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Posts posted by c1g3

  1. +1. Main reason i keep restarting my game is no hardcore mode lol

    Bethesda should get kick in their butts for ignoring the need for hardcore mode aka realism survival mode :smile:

    They didn't learn at all that it was very popular mode in F:NV and many people use it for incredibly greater immersion.


    Seriously bethesda should get their butts whooped in hardcore style!

  2. I have my perfect realistic night mods now.


    I am Very Happy how now my nights look like :smile:

    I am using this mods:


    Stalker Lightning ( Photorealistic Wastland) by Garny

    reShade that makes my game looks realistic and it makes nights darker but still not true night darkness present.


    Darker Nights by unforbidable

    This makes nights darker.

    Currently this modder added more flavours so I dont know which one I use but still I had to tweak some setting in reShade file to make environment not totally black.
    In my case setting #define Levels_black_point to 21 did the work. by moders default it was set to 28
    Now I dont want to bother and test if I could do darker nights just by tweaking reShade #define Levels_black_point value to higher values. Maybe it would help.
    Maybe one day I will see if that can deal with making nights dark without extra mods.

    Of course it is very dependent on users LCD matrix and his brightness, contrast, gamma settings but in my case I managed to achieve truly deep dark in open places. I spent quite some nights outside in real life so I have comparison and expectations to games nights :smile:

    Bethesda really sucks at making good looking graphics and believable nights. Modders are true electronic heroes for true gamers and dont bother to please casuals like majority of game developers do.
    Not many game creators take this important aspect seriously.

    Good approach was made by The Forest developers. To bad that handful of game developers focus on making nights scary.

  3. Hello,


    I think it's a good idea if we can have more raids with more NPCs in settlements.

    Turning this game in a Tower defense would be so cool. Is this possible now, or we can only wait until next year? :sad:



    I like tower defense games :) It would be awesome to have this in F4

  4. Inventory.


    I think every body remember all these rebalance mods like Project Nevada, well I do.

    Survival is about carring the stuff that can keep you alive,

    But now with the base building thing. Every Item is usefull, (and so your inventory is like a f+++ing Black Hole !)


    Back in the days of new vegas,

    I changed the weight so I could only carry 2 or 3 weapons plus the survival stuff (water food stimpacks etc...).

    And something like 20 or 40 lbs free for picking stuff to sell or junk I needed,

    and guess what... It WAS GREAT !

    I had only 100 lbs of weigth capacity, and everything made sense. 5 Strengh (base weight 50lbs Strengh multiplier 10lbs per points)

    I only picked what I needed, light precious stuff to sell and tools to build stuff.

    I was smart, I knew where to look for and didn't spent my days picking up everything like a zombie in fallout 4.


    In fallout 4...

    Lightweigth mods on guns are useless,

    you can carry all of your ammo you ever found, you will almost never be full.


    SO, I have THE IDEA.

    lets talk about Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain just a sec.

    You are mostly one guy on the field doing all the hard job, but you never bring back the steel and concrete to build mother base,

    'CAUSE that the STAFF JOB !


    So, what if your settler would loot all the junk for you.


    instead of picking up junk, you mark it's location on your pipboy with a special key

    and when you comme back to your settlement, you give the locations of the stuff you spotted to the settlers.

    Then the guy would go there pick up the stuff and put it to your workshop inventory.

    the more happy they are, the more junk they find.


    This way, your pockets dosen't need to be a black hole and you spend less time carrying junk.


    There is no need to script a guy to pick up everything he sees, but at least make it look like,

    so we can bring back the IMMERSION into Fallout.


    I don't have the talent to do this mod, but when the Creation kit is out, the first thing I'm gonna do, is rebalance the dammage system

    like I did in Fallout NV. I'm gonna change the dammage multiplier on limbs and stuff, to make fallout 4 into an Hardcore FPS like Arma.

    one 308 to the head or 4 in the chest should kill a supermutant regardless of level or anything.

    last day I tried to kill a manggled legendary dog , it killed me. Damn I had a double barrel shotgun, I fired 4 shots to his head, but it shewed my leg and that did more damage F+++ !



    Thanks, if you're a modder and like this idea, please copy and past it on a text file, so you can remember for the day the creation kit is out.

    Agree with you. I have similar mind set about games. I also modded NV how stuff are managed.

    I reduced carry weight to realistic true values taken from real life.

    I read about soldiers and their training and their ability to carry stuff on field and how much they can carry and still be operational. Based on that I set max weight carry with maxed out strength vs strength 1

    I also made aiming harder based on strength and tweaked which gun can be used by who so person with 2-3 strength could only use pistols :smile:


    Limb damage is also thing that I modded. First town in NV I saved my game and started to test/have fun. I shoot at people and I noticed that some of them have unnatural bullet proof heads. I started to tweak those values and I reduced ability to aim at some body parts, I removed damage value from non essential body parts for example why I can kill someone shooting at his hand?!?!?! Bleeding now is in F4 (don't remember at all if it was in F3 and NV) so I would add bleeding instead of damage to limbs and only body center and head should have damage to overall HP.


    I like that idea with settlers picking up stuff for us. With extra caps we would give them a job by sending them for such task. It would be cool if they would have more complex behaviors so brave ones would not hesitate to go out and those less brave would refuse or want more caps :smile:

    But mainly they would require some protection so gun or other item for defending would add to their bravery.


    Damn I cannot wait for realism/survival/basic needs MOD :smile:

    Please, please hurry up guys in making such mod :]


    Cant take the game seriously without this mod. Absolutely a must.


