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About MrPotato9

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  1. EDIT: I installed Creatures XI and found out that I didnt have DN-GDR installed... durrr... so I installed that and the relevant patches for those two. and it's working again! I'm afraid of merging the leveled list for the creatures mod tho because it might ruin it again... can I get away with not doing it?
  2. I did install it manually and yeah I noticed that which I find peculiar seeing as I did manually copy and paste all of the files from (most) of the mods I have.. also could you tell me which mods are missing files? :S I really can't tell "-.-
  3. EDIT: Removed the mods you suggested me to remove, ran Mlox again and it's working again flawlessly, still does come up with the error that a few files are missing but it works. Thank you so much! now I can get back into this AMAZING GAME! EDIT2: nevermind.. it's back to crashing upon load. I have run it through mlox quite a number of times now without any errors, but will try that
  4. G'day mateys So I'm trying to install The Sixth House mod by MadGod but it's giving me a bloody hard time It keeps CTD when I try to load/start a new game With the mod installed everything works fine if I uncheck it in the NMM (I installed it manually tho) Here's my Warnings.txt document It would seem like I'm missing some files or something I should perhaps mention that I'm using GDR but I have the patch for GDR and GHD Thanks in advance!
  5. I umm didnt know what a merged or bash patch were.. I do now and have created them. I am playing on a PC but couldnt find the SKSE memory patch I didnt google it extensively tho since I was making those patches and I have tried crash fixes. Thanks will see if this did anything.
  6. So I've been playing for 8 hours according to steam without any errors, over 200 mods, didnt add any before the crashes but it's crashing now everytime I try to Fast Travel to Windhelm to do a TG's quest [EDIT: going through the gate in Riften was fine, and then I took a carriage from Riften to Windhelm and that was fine. still I'm wondering why I can't Fast Travel to Windhelm using my map.] My Papyrus log I have SSME, ENBoost and Safety Load My Load Order: Everything that's supposed to be clean is and the load order is correct, even ran LOOT a few times without it having to fix anythingI'm not really a coder but I understand a little bit about moddingBUT I have no idea what to do, I don't really feel like re-installing 200+ mods plus the ENB I have. but if that's the only thing I can do, I guess I'll be forced to do that.If anyone can make any sense of this please help meThank you in advance!
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