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Everything posted by pvpxan

  1. I reloaded stuff and now I am missing these and not sure what mod they are.
  2. I am trying to see if I can disable an item effect when the pipboy menu is pulled up. I found the Condition function MenuMode buy it also has a Parameter setting and I am not sure what number I am should use in there. I assume that is suppose to reference the pipboy menu.
  3. Well, the main reason I asked about this is the mod I have to scrap and create power frames. Seems you can scrap the world "yellow" ones but the "green" character placed ones when scrapped yield 0. I tried to edit all those globals with very little luck.
  4. It seems that items that cost only 1 of a resource when scrapped return 0 items back despite changing the global scaling variables for scrapping. Anyone know where that is controlled? Is it a script or built into the gaming engine?
  5. So my modding abilities fall quite short when it comes to dealing with quests and character dialogue. Essentially, the negative aspects of starting tactical thinking should ONLY happen if you ACCEPT the mission from Kells. I am currently digging through all of Kells sound clips and even clips of the actor that voices him to create a separate dialogue option to take this quest. I would be glad to get some help on modifying this quest transition if possible.
  6. So I have been recently working on a Stealth Armor mod and I am getting totally lost in this new creation kit. This was very easy for me in New Vegas, but it seems like nothing works as it appears here. The following photo is what I have tried. I have plugged my sound into different sound things by choosing it from the drop down boxes and no luck. http://i.imgur.com/uzA3xMj.png If I wanted to script this, how would I do that as it seems scripting in FO4 is totally different than FNV and I am having trouble finding good documentation on syntax and functions. I usually learn best by example sadly. ScriptName xan_Play_Sound_Effect extends ObjectReferenceActor myActor Event OnActivate(xan_Nano_NightVision_Effect akActivator) myActor = akActor If(myActor == Game.GetPlayer()) xan_Stealth_Sound.Play(myActor) EndIfEndEvent I know this above script will not work, but I am really lost as to what to do and any help would be appreciate.
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