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Posts posted by AlyAly

  1. I have a question: In the UN excort mission are soldiers in cool armor. I hav only found a body package info, but changing things in the unit package info or decos will end in a invisible xcom soldier, if I simply replace the archetype. Any Ideas how to get the soldier ingame?

  2. Thanks. but I cannot find the Hex values in UICollection_Strategy_SF.upk. And the postion 0x7E826C doesn't exists.
    I have only this one:
    5F 5F 50 61 63 6B 61 67 65 73 2E 49 44 69 73 70 6F 73 61 62 6C 65 00 FF 0E 44 48 1B 01 1F 00 88 16 5C 6C 05 5F 67 6C 6F 62 61 6C 00 2A 80 00 6A 5B 00 1C 76 00 01... at 00007100

  3. It has not worked. But can we repack texture packeges, the tfc files?. When I simply copy the EU armor upk in the CookedPCConsole folder, the game crashes. I think it needs the matching textures. Can we pack the old textures in the chartextures.tfc?

  4. Hi,
    I have noticed that the female armors in EW were repalced with a more version that looks like a modified thing of the male armor. In this case, there is only one texture in EW instead of 2 for both the female and the male armor (like carapace). Is there any way to get the old female armors back in EW?

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