    HAHA exactly. 100% true :)

  5. I would like to know how to add head bobbing because I hate to play games where my in game head moves in straight line like in that dumb game called Counter Strike and other games based on that old pathetic source engine :) I always felt like cartoon box in games like Half Life.

    But the most important thing for me would be enabling motion from 3rd person view. Character in TPP while walking uses his weight and in FPP mode I feel weightless. In GTA V I think they did it ok because TPP and FPP are the same in terms of moving while in F4 in FPP mode character is lighter.

    If I am at this subject I want to mention that while walking it is ok in TPP how PC is balancing while changing directions but when I use run then character is not stopping for direction change and I can instantly change my move direction :/
    PC is weightless while running :/
    I would really like to have PC movement implemented into F4

    I moded my Dying Light game so my character have weight and I cannot stop on a dime and move in opposite direction. I love that feel of weight. Most games ignore that just to not annoy casual player that want to be a carton box in game :)

    I am looking forward into mods that will change all that what I mentioned.

    I want to feel weight and I want to have my PC head move like in real life! NO STRAIGHT LINE aka carton box movement ;)

  6. Please someone make normal speed reload in V.A.T.S.


    I just dont like how game cheats and it does in V.A.T.S.

    In that mode PC can shoot and aim longer than reload his weapon and this reload in this mode is ridiculously fast.
    It is immersion breaking for gun nut :)
    Just look at AP bar how it shows shoot+aim as long red line and for reload it is VERY silly short! I dont know but it is like 1/5 of aim and shoot time. COME ON! bethesda are you s... I mean are you serious?!

    Developers should really start to give option to a player before he starts the game. Option to chose between casual player and true gamer so this kind of dumb thing would be implemented for casual mode and in true gamer mode everything will be more into believability and realism.

    I cannot stand such silly game cheats for player :/ I feel very offended as a gamer :D

  7. In containers there are many of them. I didnt break any as for now. Lockpicking is easy in this Fallout games.

    I am gentle with them. I dont hold button for long. I tap it and if I see that I hit bad way to many times i exit lockpicking and reenter it that way lockpicks/boby pins are like new and I can start from scratch.

    Just remember that lock sweet spot is random every time!

    With all bethesda games lockpicking is way to EASY!

    If you would be clever like me you would not break those boby pins that were found in vault :smile: I still have lots of them. About 25 lol


    Dont need a mod for that, doesn't the console command for that work? Just put it in once and save and it sticks.


    set timescale to <scale> (default is usually 30, 1 would be real time)

    i set it to 1 but is still fast, set it to 0.5 and the sun doesn´t move




    No no no no. You are making something wrong!


    1 is real time! 1 to 1 !


    So you must do something very wrong!


    You need to know that loading game without earlier save with new timescale will reset it to 30 or other value that was set before saving game.


    Just use console and write this "set timescale to 1" then save game!


    I am using timescale set to 6 and I like it very much. 10 minutes is 1 hour in game world.


    I also use console command for slowing down reload animations and after saving it is there so I dont need to put it every time I load a game.

  9. I noticed that weapons RELOADS themselves in inventory.

    So using favorite buttons makes reloading futile :smile:

    I tested it with 2 barrel shotgun. firing 1 shell and swapping to for example pistol and back to shotgun will result in having slow shotgun that have unlimited magazine.

    Shooting 2 shells and while start of reloading animation I just used weapon swap back and forth from shotgun to pistol and back to shotgun skipped animation!


    Imagine weapons that have longer animations for reloading all player need to do is swap to other weapon and back to have reloaded weapon in no time!


    This is just stupid! GTA had that dumb pocket reload thingy and bethesda didn't learn nothing!

    Anyone skilled enough please make clip mod or script that will remember which gun have how many bullets in it. And maybe some way to unload clip so gun will be empty if needed. Maybe holding shortcut key for given weapon would unload clip? Holding down shortcut key is not used to anything. Reload button while hold is acting as holster button so this cannot be used as clip unload.
    IMO button for weapon shortcut should act as holster so then reload button hold would unload clip. At least I would do it that way IF I would have such scripting moding kills :smile:

  10. I hate dumb censorship and I totally hate that kids are treated like non human beings that are godlike. If nade will explode near kid I want him to be under the same rules as all NPCs! He need to die as older human. Censors are so stupid.
    I also hate immortal companions even that dumb perks that allow me to disable damage to them. SILLY!

  11. Totally agree! I hate that feeling that I can load without any penalties.

    It would be cool if I would be killed by animal I would "wake up" deep in some cave or nest etc depending on what animal/monster killed me. All my stuff would stay where I died or maybe looted but still in game world so I would know that some stuff is mine for example in some shop or at someones inventory. And when humans would kill me then my stuff would be stored somewhere or sold but still in game world (not erased/removed) Bandits would imprison us or leave naked near some river or random place :smile:

    Death penalty would be awesome immersion feature! I really look forward into such mod in near future.

  12. I thought it is about magic reloading after weapon swap :/

    It annoys me that my weapon reloads after weapon swap. Guns should have mags, ammo should have weight. Bethesda is lazy and love casual handicaps. Sad.

  13. I thought it is about ability to press button and holster weapon and not ability to see it mounted on my character but I agree but I want to see weapon holster ability. Holding the same button as for weapon shortcut should act as holster.

    I sometimes want to see my new look but I cannot rotate around my character because he had equipped weapon. Sitting down helps to disable that state when my character looks where my camera is pointed.

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