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Why do people hate Fallout 4 so much?
formalrevya replied to DreadedKat's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
The simple way of deciding whether or not is an Rp is to say 50 hours into my game and 50 hours into your game have our characters Heard all the same dialogue? Made all the same choices? Completed all quests in exactly the same way? The thing that makes a good Rp a good Rp is how well the story allows you to define your own character Through your actions and choices. If everyone can only make the same choices as everyone else, every character is the same ((builds aside)) And it's not really an Rp if every character turns out the same. you have like 1 real game changing choice in Fallout 4, and that's who to decide with. come to think of it right until the end you can complete every quest chain except for the final quest and nothing will change. That seems to be what most people are pissed about right now at least. -
SKSE Issue not logging into game
formalrevya replied to Robsongolightly's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
As long as you put SKSE into the main directory (which can be found by right clicking on the desktop startup shortcut, data, skyrim, skyrim launcher. this is the correct directory) copied over the two dlls (skse_steam_loader and skse 1_9_32)) and the exe ((SKSE_loader)) then copied over the data folder ((Just drag it into the main directory, and when the option comes up to merge the data folder from the winrar file with the one already in the skyrim directory)) Then there's really no reason it shouldn't work. Think back to the last time you had it working ((If you did have it working)) and try and determine what happened between the point where you had it working, and when it stopped working. BOSS, and TES5edit, probably not going to help you fix the problem, those are for mods, and to my knowledge ((May be wrong, but never heard of it happening personally)) A mod wouldn't break SKSE in this manner. -
When you reset a skill through the new legendary skill system, it resets it to 15 and refunds all the perks you had spent into it until that point. It only gives you the amount of perk points you spent on the skill to begin with. But leveling still gives perk points. The downside is you won't be able to re add those perk points to the skill until you've leveled it up back to where it was. So if you do go this route. It's better to train up a skill you don't actually use that is somewhat easy to train ((conjuration comes to mind)) to farm for points. Or relevel a supplementary skill like smithing. Because you can gimp yourself by resetting main combat skills. Though, to be honest if you're playing on a PC this really means bugger all as there's been mods and console commands that do the exact same thing with less hassle for a while now. It's really more for the console crowd.
Why was the PC near Goodsprings?
formalrevya replied to formalrevya's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
Also, Benny only took the long way around on the way back. On the way to Goodsprings they passed Chance's Map, and Tribal Village as seen in the graphic novel All Roads, meaning the road was passable until very recently. All Roads actually implies that the cazadores were drawn there by the slaugther at Tribal Village. Honestly that raises more questions than it answers. Though it makes a little bit more sense this way. -
This is one of those things that could be admittedly blamed on the developers never counting on someone having as much free time to throw away doing fact checking, but bear with me for a moment. the entire thing that gets the courier involved in the mess he starts the game off in, is that he's trying to deliver the platinum chip to new vegas. now according to Mr House, the platinum chip was made in Sunnyvale the day before the war. For those of you who don't know this, Sunnyvale is based off a real world city of the same name in the Silicon valley, which is located in San Francisco california, you can actually use Google maps to plot a course from Las vegas to Sunnyvale. https://maps.google.com/maps?ie=UTF-8&gl=us&daddr=Sunnyvale,+CA&saddr=Las+Vegas,+NV&panel=1&f=d&fb=1&dirflg=d&geocode=KdF99aSCt76AMaN5s9Xm1cw6%3BKTtd0KlFto-AMaLDfN0m-412&ei=D0wTUb2-Moj29gSB1ICoAg&ved=0CDEQ-A8wAA Which I did here. ((If It doesn't show properly simply type get directions, and Sunnyvale, CA in the empty directions box)) Now if we compare it to the New Vegas In game Map http://images.wikia.com/fallout/images/e/e1/Fallout_New_Vegas_Map_v0.03.png It's obvious that the courier would have had to enter through the Mojave Outpost. which leaves him with two options for how to get to New Vegas. Now the short route would be in fact the road that leads through goodsprings, however, It's made abundantly clear that everyone in the area has been avoiding that road for the past few weeks due to the outbreak of cazadors and DeathClaws up that road, So why in God's name would the courier have taken the most dangerous route? We know that it's been established as a dangerous route to travel, because of the fact that benny, who was traveling with an armed group of great khans at the time, opted to take the round about way instead of heading directly through. We can assume that he had at least 4 other people with him, because that's how many great Khans are encountered in Boulder City. Setting that aside, the short route also happens to take the courier by no less than three gang infested areas, the great khans, the vipers, and the fiends. all of whom it can be safely assumed, would have tried to gut the courier on the spot for whatever he was carrying. and only one friendly town to speak of. The other road, happens to have been populated with several NCR outposts and friendly towns. Why in the hell did the courier go anywhere near goodsprings? At best he would have shaved a half a day off his trip, but every other scenario I can play out, leads to him being either murdered by wildlife, robbed blind, or kidnapped and injured. I really have to question their intelligence, and Benny's for picking that place as an ambush spot.
