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About Richwizard

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  1. The Creation Club, Customizable Vault Suit creation, adds Utility Jumpsuits to the game. They are a recreation of the vault suits from Fallout 3/NV. They only come in dirty versions. The vanilla vault suit, like the one you have in V111, comes in both clean and dirty versions. There should be a clean option for the new utility jumpsuits.
  2. Carry More with Power Armor just makes a simple addition of a single value to fortify PA carry weight. It is very simple to change that value to whatever you want and also to change it to an esl.
  3. NMM is not dead. It's just not being supported directly by the Nexus. Github still posts occasional NMM updates. The newest versions no longer try to check the Nexus for updates. They connect to Github. In fact, there was an update today. Here is the web address. https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Nexus-Mod-Manager/releases
  4. There's a fairly recent mod on the Nexus called Red Dead Revolver. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38304 It may not be quite what you're looking for, but it's intended to give you several options to make your own unique .44 revolver with different looks and grips. Apparently, the vanilla "Western Revolver" just uses the .44 revolver mesh. The author is currently in the process of updating the Western Revolver to make it a Remington New Army Revolver instead of just a .44 revolver. He plans to include similar appearance mods for this new Western Revolver, but it's a WIP.
  5. Spawn chance for Automatron encounters is set at 50%. This significantly reduces the chance to meet anything else. There are mods that adjust this.
  6. Usually, when you install an esl mod with NMM, it doesn't appear in the load list immediately. You have to exit NMM and reopen it. It should then appear and you can activate it. Me and a lot of other people wish they would fix this.
  7. However many descriptions you come up with, it will be "all of the above."
  8. Just one question; how long is the pole on that thing? :D Edit: Second question; do you grip that pole with one hand or two? :teehee:
  9. I see what you mean. In terms of file numbers, the "Clothing" category is the second biggest. It's exceeded only by; wait for it.......... WEAPONS! :woot: The ultimate phallic symbol. It's not the size of your weapon that matters, it's how you use it. :wink: I'm not overly fond of weapon mods in general, either. But, there are a couple of exceptions. I know, let's petition the Nexus powers that be for a new "Tittie Tag"!
  10. :D I've asked for exactly that on the mod request forum. But, hardly anybody seems to read that. Honestly, it's not the sort of mod I'd use in my own game. It's the sort of thing I'd like to see get made just for laughs. I'd still download it just because! Sadly, you probably won't finished in time for April Fools.
  11. :tongue: I don't care. I just want shooting boobs. :laugh:
  12. It's because of the amount of teenage hormones involved in mod making. They think they're being clever, or creative, or something. Those modders are just raising a flag that says, "I'm horny!" It's a similar situation with the amount of gun mods for the Fallout games. "Mine's bigger than yours!" I think a mod with shooting boobs would be the most popular mod ever. I'd love to see that.
  13. It has been a while since you played. That's the first trading post you find in the game. It's called Drumlin Diner. It's one drug dealer named Wolfgang and his bodyguard. You can resolve the initial situation there with a speech check. Then Wolfgang leans against the diner for the rest of the game, and BOTH of them become available to buy your junk. When Trashcan Carla is stopped there, it becomes 3 merchants. It's a handy spot already. It might work as a settlement, if it's not too close to the Starlight Drive In. If settlements are too close to each other, it can cause conflicts. The game will try to lump settlement stats of the two map markers together. I had this problem with my Water Tower Home mod when I gave it it's own map marker. It all depends on distance.
  14. The MTs-255 looks like an interesting gun. I may consider that.
  15. You're welcome! I meant what I said about being ready to run when you find it. The encounter that spawns is not leveled, it's overpowered. I changed it in my own game. It's my only complaint about that mod. The stealth boy works great. Although, I have noticed an occasional problem making a game save while in stealth mode, an occasional freeze. It might happen with vanilla stealth boys too and I never noticed.
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