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Everything posted by nightoperations

  1. Good evening Nexus Forums, I need some help on: How to properly build a bashed patch; How to properly sort my load order using BOSS; And why some of my Weapons Mods are not showing up on the menu. So here is my load order: What I need help with is, how to properly build the Bashed Patch and sorting load order issues that may cause/been causing trouble. I need some info on the Bashed Patch building screen.
  2. Good evening guys, So a while back, I downloaded a mod that allowed me to change item models in-game, without editing anything, I've been searching for this mod for a while now, and I can't seem to find it. Anyone knows where it is? Thanks, in advance
  3. Hello Nexus, I'm here to ask for a good config to get a fast paced combat configuration while playing on Legendary, because I don't know how to balance that, also some tips on the magic stuff. Thanks, in advance.
  4. My own little plane of Oblivion, with a castable spell that sends people inside it and traps them there.
  5. No, not like that, the models, and the empty vials thing is a good one too, but the models, I think it would be more Immersive specially with Bandoliers, because it add vials holders.
  6. Just asking, wouldn't the game be more Immersive if the potions were turned into Vials?
  7. I win! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! I can feel the power running through my veins, oh hell yes, sweet victory
  8. Just read the title, if there is a way can someone please tell me? Thanks, in advance
  9. After taking the first work job from Farkas, and finishing it, I can't take jobs from the others, Farkas didn't tell me to talk to Skjor, and when I talk to Aela, she says that I'm already on a job. Can someone help? Thanks, in advance.
  10. Do want, hope it gets released soon, thanks to everyone helping this project
  11. Thanks, could you release it here on the Nexus? I won't be downloading right now cause I'm going to school, but as soon as I get home I'll do it.
  12. Exactly! It would look so badass into my Argonian Stealth Mage.
  13. Vampire Armor set(Gauntlets, Boots and Body), doesn't look like armor, it looks like normal clothing, can someone change that? Or teach me how to do it. Thanks in advance.
  14. My own little plane of Oblivion, give me a spell to trap people in there, and a way to acess it. You cast the spell on a NPC it gets teleported there and then it's trapped, can't leave the place, only you can enter and leave. It would be fun to have that.
  15. Dumb game, forgetting to load textures and s#*!... Thanks for the answers, running it on Medium, gonna remove AA, and some other unnecessary s#*!.
  16. I'm experiencing some weird textures from time to time in my game, purple ones, in some Vanilla armors, Modded armors too, and some weapons. I think that I'm not the only one that has these kind of issues. I'm not using the High Res Pack. Thanks, in advance.
  17. I've been looking for a guide like GEMS, that features a lot of the best mods in Fallout: NV, and I can't find any, do you guys know if there's a guide hidden somewhere? Thanks, in advance.
  18. As some of you may have seen Tay Zonday sang the Skyrim Main Theme, linked here , Is there a way to make this the main menu music for Skyrim?
  19. Yeah, that would be awesome, and it IS easy to do, you just have to put the weapon fatigue cost to 0, in the CK, shame that i don't know how to do that...
  20. What needs to be explained here? Just a portable camp chair, pretty simple i think, buy able from vendors, and all that Herpurr Derpurr....
  21. Can't use it no more, it was "deleted, abducted, vaporized or something like that"
  22. So, i was searching in F3Nexus for some mods for my F3, i found Detailed Collisions, then i searched for it in New Vegas Nexus, and couldn't find anything. If someone can make Detailed Collisions NV, that would be a killer mod...
  23. I searched in the Nexus, and i didn't found a mod that adds Yao Guai companion, of course there is Wasteland Whisperer, but it's not something like that, just a companion, like Dogmeat, but more powerful, nastier, and the ability to raise him, like this. "You find a abandoned Yao Guai at [input place here]" And then you'll have to feed him, fight...And the he would grow into a life saver....
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