I'm going to start by listing some basic spec information, though I don't know a whole lot about computers it really seems like I shouldn't have as much lag as I do. Processors 4 IntelĀ® Core i3-2350m CPU @2.3GHz Ram-4GB Graphics Card IntelĀ® HD Graphics 3000 with Video Ram- 1.7 GB and a 64 bit Operating system. With most modern games I can run them just fine, Far Cry 3 being the most demanding game I've played recently and one I got through with no lag to speak of. But for some reason fallout New Vegas seems to end up very choppy, even if I use minimal mods with the 4gb launcher and borderless windows on the lowest graphics setting. I'm seriously starting to wonder if this has less to do with my hardware and more to do with the game itself ((I'm using the ultimate edition, so It has the latest updates)) Could anybody perhaps point me in the direction of a tweak guide so that I can adjust the game to make better use of my hardware, or tell me what is wrong with my current rig? Because it's gotten to the point where I can't play more than 30 minutes without the game freezing on me. And I honestly don't recall having these problems the first time I installed it.
for housing I'd use underground hideout, you have to complete a virtual reality quest to complete it, and while it does have storage for everything you find ((including DLC items)) the only way to get them is to add them in yourself, the mod author gives you nothing built in. You even have to shell out caps or convert energy cells to power all the lights and other neat objects in the house. And you can use a built in tool to move it anywhere you'd like once you have it. Project Nevada has a lot of overall enhancements to gameplay and options for tweaking things like perk and skill gain, exp gain, combat damage multipliers, etc, etc. Imps more complex needs, Needs some tweaking but it does make you think more about what your character puts into their body. It also has stat boosts for eating a healthy diet, and getting plenty of regular sleep, and penalities including death for neglecting your needs or over doing it on chems and booze. For guns i'd go with weapon retexture project or book of earache ((Just don't ask where to get the second one.)) New vegas bounties 1 and 2 are both nicely done mods that together have about as much play time as the main quest in New Vegas. Definitely worth trying out if you want to put your skills to the test as a gun slinger. And lastly I'd pick up Spice of Life, especially seeing as it's now compatible with Breeze's males. doesn't really do anything but slap some new outfits on the various people roaming the waste, but It adds some nice variety, and there are certain outfits that don't come up at all in the leveled lists ((Not that I've noticed at least)) so you have a few outfits available for your companions and yourself to use.
yah I did... and I already post something on the technical problems... it seems all are correct but it always crash... then I saw some people installed manually.. that is why I want to ask how.. You shouldn't try and install it manually. way too many files to deal with, and unless you know exactly what meshes go with what textures and where everything should go, You're going to have issues. try installing with NMM, Usually it has no problem reading FOMODs and installing them correctly. Though with the most recent versions theres a bug that causes it to freeze up sometimes when trying to install a fomod package. If that doesn't work, find a FOMM tutorial and learn how to use it to install your mods. Once you know how to use it, it's not that much different from using the Mod Manager.
Everyone pretty much hates Dead Money, but most people have different reasons. For me personally, my big glaring issue was the collar. The radio boxes were sometimes next to impossible to find which led to repeatedly having to reload after they blew your head off, or desperately running through an area without getting a chance to look. the entire point of the mod was to mix things up and make you rely more on your wits and abilities than your guns. It's why all of the weapons found in sierra madre are so terrible ((Save one or two)) and why you have to scrounge for everything.I get that and it's cool that they tried something different. And the story itself wasn't terribly bad. It's something you have to play through a few times and change things around to see the nuances of though. But, Still hated it, solely because of the collar issue. And yes, it was a bit boring.
