Hi, long time member, pretty much never talks on forum. I have found a lot of very good information here in the past but my current issue I haven't found the exact thing I'm looking for. It could just be my ADHD acting up. In FO4Edit I know how to set NPC's to have a specific level, or how to make them scale with the player, what I cannot figure out is how to make them scale with the player up to a maximum level. I'm playing with the, IMO amazing, Raider Overhaul mod and one of the many things it does is make raiders level with the PC. This was great for a long time but now at levels past 100 I'm seeing far too often Raiders winning in engagements with the Brotherhood of Steel and it's breaking my immersion. I want to make it so that raiders scale but only to a certain extend and I don't know exactly how to type that up. Thank you.