mage Specialization
TheShadyLady replied to someguynamedjoe's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Ideas
I do not care how long ago this thread was started, this idea is interesting and gives you a class worth being afraid of. I love it. There are a few loopholes concerning the whole, demons in your body part. I would think they'd be more prone to breaking packs and promises and using your meat sack of a body to do as they will. But otherwise, I love this idea. -
Daniekf: I haven't seen that discussion, I will have to look it up immediately. Uldred interested me, I thought some more insight in him could of made more of an impact rather than the rumors and stories of what happened to The Circle. So I'll look into it and the abilities, etc, thanks. And thank you for the suggestion about the Mouse Mod as well. :3 Ideas for how this could work will be posted shortly as well.
So it works like being in the Warden's own person zone. How some games do it with characters homes. It's a nice concept, the one problem with it might just be the size of the Warden's tent. The tents there aren't all that big, so navigating inside it could be difficult. Unless you mean to change the tents entirely, that would be different. About the love scenes, are you meaning the cut scenes or adding in more affectionate moments? Cuddling, kissing, personal conversations, etc. as examples. Clarifying that could help those that could make the mod. Sadly, I'm not a mod maker as of yet. But I do like the idea you've got here.
This is also something that has bothered me greatly. I really liked some of my characters to wear normal clothes, rather than armor all the time. But I ran into so much trouble that it didn't even seem worth it. I think if this mod is going to be done it should either be at a designated home, or just be something built in, like the ingredients mixer. So you have the supplies yourself, and make it yourself. Not a shop that you have to go to and pay for things for. This is supposed to be you customizing or own wear. The option to find or I guess maybe even buy the supplies should be there, but doing it yourself to make what you want is the important thing here. InuyashaFE and Ferryt seem to have the right idea here, especially with what InuyshaFE originally requested (which I am all the way on board with). I mean, I like and understand why people would want to add enhancements and what not to this mod. I think personally if any enhancements were to be done it would be so that you can wear the clothes while exploring, so that if you did go into battle it wouldn't be as if you were naked without any sort of bodily protection. If so, what I'm curious with also is if this mod would also affect games already established in the game? Anyways, good idea, InuyshaFE. Kudos to you! :D
Unique Companion Concepts
TheShadyLady replied to RamenAwesome's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Ideas
Hello! This is a very interesting idea you've got going on here. I am really liking how fleshed out the characters are as well. Perhaps if you also gave us some personality traits people who are interested in voice acting could get an idea of the character they would be playing. I, sadly, am not a voice actor. But I can do dialogue or writing, since writing is what I've always done. Considering you have the characters already fleshed out I could aid you in that part of it. I will work on a banter like suggested and post it here shortly. Just wanted to say I like the creativity in your idea here, and am sure once it gets modded that it will make a wonderful addition to the DA:O game. :3 -
This is an interesting idea to go forward this. I personally would not use this, if only because it didn't really fit in with the DA:O story. There isn't really any way to explain a character that looked in such a fashion, unless they were some sort of Chimera or experiment? Haha. That would be my only qualm with it. But as for just an accessory for a character I don't see why it couldn't be made by someone. :3
Daniekf: That is a very awesome idea. To play through a new origin as Mouse. The story for that would be unique, I would actually definitely do that playthrough. However, dialogue and figuring out just how to make the origins fall into Mouse's interesting story could be a bit difficult and take up some time. But nonetheless would be worth it. I think what would be interesting about that idea, is if you got the Mouse Origins and played through it, which would actually UNLOCK him in being used as a companion. I think that once his origins are completed, story told, it could leave off with a cliffhanger as to where Mouse has actually gone off to. Which, when we either resume a character or start a new one, after playing to a certain point it could trigger a random encounter. Hence, Mouse becoming (optional) a new member. With any class aside from a mage I would assume it would be more on instinct to kill, which the option is given for. Because those characters wouldn't know Mouse. Just see him as a demon in the flesh, right? Well, playing Mouse with a Mage Origins character could open up a few more interesting options. Of course, I think with any class that these options would be balanced out, like a Noble Origins character would have some sort of unique dialogue and what not with him, most likely about their noble heritage. It would be fleshed out for every origin, of course, that was just an example. This could be where the ideas I have been discussing with others could come in too to give balance to their needs. But I'm really liking your idea, especially with this combination. It could make for one interesting mod. Good thinking. What about anyone else? Got any thoughts on this mod?
Sorry for the wait, Christmas shopping, ughs. Thandal: Haha, very funny. Vartoz: I like that idea, but I don't know if a mod like that could be made. And it does cancel out and romance options for people that like Mouse for that. So for this mod it wouldn't work out as well, but as a separate it would be pretty awesome. I would love to see Mouse come back like that at some point, but not for this sort of mod. It's definitely something that should stay on the list as another mod to make eventually. Good job with that one! Is there any other ideas for a Mouse mod?
