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Everything posted by AncientSion
So, i tried travelling to Markath. I have no bounty on my head (without without the console cmd even) but when i enter, all guards and all npc turn hostile. I have no idea why. Help much ?
THis is a REALLY annoying issue.
1 9 32 08 w/ SKSE 1 6 16 44
So, coming from Oblivion i made the experience that you should not level too fast and especially try to buy 5 skills each level. So i tried doing this in Skyrim. I was level 10 when i realized you could buy skills so i went ahead and bought 5 points. I then was short on money and made some money, improving my skills. When i manually leveled up, i immediatly jumped to 13 and could not buy 5 more skill ponts at 11/12 but basicly got 5 bought points for 10 to 13 alltogether. Can someone explain this issue to me. Should i worry about training skills, is the game very hard later on ? So far, its been a breeze and i feel my party (dog from vampire daedric quest and the swordmaiden from falkrath) seen to be be OP. Im suing Skyrin Redone mod.
I got a mammoth Tusk and gave it hear. Then she makes her speech "blabla let me teach you so some trader dont give you a bad deal". When he stops talking, nothing happens. I can only manually (tab) quit the talk. When i talk to her again, the option to give her the tusk is again choosable, and again, nothing happens after her speech. Speed 20 or so. bug ?
So i left the Tavern in Falkrath and a Master Vampire and a dog appeared. They managed to kill Falk and Ruril. Im wondering, should i use the console to kill the Vampires before they kill any NPCs or would the NPC stand up on their own ?
I have mined a bunch of iron and something else. But i dont know how i can turn them into usable ingots ? thanks.
So i started Skyrim, after having finished FNV and OBL with extensive mods. Currently i have these active: http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/3803/sfxy.png Can you advise any more ? Im looking for stuff that adds depths, i.e. perks, realism, maybe stuff like cooking or "needs" like in FNV ? thanks
Oven script extension, help please
AncientSion replied to AncientSion's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
Come on... -
Umm... How do I mod New Vegas?
AncientSion replied to Timbob102's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
You mod new vegas using either fnvedit or GECK. Try google for GECK and New Vegas. GECK allows you to create mods and edit them, fnvedit only allows you alter existing mods. Get FOMM, too. Its a tool for getting mods to load in the correct order. Regarding the Steam Error, i have no idea. You should probably try to fix your NV before you try modding. -
So, there is a mod that makes ovens useable. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/35334 I checked the script and what it does is checking for 4 cases, either the oven works, or you need to repair it, or you need fuel or you need fuel and repair. What i want is to add a 5th case in which the oven simly does not work. I can add the correct messages myself, but i dont know about the script. Can someone please help me in adding code that adds a fifth case that links to a message (like "ovennotwork") which simply shows the message and quits the menu ? The odds arent important, i can fix them myself, i just want a fifth case that pops up a message of my liking and stops the whole thingy. thank you. scn PovOvenScript short WorkingChance short GasChance short OvenState ;//value from 0 to 4, 0=AutoDoOnce, 1=Working, 2=NeedsRepair, 3=NeedsGas 4=NeedsBoth short MenuState ;// value from 0 to 4, 0=DoNothing, 1=WorkingMsg, 2=NeedsRepair/Gas, 3=NeedsGas short nButton ;// -1=Wait Input 0=OptionA 1=OptionB 2=Leave Alone ref user BEGIN OnActivate Set User to GetActionRef Set nButton to -1 If GetActionRef != Player User.Activate return elseif GetActionRef == Player if OvenState == 1 set MenuState to 1 showmessage PovOvenMessageCraftingReady elseif OvenState == 3 set MenuState to 3 ShowMessage PovOvenMessageNoGas elseif OvenState == 2 || 4 set MenuState to 2 ShowMessage PovOvenMessageNoWork endif endif END BEGIN GameMode if GetInSameCell Player == 0 Return endif ;// Runs this once when playet enters cell, determines the state of the oven if OvenState == 0 set WorkingChance to GetRandomPercent + (player.getav Luck * 4) set GasChance to GetRandomPercent + (player.getav Luck * 4) if WorkingChance >= 60 && GasChance >= 68 Set OvenState to 1 elseif WorkingChance < 60 && GasChance >= 68 Set OvenState to 2 elseif WorkingChance >= 60 && GasChance < 68 Set OvenState to 3 elseif WorkingChance < 60 && GasChance < 68 Set OvenState to 4 endif endif ;// Everything Works ;// 0 Cook Stuff (if you have gear works if not sends message) ;// 1 Open Oven ;// 2 Leave Alone if MenuState == 1 set nButton to GetButtonPressed if nButton == 0 player.showrecipemenu CampfireRecipes elseif nButton == 1 activate endif set MenuState to 0 endif ;// Needs Repair and