The mod you are looking for is called Wasteland defense. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/38049
Cloth or Light Armor for Archer/Stealth/Conjure
formalrevya replied to Losse's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Well, provided you don't spend any stat points in light armor, you can still focus your points on enchanting. Although without knowing what skills you're going to be targeting with this specific build I can't give much advice. If you were going into alteration for example, there's a plethora of mods out there to make spells such as oakflesh less of a hastle to constantly recast, the dragonhide spell gives the same amount of damage reduction as a set of armor that has reached the armor cap ((80 percent)) so it would eliminate the need for any type of armor. But it seems rather odd to want to use enchanting without having an armor set in mind. cloth items don't have quite the variety available to them that armors do. -
Ha... I used to do standup, when I lived in Atlanta. Spent about a year on it, and I actually stopped because I was trying to quit drinking, and it became a pretty bad environment (as I'm sure you could imagine). Sober, I became a bit more introverted, and found it more difficult to get out there, and eventually just never went back to it. Still a comedy nerd, though. So I know what you're talking about, but personally, I just don't think those processes are all that similar... comedy is developed primarily on stage, in front of people, so there's really no beginning and no end to a bit. If it's a good bit, you continue to refine it, until one day, it's a staple in your act, or you throw out your material to start fresh, but either way, its success has been measured and decided. Maybe only by you, or by the crowd it worked best on, but either way, it's just... very different. Anyway, none of this really addressed my main point: the immaturity of an audience who demands a change to an existing story. That is bankrupting the artistic validity of the thing, because no other medium is subjected to that. My wife's an artist, and she has received all kinds of criticisms, be they about content, technique, meaning... everything... but she's never been told to change a painting. She's been told to change something on a commission, sure, but that IS just a product, and in many cases, she wound up having to do the opposite of what her own trained artistic talents told her to do; some girl commissioning album art didn't like the color of the sky, so she had to change the color without being allowed to change the color of the reflection on the water, thus making it entirely unrealistic... but it was what the client wanted. A video game is not a commission from the audience who expects that game. There is consumer expectation, but you cannot put yourself in that much debt of expectation and wind up satisfied. And once again, by all means, BE DISSATISFIED! But don't demand changes to the existing work. That's the point at which the audience fails just as badly as the producers of the thing. Also, none of this addresses the issue of the fragility of inspiration. I never said the guy in the interview didn't like what he was making (dude... talk about a dense argument). I said it made him doubt the audience he was giving it to. A "pearls before swine" kind of thing, if I may be so crude. I wish I could find the damn thing... now I'm wondering if it was a TED talk. Anyway, I can definitely understand how that crushes inspiration; I just finished writing a novel, and you know what? I shelved it. Not because I don't like it, but because I'm too insecure to put myself out there like that, and then have jaded people on the internet tell me I was all wrong. I didn't write it for those jaded people; I wrote exactly what I wanted to write, to express the thing I needed to express, but I'm STILL vulnerable to all the negativity. The general way that our present culture refuses to nurture creativity in any way just makes me feel like it's a waste of time. EDIT: I guess that wasn't exactly what I meant... what I meant is, the voices of the detractors are infinitely louder than the voices of the supporters. Anyway, if you know a solution to this, by all means, shoot, but you'd be the first to both successfully defend modern hypercriticality AND convince me that it's even worth trying to make something. Anyway, don't you see how it might be biased, being hypercritical of another medium just because you have to put up with hypercriticality from your audience? And besides, you seem perfectly reasonable. As this pertains to Skyrim, I guess just consider that maybe you just aren't the sort of negative person I'm referring to. Never, in my posts, did I condemn all negativity. I only condemned unreasonable, whiny negativity... the people who complain and complain and complain but STILL spend tons of time around this board, doing Skyrim-related things in spite of that vitriol. When you do something creative, it's always going to be open to negativity from others, because it's infinitely easier to poke holes in someone else's work than it is to put up your own work. This is an unspoken truth of the world. So by all means, get your novel out there. Drown out the white noise of people's bitchiness. If you don't then you've let them win their war and we end up with more useless rehashes of things they know they want, instead of taking risks on things they might enjoy that are at first alien to them. You'll end up with regrets and negative feelings either way you go. