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About vaiguy1

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    United States
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  • Favourite Game
    Skyrim...What else!

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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. LOL...My wife made a joke that I had so many mods that all I was missing was a mod to take a sh#@t
  2. Im not requesting a mod but I just curious to know if there has ever been a bathroom mod...where you can go into the weeds and take a #1 or #2...
  3. I did try my hand at modding about a year ago but as far as I could get it was a start up with the sword on the ground in front...
  4. Looking for a way to do this with all 1H swords...Is it possible?
  5. What is the best mod to fill in the wastland with trees? I love "More Trees" but it seems to CTD my game every time and I found a floating tree with it too. I just want my Skyrim to be more of a forest than a waste land.
  6. I would like to make me a player house but I know nothing about the Creation Kit or how to mod...Where can I learn how to create a player house? I want to make a REALLY small shack in the deep woods or swamp with nothing more than a bed, chest cooking and maybe a rack for my swords.
  7. Anyone know why the "Better Horse" mod would keep CTD on me? When I turn the mod off in the manager the game works fine but when I turn the mod on the game crashes every time I run or ride my horse....Help Please!
  8. Hi, I love NV as well as FO3. I have played both games, downloaded a TON of mods but the one thing I want to do now is to make my own mods. I can do 3D very well and I want to make things for the game that I want like BOOK OF ELI stuff. I found his big knife here but I want to go all out and do everything like his shirt, jacket, backpack, glasses. You know, the whole nine yards. Now, I can make or retex things in 3D Max or Maya with no prob but I dont know how to get it in the game. Where does one learn such things? Thank you for your time and help...
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