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About mrbalthazr

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  1. I did adjust the values under "calc max level". Didn't seem to change anything.
  2. Hi, long time member, pretty much never talks on forum. I have found a lot of very good information here in the past but my current issue I haven't found the exact thing I'm looking for. It could just be my ADHD acting up. In FO4Edit I know how to set NPC's to have a specific level, or how to make them scale with the player, what I cannot figure out is how to make them scale with the player up to a maximum level. I'm playing with the, IMO amazing, Raider Overhaul mod and one of the many things it does is make raiders level with the PC. This was great for a long time but now at levels past 100 I'm seeing far too often Raiders winning in engagements with the Brotherhood of Steel and it's breaking my immersion. I want to make it so that raiders scale but only to a certain extend and I don't know exactly how to type that up. Thank you.
  3. Simply put, if anyone could make, or knows of, anything at all even close to this guys robes and/or crown and/or appearance, I would never stop being happy. Attached Pic related The character is Ommadon, the Red Wizard from the 1982 animated film : The Flight of Dragons, incredibly powerful evil archmage with an army of dragons at his disposal. Video very related. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FcaX9hFa9I
  4. Basically yeah, the Joker from Batman, I could swear there was a good looking mod that added his suit, to a clothing store in freeside if I remember correctly. Obviously not lore friendly and whatever, but still, was a fun character to screw around with. If anyone knows what happened to it/where to get it, I would like to humbly request a link.
  5. Could access chat yesterday, can't today, any ideas? I do not think I was banned or anything as I have no messages or notifications.
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