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Everything posted by TheSamMaster

  1. I see, thank you. Makes sense then what happened recently: I added the mod, just added the actual PA frame with my modded parts, saw the X-01 basic name, removed the dn_PowerArmor_X01 name, saw no change, exited the PA for a few things, saved, got back in the game at a later date, all X-01 were gone and I only saw "left arm" "torso" etc. Is there a way for the game to create a new keyword and associate it with a name, or is it hard-coded?
  2. I have decided recently to make my first mod, a modified version of power armors. It took me a few days to create the stats and whatnot of one PA (will be making a few different models), and they work fine, however the name I gave it for in-game does not appear to work; it shows up as X-01 PA. I would make sense, since I used it as a base, except the helmet that is based off the T-60 PA. the "Name" values were changed, so I do not know what is going on. I suspect something in the Keywords might have something to do with it (I changed the T-60 helmet keyword dn_PowerArmor_T60 to dn_PowerArmor_X01) but I cannot find where I need to go to make the associations. Can someone please provide help? Thanks! edit: I forgot to mention that I used both a PA furniture frame with the custom parts inside, as well as just added the individual parts on the floor, with the same result.
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