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Everything posted by Rocopherus

  1. Hey, trying to create a mod that will allow me to wear two arm armour pieces at the same time. I assumed that it would be a case of duplicating an existing armour piece and changing the slot it is using but when equipped, both armour pieces disappear. The two test pieces I'm using are the synth arm - using the standard arm slot 42 - and the combat armour left arm - set to slot 58. What would be the reason that the meshes aren't showing?
  2. There's already a mod to fix Tina, http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10892/?, so that's one thing down!
  3. Hey, now that the CK is out, I was wondering if it would be possible to remove the requirements from the 'legendary' traders such as Doc Anderson, The Scribe and Ron Staples to a 0 settler limit so they can join your settlement immediately
  4. Hey, wondering if someone would be able to edit the meshes of the metal armor and remove the spikes in the arms and legs. Light: http://i.imgur.com/dts2UN4l.jpg Sturdy: http://i.imgur.com/ten6bhHl.jpg
  5. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8276/? - Gives the sub a straight mag, which does the job fine. Only problem is that it has a 100 round capacity
  6. Thanks so much for the the effort, it looks so much better now. Will keep an eye on this thread in the hopes that you can sort collision out, but don't stress yourself about it. If it can't be done at the moment, not much you can do. Here's a couple of screens of what my RR looks like now too http://i.imgur.com/cAbfpvEh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/UhqHQ3gh.jpg
  7. Was doing some building at the Red Rocket Base and was trying to get something built underneath the roof but these nozzles are just in the way (see image.) I tried using the disable command on them but they are part of the red rocket building and it obviously then disabled the entire station. Similarly, it would be great if someone could get rid of the concrete block (again, see image) as it suffers from the same issue. I was wondering if it were at all possible to remove these or if we would have to wait for the GECK to appear, if it ever does http://i.imgur.com/j0udTiqh.jpg
  8. While I appreciate the wave of black retextures every outfit got, I'd rather we put some more colour into the Commonwealth. So, would it be possible to get a blue retexture of the generic Minuteman outfit? Only the jacket would need be changed, the rest could be left the same. Would be even better if the colour was #006FDD (hex) Much obliged to whoever would create this.
  9. While I appreciate the wave of black retextures every outfit got, I'd rather we put some more colour into the Commonwealth. So, would it be possible to get a blue retexture of the generic Minuteman outfit? Only the jacket would need be changed, the rest could be left the same. Would be even better if the colour was #006FDD (hex) Much obliged to whoever would create this.
  10. Not perfect but if you rename a piece of armor to whatever you want but prefix with '-' it will appear at the top of your pip-boy. So for example: http://i.imgur.com/u2Hd3cZ.jpg?1 Here you can see I've renamed my amour pieces to appear at the top of my lists. Again not perfect put functional for the time being.
  11. This, would be good to also see a system like the "All geared up" mod for Skyrim. Shame that something like this won't come out until the CK comes out.
  12. This, would be good to also see a system like the "All geared up" mod for Skyrim. Shame that something like this won't come out until the CK comes out.
  13. Seems as though Alternate Start isn't interfering then, which is good. I'm pretty sure that killing the dragon at the watchtower is the first dragon you can kill, and from there more dragons will spawn and according to UESP, using console commands will stop dragons spawning randomly. Definitely got the right idea to disable all but the USKPs too. Also check that your game is fully updated
  14. Likely that Alternate Start - Live Another Life has disabled elements such as soul absorption word walls and most shout related things. Is there a setting that allows you to change these things?
  15. Hey all, When I play Skyrim I usually have music set to off as I find it more immersive but this also disables: Level Up sound effectsDragon Combat musicSovngarde background music Any chance that someone could create a mod where they replace all but the aforementioned sound files with a blank audio file or something?
  16. Help! Been creating a mod but I cannot seem to get followers to follow me through the door. Does anyone know how to fix this? Mod link here if anyone wants to see if they can get followers to join them - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31481/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D31481%26preview%3D&pUp=1
  17. Fantastic! Just what I wanted, cheers!
  18. Hey I thought I had seen a mod similar to this but I couldn't find it. I wanna see something where when you equip certain faction armour (Chest piece only) you can move around their camps/bases with relative ease. For example: Fur armour - Bandits Guard Armour - Guards (Hold specific) Forsworn armour - Forsworn Legion/Stormcloak Armour - Legion/Stormcloaks If however, there is a mod that does this, could you point me to it? Rocopherus
  19. Thanks man! Been looking for that all week.
  20. Not too long ago I saw a mod on the nexus allowing us to change the distance which followers followed you from. I really want it but cannot remember what it was called. Does anyone here know what it was? Rocopherus
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