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario. And Honestly, This is just one of those things I can't adequately convey to you. Play the games. They are well worth the price.You will not regret playing these games. If you only have one or two hours to devote to games, you'll have content for months. When you get to 3, make sure you disable the extended cut DLC. Or don't download it to begin with. And you have to come to your own decision about whether or not the fans where right after that.Until then this discussion Is going to keep running around in circles because we're working off of two different understandings. I'm not saying that after you've played you'll agree with people who wanted a different ending. I'm saying that you can't see our side of things if you haven't played. We just become whiny fanboys ruining games for everyone. Also, no, I'm not a negative person. I love Skyrim, I love Mass Effect. Wouldn't have dropped all the money on games and DLC If I didn't mostly agree with the developers. But two things you have to keep in mind. Nothing is above reproach. Doesn't matter how good it is. It's a matter of spewing vitrol vs constructive criticism. and this being a sub folder of a game related forum, of course there's going to be some complaints about certain aspects of a game, and we're going to voice them here because this is a congregation site for other people who have played the games and might want to discuss our opinions. Game Developers have to decide for themselves if the criticisms warrent attention, If they don't, ignore them, just anonymous people taking part in the age old bonding tradition of finding something to mutually hate. If they do, either keep them in mind when making your next game, or expect to hear more complaints. On the other hand, people who come to this part of the forum to specifically talk about how much better oblivion is, and only to point that out, need to keep to the oblivion section and leave us alone. You'll be surrounded by people who agree with you, and you won't have to deal with any internet induced rage spasms.
*facepalm* This argument is Denser than Grandma's fruitcake. But I'll play your game. As a creative person ((A Comedian, not a famous one by any stretch of the imagination, but I get by)) Here's the artistic process for me when I'm introducing a new joke, ((and yes, there is an art form involved in creating comedy, If you think there isn't, trying telling 15 minutes of jokes you had to make up by yourself)) I test the bit on on some friends, If it doesn't pass their approval, the joke gets scrapped entirely or I rework it as something new. That's my first quality assurance test. Once I'm past that point, I introduce it to audiences, and judging from their reactions one of three things happens. I either scrap it entirely, I tweak it more to get a better reaction, or I keep it in stock for only certain audiences that will appreciate the joke. ((which I test out by their reactions to earlier jokes in the set)) People in a comedy audience, are very hypercritical of a comedian's work. If it's not funny, that have no problems expressing it. The benefit to this medium is that I have a chance to change my work around, not something a Game developer or movie maker has. But the bottom line remains the same. I either adapt to the tastes of my audience or I learn to deal with an angry audience. Never at any point do I get the luxury of complaining about my artistic integrity if I get Boo'd off stage ((Had people flinging bottles at my head not even 2 days ago.)) What I can do, is critically address the feedback I get. I have to, as an artist, decide whether people are being mean to me just because they didn't like my particular brand of comedy, or if it's because my jokes sucked. If it's the former, Then it's my duty to keep telling those jokes because there's an audience out there that will appreciate them. If it's the latter, It's my duty to bury those jokes in an unmarked grave in a desert because I produced something bad and I shouldn't force others to deal with it just because I think I produced something of value. It doesn't matter what I think. I'm not carving wooden trinkets to decorate my shack in the woods, I'm producing for other people. If I wish to continue doing so, I have to suck it up and roll with the punches. And you know what? The fact that People on the development team didn't like their own product, Absolutely ruins any chances they have of claiming artistic integrity. If they didn't like their product, yet put it out, they're not artists, they're prostitutes. And the Fans had every right to rage.
If you can honestly say you played through all 3 games in order, put in the countless hours ((Mass effect 1 had about 50 hours total run time, and that's if you didn't drag your ass every step of the way. and this is just the first entry in the series)) necessary to get a full scope of the story, and were satisfied with the way the original endings played out. then there's something really wrong with you.
You need better armor. If you're duel wielding I'd strongly suggest going with heavy ((unless you're dedicated to upgrading smithing enough to make legendary armor)) even just a full set of steel would make a noticible difference in your encounters.