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Everything posted by justice1000

  1. watch this video if you want to see a little new stuff in skyrim. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=tOEVOor7R3I
  2. does the pc version of skyrim support the 360 controller.
  3. i hope the leveling system like in fallout 3 so that if you complete a quest, find place, fighting enemies, and etc you will earn experience points.
  4. is the creation kit coming out the same day as skyrim?
  5. i bet modders will add more finishing moves.
  6. female, because im sick and tired of seeing the male doing the work.
  7. my race of the character is going to be a female nord. i will mostly going to be a warrior mix with mage and thief skill.
  8. will there be an arena fight like oblivion.
  9. pee mod mean that your character can pee anywhere.
  10. will new vegas going to have a game of the year edition like the previous bethesda games.
  11. i want pirates in skyrim. who want pirates in skyrim.
  12. do you want skyrim's dlcs be long as hell like at least 10-20 hours for a dlc and what you think about it.
  13. the console version is getting a $10 credit for preorder, but the pc version is not getting. do you guys switch from pc to console version or stick with pc version because of the mod support.
  14. will bethesda add crawl to the game
  15. i know there are ten default,vanilla, races in skyrim. what other,non-vanilla, races will you like to see. i.e. falmer (snow elves)
  16. dragon ball quest- about finding all 7 dragon balls and scatter throughout skyrim.
  17. how come dragon age, elder scrolls, and fallout have their own nexus site, but other games that have mod support doesn't have a nexus site. i meant we need all the valve games or something like moddb.
  18. fallout 3 ftw. new vegas has great mods as well but not as epic as fallout 3.
  19. okay after i complete point lookout and headed back to wasteland. after a few step in wasteland the game crash. also i fast travel to megaton and then people couldn't talk to me, i press the e button and no one is having a conversion.
  20. okay, i complete the point lookout dlc and headed back to the main game after i finish talking to the woman a few step then the game crash. second i tried fast travel to megaton and i tried to talk other people but they can't talk to me.
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