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  1. Hello all, I have a question about scripting that I can't quite wrap my head around. In a mod I am working on, I have a "daily schedule" scripted out for 3 NPC's. Due to the way I have created it, each NPC has a script attached that can sometimes make a call for a different NPC (using their persistent reference ID I set up in the CS) to perform an action (I.E. something like NPCRef1.addscriptpackage TravelToSpecificLocation). Using this as an example, all of these scripts currently refer to specific NPC's (again, using their persistent reference ID) - I'd like to make it more dynamic if possible and switch out NPCs as needed. For context - I set it up this janky way (instead of using something like a single quest script) because each script uses a number of "OnPackageDone" blocks that (as I understand it) have to be run on the NPC performing the package. What I'm trying to do now is come up with a scripted spell that, when cast on an NPC, would pass that reference (preferably only if they are set as a persistent ref, not sure if that's possible or not) to a "global" reference variable which in turn could be used in place of the specific reference IDs to each NPC I am currently using. For the scripted spell, here's a VERY rough draft: scn MyScript ref MyRef1 ref MyRef2 ref MyRef3 short counter begin ScriptEffectStart if counter == 0 && isActor == 1 set MyRef1 to getself set counter to 1 elseif counter == 1 && isActor == 1 && getself == MyRef1 Message "This NPC has already been selected. Please choose another", 5 elseif counter == 1 && isActor == 1 && getself != MyRef1 set MyRef2 to getself set counter to 2 elseif counter == 2 && isActor == 1 && (getself == MyRef1 || getself == MyRef2) Message "This NPC has already been selected. Please choose another", 5 elseif counter == 2 && isActor == 1 && getself != MyRef1 && getself != MyRef2 set MyRef3 to getself set counter to 0 endif end I know the code above is missing some reset logic, but this just gives an idea of what I have in mind. Where I am struggling with though is how do I (using the example above) use "MyRef1", "MyRef2" & "MyRef3" in other scripts? Or is this even possible? I'd prefer to not use OBSE if possible, but I'd make a consideration if there's no other way with vanilla commands. Also, if you have any comments/tweaks/suggestions to my code above - I would highly appreciate them!
  2. I did see it, but I haven't tried it yet! On step 1 though, it says to: 1.Create your hair/helm mesh to fit the race head you are creating it for. i.e. for an imperial the mesh will fit the headhuman.nif file. The hair model must only use one mesh as the FaceGen morpher can’t work across several meshes. Maybe I'm over thinking it, but wouldn't that mean that I would first need a mesh that goes with the Khajiit/Argonian head? If so, would I just modify it in blender and then use the conformulator? I guess at this point, I could also just give it a shot and see if anything sticks.
  3. I have blender and know how to export meshes normally, but unfortunately that doesn't really answer my question. I guess to be more specific, I am looking on how to create .egm files and what all I need to do with the .nif before I even get to that point. Like right now, I have a mesh that fits the human (aka non beast races) head fine, but it doesn't "work" for argonians or khajiit. What I'm trying to do is morph that existing mesh where it fits the beast race heads w/o clipping like crazy.
  4. Hello everyone! I am trying to convert some existing hairs/helms I have to fit Khajiits and Argonians, but I'm running into a wall. I'm sure there is probably some information out there already, but since this game is so old, google doesn't turn up much for me unfortunately. I'm at least somewhat competent with blender & nifskope, but if anyone could either walk me through how to do this, or point me in the direction of a tutorial, that would be great!
  5. After clicking on the NPC in the console screen: addscriptpackage FollowPlayer
  6. The upperbody mesh is already DMRA (or so close that converting it would be pointless). The greaves on the other hand - try this out: https://www.mediafire.com/file/sl85rgnzqekl9cs/ArchSorc-greavesDMRA.nif/file Due to the way that the gauntlets and boots work, I didn't worry about those either; it didn't look like they needed to be converted.
  7. Hello everyone. This is a bit of a shot in the dark as I have no idea if this hairstyle even exists. I've done my fair bit of searching and haven't come up with anything like it! Would be great for my own Orc character.
  8. Little late here, but I once had an issue where the dialogue window would crash the CS if the computer did not detect a microphone plugged in. Itâs a bit of an obscure bug, but I would recommend trying that if you havenât already.
  9. Try this out and let me know if it works for you: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/50287 I promise the shelves work, but they can be kind of finicky (hard to get them out far enough to hold stuff without blocking you from going in). I marked the bedroll and chest as player owned, and the chest is safe for storage. I also added a few books to the chest since havok can be unreliable on the shelves. I also added a rug just cause it seemed like it fit :)
  10. This sounds pretty fast/easy, Iâll take a look at doing this later and see what I can whip up for you
  11. Hello all. I am hoping that someone would be able to rotate a pose (.kf file) for me, or teach me how to do it. Basically, I have a pose that is a standing animation; I would like to rotate it in such a way that the pose goes from standing to being flat on the ground instead. I have pretty limited Blender experience, but I am absolutely willing to learn how to do this as well. Please let me know if you are interested and I will send you the pose file in question!
  12. I know what you mean, that was my complaint against this mod as well. Still good work, but not quite what I was looking for either. This mod is my personal favorite, I've been using it for years now: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/42414 Also, since that mod didn't include Orc textures I made my own (a long time ago) using that base if you would like to check them out as well: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/45497 I've also created custom Redguard and High Elf textures using that original file as a base, but haven't gotten around to uploading them anywhere. I would highly recommend giving the first one a try though, it's got a much higher resolution than the 'original' high-res textures
  13. Have you tried GetUnconscious yet? https://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=GetUnconscious Also, now that I think about it, there has to be something in the vanilla coding that forces the message "NPC has been knocked out" (or whatever the message says when essential NPC's "die"). If you can't find a command that works for you, I would recommend trying to track down where that message is generated from and then using similar syntax to achieve what you are looking for.
  14. Since there are no female dremora in the vanilla game, you'd need to provide a little more information, such as what mods you are using that add them to the game. More than likely, the mods you linked above use texture files that have those "tattoos," so i assume a solution to your problem would be to simply path those texture files to whatever race or npc you are trying to modify. Not to mention, this is a great place to start learning how to use the CS!
  15. I agree with Oblivionaddicted, your best course of action would be to do manual installs. The problem is that vortex was built to be used in conjunction with newer games, and most oblivion mods hosted on this site were uploaded with the intention of being manually installed. Fortunately, it is an extremely easy process. One thing I would add though is that OBSE isn't a mod, it's more of a framework. You should definitely be following the instructions provided with the OBSE download to install it (there should be a "readme" file included, start there). While very simple and straightforward, it is an entirely different process than installing something like a clothing mod (for example). If you're still having trouble, post back again and I'm sure those of us that can help will be happy to make sure you get up and running.
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