I am quite aware, as are plenty of people that have played the game. We know Mouse isn't a real person, rather, he's a Pride Demon in disguise to test the mage during Mage Origins. Thanks for restating that, however, RustyBlade and Jay33721. But, your idea is the basic idea I had in mind. If someone were to make a mod of him, story-wise, that might be the easiest to do. Have Mouse possess a body mimicking the one he used in the fade. I think having an abomination companion could be interesting. Having Mouse as your abomination companion, well, that would just be super interesting, haha. And thank you the the compliment on the picture, Immortality. My friend is going through a motivational poster phase, haha. I'm glad to see another fan, and would love to hear any ideas you have for this topic, or would like to perhaps see should a mod be made of him. In any case, back to the original topic. I've been talking to a few people, some who are familiar with the game and some who aren't, and merely have an interest in demonology, or are writers that have done some pieces on that sort of thing. I figured I'd list off their thoughts and ideas. How he gets out: 1. There was the original idea of what Jay33721 has stated, it's the most obvious and probably simplest idea out there as well. It would probably work out best, despite being a dash cliche. Nonetheless, it would serve the best, most likely. So as for how he could leave The Fade (for the most part) that would probably be best. Of course, this part of it is still in need of ideas. Storyline/getting him as a companion: 1. It is possible that you don't recruit him right off the bat. There could be a chase leading up to him, and then a choice to kill him or recruit him. For a warrior or rogue it would probably be just some Pride Demon/abomination on the loose. For a mage who encountered Mouse in the Fade, it would have a bigger impact. 2. Another mentioned a dream sequence where the Warden is dreaming and encounters Mouse, an attempt to possess or merely a warning that he's coming. This one was very vague with loopholes galore, but I thought she had an interesting idea. 3. There is the whole, Mouse possess a mouse, thing. Which is just hilarious in my view. He wouldn't be much of a companion combat/romance-wise. Could be there for conversations, I have no idea what kind of personal quest or quests in general he could participate in like this, aside from an adviser of sorts? Considering Prides are known for their intelligence and power, their experience could be handy. But it would be interesting, even as a separate sort of mod. A talking rat. I think that beats the nug. :P 4. A player friend of Dragon Age brought up the quest Asunder, where you piece together a Fade Beast (which appears to be a Pride) with its scattered body parts. There is always the possibility the appearance Mouse uses in the Fade could be from the last person he possessed, and there-fore, to recruit him or bring him from the Fade (etc) you would have to do something similar? Again, these are just things conjured up during conversations of what would be interesting or fun to see within the game, relating to Mouse, of course. Again, it would also seem to vary on origins themselves, as warriors and rogues don't have it as personal encounter as much as a mage would. Nonetheless, any class that would encounter this mod would surely be thrown into some sort of new quest. I'm sure there are a lot of heads tilting at this mod, but oh well. Ideas and feedback would be nice. Especially by those interested in this mod being done, or those that are willing to do it. :turned:
So, I've talked to a few people on other sites about Dragon Age: Origins. The Fade was always a favored place of mine, due to the potential and various things to be done. Not to mention the obvious mystery it holds. When I first bought the game Mage Origins was the first playthrough I did, and as we all know (or most of us) that's where we meet Mouse, the disguised Pride Demon. I've noticed that there was more fans than I realized of this guy, so I thought I could ask maybe a mod could be made of him? There are probably a lot of confused people now, as to even how Mouse could get out of The Fade, let alone with the face he has currently. Right, that sort of back story would really need to be developed, which I'm willing to do. Writing is the most popular thing I do, among online work. The only thing I cannot do is the animation, voices, anything relating to the mod minus the writing portion. I know this sounds silly and all, but I think Mouse could of definitely had a lot of potential in the Mage Origins. I do like the fact he just is there, giving some advice at the end of The Harrowing, but his role could be expanded. Which would definitely be interesting. I'm still learning the whole modding thing in general, I've never made anything, only am familiar (barely) with the basics from The Sims series. Blah. But a friend of mine raised a valid point. Mouse looks a lot like Ser Gilmore, minus some changes (green eyes, clothing, etc). And aren't there some of him out there already? Again, I'm sorry ahead of time if this sounds like s***, because I'm still in the learning process. But couldn't someone use his model and make alterations? I know the process isn't easy, but I'm just posting the mod ideas I've been noticing from the people. And considering Mouse doesn't have much attention brought to him, despite the impact his character can have, I figured I'd bring it to the table. As I will be with a lot of other ideas when I hear them from others or conjure them up. I'd love to hear feedback or any ideas you guys may have. And if there are any fans of Mouse out there leave your ideas too. I mean, I think it would be great to have him as a companion/romance interest. Actually, not just great, but interesting, more-so. I'll be sure to update this if and when more ideas come, but for now I'd love to hear what you all have to say. Thus, I conclude with this a friend made: Derp, derp.
spoiler Emotional / "RP feeling" quests!
