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About giannis196

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  1. hello everyone! have made a script that whenever my projectile touch it appears a activator but i have got a problem the activator stays to the air like there is no gravity for it for example if i hit a dragon to the air my activator stays to the air without gravity so, how i can make my activator to decreases the position Z until it touch the ground and not a actor (like the dragon that i just hitted) or something like first of all how i can refer the ground in papyrus? and how to write my script correctly? for example While "my activator" not collide with ground decrease it's Z position by 1 wait(0.1) EndWhile so, does any of you know? thanks! edit: isn't there at least 1 way to make it appear to the ground when it appears?
  2. i want to compress my models and textures and i want them to play as compressed i see bethesda have compress her models to BSA and the FPS is just ok so, is there any way to make my mod play with the models and textures compressed as BSA?
  3. i have create a mod but i don't want it to decrease game's FPS when someone enable it so, i want to know how i can make it to BSA file type correctly just like bethesda have done with her models and textures is it possible to compress it to BSA type and play with them? will my models lose their quality after the compresion? how to do that? thanks!
  4. I made a magic spell and i put a explosion on it as long as i didn't put any sound to the explosion the screen didn't vibrates but when i put a sound on it the screen vibrates and i don't know the why so, does anybody knows something for this?
  5. I wanted to make a MGEF but when i'm done i notice the window was too big to fit to my screen and the "ok" button was out of the screen i tried to make the window smaller but it was locked at that size so, i moved the window but it returns back to it's previous place after that i tried to press the enter to click the ok but nothing happened i also tried to press the Tab button until it sellect the "ok" but no luck at all so, is there any way to make that window smaller so we can click the "ok" button? i'm sorry if that was one of the most crazy questions of the forum but this is a real problem :D edit: ok, i founted it i just needed to press the "Tab" button 5 times until it selects the ok button and btw i'm sure this is need to be fixed...isn't it?
  6. thanks! i'm sure someone must really write those empty papyrus wiki pages because begginers (like me) will need them.
  7. i was searching for a command that it suit to my mod that i make and i founded the "rotate" command but it's wiki's page is empty (http://www.creationkit.com/Rotate) i look up some other commands to see how about i should write it but they are not the same and i don't know how to write it correct. so, can somebody help me? thanks!
  8. thanks Isara! i will try that. edit: btw are there commands that they make the player to shoot a arrow?
  9. i want to make a activator to shoot a arrow i have open other activator's scripts (such like batista's script) but i can't figure out at allso, what's the script to shoot a arrow?how i should start and what's the command?i can't find the command at the wiki so, can you help me with that?thanks!
  10. i'm suprised! really? can't this be happen with papyrus script? unbelivable!
  11. is it possible to script inside of a nif? let's say i'm making a script. an example on pseudocode: event onActivate in the data>meshes>myNif>sword of heros <------nif block do (the command) end event so, is this possible to script inside the nif? i'm pretty sure it is with the scription everything is possible i just don't have the knowlege so, can some of you tell me how to do that? can you give me an example please? thanks!
  12. lol ok i didn't knew after 500 i am allowed to write my title as i want but i'm not a spammer he's title just impress me and i wanted to know anyway thanks for your reply!
  13. at the forum i see sometimes the title to say "bethesda investor" (or bethsoft investor) so, what's that and how i can be? let's say i want to invest 100$ to bethesda how i can do that? is it a good idea? will i lost my money? and what's the minimum that i can invest? thanks!
  14. i have change the cone spread but i have got 2 problems 1st one it does nothing (it is just there without any effects) 2nd my arrow don't deal damage if they want modders to mod this game they should make it less limit for modders to mod it...isn't it? i have see in many posts that the modder who tries to make he's mod he can't do that because he is too much limined to do that anyway i will make my mod with another way but i need to know how to make my arrow to don't go straight i want it when i shoot it to go 5 degrees left (or right) so, how i can do that? i see at the nifscope if i change the degree it just go straight with 5 degrees so, is someone know about that? should i do that from nifscope or from CK? thanks!
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