Pilot light to work ;// 0 Open Stove ;// 1 Repair Stove ;// 2 Leave Alone If MenuState == 2 set nButton to GetButtonPressed if nButton == 0 activate elseif nButton == 1 if player.getitemcount PilotLight >= 1 if player.getav repair >= 50 || player.getav survival >= 50 ;//Succes: Skills OK If OvenState == 2 set OvenState to 1 elseif OvenState == 4 set OvenState to 3 endif player.removeitem PilotLight 1 playsound UIRepairWeapon playsound WPNFlamerJam rewardxp 10 elseif player.getav repair < 50 && player.getav survival < 50 ;//Fail: Insufficient Skill playsound WPNBreak showmessage PovOvenMessageNoSkill endif elseif player.getitemcount PilotLight < 1 ;//Fail: No Pilot Light playsound WPNBreak showmessage PovOvenMessageNoPilot endif endif set MenuState to 0 endif ;// Needs Gas to work ;// 0 Open Stove ;// 1 Fill Stove ;// 2 Leave Alone If MenuState == 3 set nButton to GetButtonPressed if nButton == 0 activate elseif nButton == 1 if player.getitemcount ammoflamerfuel >= 10 ;//Succes: Filled with 10 flamer gas player.removeitem ammoflamerfuel 10 playsound WPNIncineratorJam playsound WPNFlamerReload set OvenState to 1 elseif player.getitemcount ammoflamerfuel < 10 playsound WPNKnifeSwitchbladeUnequip showmessage PovOvenMessageNoFuel endif endif set MenuState to 0 endif END
So i want to alter the amounts of stimpaks that are sold via vendors. I found this ilvl list and opened it up. http://prntscr.com/ym0r1 Now, i dont realize how can i alter the stimpak count or rather how actually it effects the vendors. Can someone please explain the 3 entires to me, especially the "level" column and the "count" column ? I know the first entry is actually another item list including packs. What i want to know is what dice are rolled and how the income on average from one item list "vendorstimpak" is calc'ed. thanks a lot.
Im using a modmess, among others are MM and PN. My character is lvl 36 and i have endurance 4 or 5, yet im stuck at 144 HP and i dont seem to notice that this amount has grown in the past 10 levels+ at all. What could be wrong here ? Surely 144 HP is way, way too low for lvl 36 and average END.
SPOILER. So i went into the prison and got the holetape with Elis voice. When i talked to the mutant, he was God. Until now (just finished rallying all 3 guys) i never ever saw the Dog-side. How can i interact with Dog ? From the convos i had with God, it seems i should be able to alternate between God and Dog. But i dont know how. - thanks
FNV4gb + NVSE = Launcher?
AncientSion replied to FireStar999's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
Open Steam, then hit fnv4gb.exe. It should load up the game without the stock games launcher starting up. -
So, i created a new container with specific Formlists. Now i want to assign this Container (i.e. customcontainer1) to a vendor. How do i do that ? To be more exact, i dont see how "VendorContainerDocMitchell" is actually linked to DocMitchel. Basicly, i need to know where/how NPCs are linked to their specific containers. Please advise ? - thanks
Editing a Companions weapon picks
AncientSion replied to AncientSion's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
I guess your solution might work, but there surely must be something in side GECK that can be done. Her highest stats are in unarmed and energy weapons, so why does she use a 10m smalls arms hand gun ? Ideally, im looking for something like "preferredweapon" in her npc entry or something. I mean your solution is all fine (i guess), but it appears to me there should be a proper way to do it. -
Editing a Companions weapon picks
AncientSion replied to AncientSion's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
I dont think that will work. You can already adjust her ingame between ranged and melee, what i want is to force her to use other guns instead of her 10mm gun. For the record, i tried your suggestion and she still likes her 10mm. -
Where in Geck can i edit the stock merchant restock timings ? i.e. how many hours/days it takes until a merchant rerolls (?) his inventory. - thanks
Im having considerable trouble alignent items in the render window, i.e. editing the landscape with barrels or whatever. Im looking for something like the axis widget in autodesk or anything really that lets me alter the field/point of view. How does it work ? I tried all mouse buttons, hold, click, anything. I guess. thanks
I dont think that helps him. He wants the item to spawn, so i assume he does not hold it neither can he console-click on it ingame.
Just to get a grip on it i want to mod Doc Mitch to sell MFC Ammo. i tried looking it up and i think i have to alter the container file of doc mitchel. So i added 100 MFC to the container. Yet he doenst sell them. Could that be because i have to wait for him to get a new roll on his inventory ? If so, how often do Vendors roll new inventory and is there any way to speed up or slow it down ? -thanks
Are you serious ? Why not just open the console and try both IDs ?