I think it would be absolutely marvelous if someone made a mod to make horses have a point. There are two major things I would like to see in such a mod: 1. Add the ability to fight from horseback. Would be great if, instead of coming to dead stop, slowly going through the dismount animation (all the while being attacked), if you could just gallop by with your sword drawn or bow& arrow or what have you, and attack people whilst still on horseback. 2. "Upgradable" horses. I can't help but notice that riding on horseback provides absolutely no benefits. The speed is almost the same as the run speed... it's like a pathetic lethargic plodding along. The horse feels like its heart is about to give out. What I'm saying is apparently Nordic horse breeders don't know a horse from a pile of rocks. So, in lieu of something simplistic like just making horses move faster, I was thinking it would be cool if you could buy better horses at different stables throughout the game. The faster/more durable the horse, the more expensive they are. Still pretty simple, but it makes the horses feel a little more worthy and purposeful. Thoughts? I don't know anything about modding, so I have no idea how hard or time consuming this would be.