TheShadyLady replied to Oddmaster's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
I think it depends on the Origin, most of all. I like playing a mage for this game, a twin blade wielding mage, for that matter, haha. But when I'm doing Mage Origins, it's always going to be the The Broken Circle, or anything relating to Jowan. Since that is the origins, the very start of the character, and he/she will never forget their roots. Unless they hit their head... Alistair? With the Mage Origins what got me most was during the Sacred Ashes quest, when you're up looking for the ashes. After you pass the Guardian, and all the riddles, you come to a brief moment where you see Jowan. And what he says really seems to be a punch to the gut there from my character's perspective. If anything, he was the first friend of the character, or even love interest (not that his oblivious self will realize it anyhow). Or with Uldred, how he just wanted to get out but ended up making things worse. Cullen, subjected to be tormented while his fellows perished. And the tower never gets finished (minus Awakenings). I think this one is my favorite. Human Noble, course it's going to be with the family. First time I played all I wanted to know what "Where the hell is her brother?!" and seeing the death of the wife and son of the brother, it sucked. Confronting how probably sucked even more, it could of made more of an impact if it was a personal duel of some kind. I didn't feel like my Human Noble avenged them at all. Not to mention in that role it seemed more like I had the duty of making sure Alistair was alright, crowned, or whoever got the crown in general was someone who would lead well, in better representation of the humans, etc. Dalish Elf, definitely Tamlen's encounter at the campsite. That... Was awful. Especially since the entire freaking party gangs up on him, you can't even give the final blow unless you just jump him quickly. But that was a lot of good dialogue, that felt like an actual closing. I'd love to say helping Connor, but considering there isn't much afterwards, conversation-wise and what not from him or the family, it's just not as fulfilling. Saving Redcliff was great, though. But the doomed Lothering just sucked. Poor people. To me, I separate myself from the character that is made in the game. I am a writer (big whoop), character creation and customization is important, as is the persona, relations, and story. I'm not going to do playthroughs with the same intentions of being a dick or an angel. Do it how the character wants to be done. So it varies with me and the characters I have. If I have to say anything, my rogue Dalish Elf, is there is any point of his "touchy feely" sort of moments... It's with Morrigan. Not just with Tamlen, but definitely the Morrigan moments, when she vanishes, or in Witch Hunt when he goes through the mirror with her. Definitely those. I like all your replies though, definitely a lot of views. Very interesting, folks. :D -
So many fans would melt if a Sten mod came out. From the sound of it it seems like it is underway, or will be soon. Kamajii, I can't do any sort of modding, but characters and their dialogue I am pretty good with. More for the writing-based things. If you get to this on your list at some point and need a hand I'll be around to lend one. :D Either way, Sten mod sounds like a tough project that requires a lot of time. But considering the size of his fandom it would probably pay off well, haha.
Cullen NPC as Companion Mod Request
TheShadyLady replied to commandertraveler's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Ideas
I really like this idea. Cullen has a lot of potential. It would be interesting trying to recruit him, especially after The Broken Circle quest. The whole idea of sparing the mages that Uldred was in the Harrowing Chamber with, and then returning to find a different version of Cullen compared to what we had seen... It was definitely a motivator. I'd love to see this mod. There is a lot of potential with it, a lot of story telling that could be done, especially for the Mage Origins characters. -
Massive Mod Idea - New Origin Stories
TheShadyLady replied to someguynamedjoe's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Mod Ideas
I am definitely there on this. In some of the pieces I have written (especially for my first character) my mage came from a Dalish Elf camp, so seeing this just made my really-way-too-early-to-be-called-morning, well, morning. I do a lot of beta work online with character creation, storylines, plots, story boards, etc. I've never tried voice acting, I might be able to look into a few people, though. Can't make promises. As for the developing of these in general, I could definitely give you aid if you want it. I think it would be great to have these. Or even these origins being transferred to the Circle. As in, at the end of these mage origins they could be taken to the tower, considering they are apostates (even if the Dalish are left alone for the most part). It could be the way Duncan meets them as well. There are plenty of options I could go on and on about when I'm actually awake. I just thought I'd leave this here for now to let you know I'm definitely game for this. I'd love to hear the Human Commoner one, sounds interesting. More average, like your every day Joe which could serve a great interest to other gamers. I'm not an animator and cannot do mods, yet. Working on it. So for now I could help with anything relating to the stories you have in mind, characters to be created, since profiling and psychology is one of my favorite pass-times and studies. Ughs. I feel like I'm filling out a job application now, ew. Anyways, I'm on board. Can't wait to hear more of your ideas!