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About Kodiak412

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  1. Has anyone been able to find a list of console ID numbers for the gas crafting materials? The list for the ores is everywhere but nothing for the gases. Even dropping one on the ground and using the console to try to identify the item does not work.
  2. If you downloaded it, it will show up in the download history. However that mod may have been removed since then. If you download manually and keep the file in a FO4 folder on your computer, you will always be able to go back to find it years from now.
  3. I play with a left handed mouse and need the Attack (LMB) and Parry (RMB) switched. Is there a mod that anyone knows of that allows these mouse keys to be switched? Or even in the files to make some changes. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  4. I have the Slog with nothing but ghoul settlers and they need food and water or they become unhappy and cranky. :)
  5. I think you may be right on that. In the back of mind (from years ago) I believe I did see posts in the forums about being able to change something in the ini files to make that happed too. I think I remember seeing that Clear Water mod though and just using that (easier). I'll have to some more searching and some reading from the Discussion posts for all the water mods and see if someone posted something about that. I'll also look in these Nexus forums as that is more likely to have some information about that. Thanks for the lead, now I have a lot of reading to do. :)
  6. In oldrim there is a mod Clear Water and it makes the water nice and clear when you are underwater. I tried to use it in Skyrim SE but it does not work. I have tried to search for water mods that do something similar but I have not been able to find one. Perhaps the mod author gave it a name that does not give you a hit with a normal search word. Does anyone know a mod that clears the water? Thanks.
  7. Save yourself, this is always the way it goes. Starts out with marijuana and next thing you know your on heroin. Starts out with Muggy and next thing you know your asking for Fisto. :)
  8. It has to be. "I can't find any mods that give big boobs" :) that's a riot.
  9. FYI I use that first one listed by cdante and it is great.
  10. There is a mod named Vault Tech Speed that will not do exactly what you want, but may help you. It is a chem that is cheap to make, has 2 different speeds, and will last for 1 or 2 minutes. I use jetpack settings that will basically let me "fly" for a short time, and these are what can be used for horizontal speed. Take a look maybe this can work if you do not find anything else.
  11. I'd like to see NEXUSMODS on one side and a large symbol on the other side.
  12. I've not seen one, but it may be out there. I just did it the old fashioned way. Make a save right before you ask and if you get one in hold you do not need, reload. This does make you go through the dialog a number of times when you get down to the end, but it will work. Good luck.
  13. Do some searches for "Hot Mommas" or better settlers. This will help with the settlers anyway.
  14. I don't remember seeing a mod like that but that does not mean that one doesn't exist. The only issue that makes me wonder is the forward or reverse thrust. Vanilla jetpack does not have any "built in" horizontal motion, so to be able to add that with a mod would be an enormous undertaking, I would think. But then the modding community is some of the most talented and creative people you will find, so maybe it was done. Here is a link to some information about jetpacks that I wrote in another post. This may help you if you do not find what you are looking for. Good luck. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6621446-a-proper-jetpack/
  15. If you are just looking for something easy that works for vanilla, then EVB (Enhanced Vanilla Bodies) is outstanding too. Not as indepth as the others but the best vanilla option going.
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