Such a shame, creating a new layout and not even implementing dynamic scaling . the amount of space that is not used because its fixed is just amazing,. 4 more collumns could have been in there.
Wow, sinds thisd afternoon. autom,atically redirects to instead of listening to complains they just ruin the experience and enforce everyone to use their failed layout .
I Aggree I use a wide screen and even Windoews 11 reverted back from the hidious button pages back to a normal view and Nexus is now doing something that should have been tried a few years ago and would be burn down then, but it seems they do not care. Peopel wants mods and add mods to their games by a simple layout not by a layout that takes more time to load then the old one and looks not good. ( though the loading times are really a crime, optimizing things before going live should be a pre, ifm the old layout loads faster then the new one, the dev's failed and during testing this should have been clear, this change should never be approved at all)
wha would be easier : or
Well I go for the first one as that gives me a better overview on what I wna t, what is new. I don't a table formatted crap layout. I am on a PC , NOT a TABLET !
Wat a disaster is this. I am forced now to make favorites for all teh instead of as the new layout is just not working for me, I have no idea who designed that new format, though I would not accept that design at all if I had ownership of the site.
yeah if you have 100+ mods and you do a check for updates you burn at once through your rate limite of 100 seems for every action on nmm you do it cost you at least 1 limit point downloading a mod is 3 point .. so you are punished with 100+ mods its all to prevent an mass downloads of mods which I do not do in the first place, and all gods beware if I ever have to reinstal all.. that will cost me days ..
I never used tha Api, I just updated NMM to 7.0 then it requested me to login into nexusmods and voila , api was done, auto inlog was done and the rate limit couter started to go down :)
the old NMM with its api update to 7.0 works file .. the API limit is a showstopper .. choosing. check mods for updates blows away the user rate limit in a single click. what I also saw is that 1 mod download is not 1 api request a whole lot more . downladed 2 mod update and one request for check all mods for updates and I am at 2303 from the 2500 and lost the 100 form that hour. This makes me fear for a reinstall + redownload of all mods when needed . Can Vortex do all what NMM can and the transition how fluent goes that or is it not really a matter as you still run into the api limitations ?
In response to post #37554555. Same issue and infact I got an additional issue., suddenly 75% of my mods are now in the category "Unassigned" .... very weird.
In response to post #34714225. #34714475, #34715070, #34715220, #34715695, #34715820, #34715960 are all replies on the same post. yeah .. on 1920 * 1080 I have so much space that I can have two times nexus open without missing anything on the site. Really make the website wider , not taller... Less scrolling is more joy.