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About FredericJ

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  1. Thank you Mjy, I will try to look at your mod when I have the time to and see how it work. Best regards.
  2. Hello, First of all my english isn't that good, please understand. I made somes screenshots for friends and I wanted to add them in game as ornements with a "shield" version to put them on racks. I made the 3D model with blender and the textures are ready too, unfortunatly I am terrible with the Creation Kit and don't have the time to learn how to use it. So I would be glad if someone want to work with me on a mod that bring paintings for players. Best regards, Frédéric.
  3. Hi...thank you for you nice comment on my pic. And what a wonderful gesture you did on the "Pensive Knight - Autumn". Things like that certainly deserves a kudos :)
  4. Hello, I think it would be great to have colorless bound weapons, instead of blue I would see a dark grey or a fadding white. I am not sure if it is very complicated to do or not but I would be thankfull if a modder want to make a try on this idea. Thank you.
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