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About tomhughes

  1. http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/images/15776-1-1335201891.jpg Am I the only one who feels that one of the biggest problems with Skyrim is the fact all the settlements are utterly implausible? I mean less than 100 people are in every city!
  2. Don't be ridiculous - we don't know any girls
  3. More than happy to have you check back in a few hours and I will have posted a big update
  4. Neokore that is nice! Personally I think this has fantastic potential - the Dragonborn has every right to become a masked hero in the land of Skyrim - so many superheroes protect their identities and the Dark Knight would be an inspired theme for it - good luck!
  5. It defeinitely does seem true in the last couple of years as games have become more accessbile/popular to a larger portion of society the quality has generally gone down. Just look at what happened to COD....
  6. Stormcloak or Legion? Wouldn't it be great if it actually mattered? I have to say I was competly underwhelemed by the entire civil war questline and can't wait for a mod to sort it out
  7. So we've all played a lot of Skyrim right now (100+ in the first couple of weeks for a lot of us) and I feel that having completed retty much all the main and guild quests and built several characters I can really write a proper review for this game. First off I think it is fair to say that overall it is a very good game - a good improvement on some of the weaker parts of Oblvion (levelling and characters especially) whilst retaining what really makes the Elder Scrolls great; an in depth world with so many different ways to approach it. A lot of this has been written in reviews and I hope while you read the next part you keep in mind that overall I really love Skyrim. However.......... I can't help but feel that there are a few issues that should be addressed and I would really like people's feedback: 1) Some questlines are tooshort and implausible: You can pretty much beast the Companions and College of Winterhold in a few days (in game) and then somehow become guild leader when there are far more experienced people around you. When you compare it to the recommendation idea for the Mages Guild in Oblivion this just seems an insanely short amount of time to do it in, quite frankly implausible and most annoyingly just plain laziness from Bethesda's point of view 2) PC gamers seems to have been forgotten: Go and pay Skyrim right now, find a rug and look at the corners - pretty sure you will find the same texture there as in Morrowind; graphics wise it certainly seems the same. It just seems that for having some truly beautiful scenes Bethesda have cut corners in one too many places with graphics and given what PCs can do nowadays it seems like they just forgot the sort of graphics we expect nowadays 3) Arrow to the knee: come on guys it's the sodding mudcrab thing all over again 4) The entire Civil War: Now I can accept the CoW and Companion quests - short yes but at least an interesting storyline. Second only to the main quest the civil war was advertised as the big thing in Skyrim and what do we get - roughly 5 castle battles and the most boring ending in game history. So say what you think. Overall yes a good game but I just feel corners were cut (for 11/11/11 perhaps?) and improvements weren't made in places where they should've been. Of course one of the main reasons we love Skyrim for PC (and you all read the Nexus sites) is because the modding oppurtunities for this game are huge. In 6 months I am hoping (expecting sounds too demanding) some amazing mods that fully utilize both the computers and games abilities but until the CK is released I have to say I am getting a bit bored with Skyrim TL:DR Well done Bethesda but the modders will truly make this game everything it should be
  8. Hey guys super busy right now but will post a full update tomorow! As this is going to be a Skyrim based lore mod can we keep Alagaesia and the Old Language out of it. I believe there is currently a mod page somewhere suggesting creation of this. Just feels like there is a bit too much chat right now concerning parts that we won't be able to include
  9. Mate I claim to be no expert modder but I think even Bethesda wouldn't try and make such a mod without the CK (which they use to make the game). Have a look around and join onto a more experienced modder's thread or just wait til the CK comes out and have a go yourself
  10. Seriously? You reckon after a month no-one has considered this idea? oh fresher.... Basically we are waiting on the construction kit to make this a possibility - currently you can only use the dragon model but not fly with it. Check out the link in my sig.
  11. Here I'm hoping to make the best Dragon-Riding mod for Skyrim - mostly it will all fit into Skyrim with perhaps a few Easter eggs and some inspiration from the Inheritance books. Secondly I've not reay the Pern Series so it's a fairly easy choice to go with
  12. I think in terms of relation to the Eragon books this mod is going to have to work more on principals than it than direct facts - especially as I want to make it 'lore-friendly'. My ideas were as such: Start Parthunaax/Odahviing (we will have to work out what we do with the Blades/Parthunaax situation) summon us to High Hrothgar and propose an alliance due to the increasingly out of control dragons. From there we build upon recruiting hereoes across the land who gain the power of Thu'um via some sort of ritual with their chosen/paired dragon. This order would be designed to lkeep the dragons from destroying the world - as for their side in the civil war that will be up to the player Blades I like Draco's idea of them becoming in some way affiliated with the order - their intent on destroying dragons was only when they were destroying things and they are meant to prote4ct the Dovahkiin who has chosen this path Stronghold Either at Skuldafn or out to sea - either way inaccesible to those without a Dragon CAn everyone please join the sourceforge fourms - allows us to discuss every aspect even if you don't want to do the actual modding later :)
  13. The Sovngarde access thing bothere me too but perhaps we somewhow prevent it by destroying the Dragon-priest staffs. Is there any reason why there should eb access for mortals to sovngarde anyway? Also it means there is a good place for the Vault of Souls (which I have decided will be deffinitely be making an appearance alongside Eldunari). I think the stronghold would best be built in an adjoining area to the skuldafn
  14. Skuldafn seems like a good idea - my other alternative was having it out to sea somewhere in a college of winderhold style rock rise.
  15. Dragon-Riders of Skyrim Overview With this mod we plan to continue where the Main & Civil War quest-lines left us by expanding an continuing them. We aim to make the player become a Dragon-Rider and form a new Order then embark upon an epic series of quests Features i) Dragon riding: The most impressive feature we hope to add will be the ability to ride your very own dragon. This will include the ability to use shouts and magic whilst riding, aerial combat with other dragons, takeoff, landing and air-to-ground combat. ii) Improved shouts: Words of power will now be interchangeable to form new and diverse shouts. With shorter cool-down time they will be of more use in-game iii) Entirely new set of quests: Will expand upon the Civil war aspect of the game - after you set up the order both sides will be vying for your favour as your support will most likely win the war! But your work is not done - the Dominion are not happy with your power and are marching on Skyrim to stop you. iv) New locations: The Dragon-Riders will need a new home, a fortress inaccessible to those who would steal its secrets. Among its many secrets there will be the Dragonforge, the Great World Wall & Library, a hall large enough for Dragons & the Vault of Souls. There will also be new locations, both interior and exterior, as the quest line takes you to some of the most extraordinary places in Skyrim Quests i) Act 1 - Form the Dragon-Riders - following Alduin’s defeat the Dovah are in disorder and must be united. With the players leadership a new order is formed to prevent the Dovah from destroying themselves ii) Act 2 - Fight in the Civil War - the new Order is proving to be the deadliest force in all Tamriel and with civil war raging in Skyrim both sides are looking to use this deadly weapon for their own ends iii) Act 3 - War with the Dominion - thanks to the Dragon-Riders the Civil War has been decided (one way or the other) but a greater threat is coming.... So there is the new outline for this mod but now it needs fleshing out - I have set up a forum at sourceforge (Thanks to budz for the link) - please sign up first on the team page first. Find it here This project is open to all (this is my first mod - ambitious I know) but we would really love some experienced modders to get involved.
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