So I've been playing for 8 hours according to steam without any errors, over 200 mods, didnt add any before the crashes but it's crashing now everytime I try to Fast Travel to Windhelm to do a TG's quest [EDIT: going through the gate in Riften was fine, and then I took a carriage from Riften to Windhelm and that was fine. still I'm wondering why I can't Fast Travel to Windhelm using my map.] My Papyrus log I have SSME, ENBoost and Safety Load My Load Order: Everything that's supposed to be clean is and the load order is correct, even ran LOOT a few times without it having to fix anythingI'm not really a coder but I understand a little bit about moddingBUT I have no idea what to do, I don't really feel like re-installing 200+ mods plus the ENB I have. but if that's the only thing I can do, I guess I'll be forced to do that.If anyone can make any sense of this please help meThank you in advance!