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Status Replies posted by SariDecember

  1. I just noticed you dropped by my profile last month.  This is what I get for not paying attention around here.  I hope you are doing well!

    1. SariDecember


      Yeah, been lurking on some old profiles back then! Funny to see some of you guys still being around! =D it's been a while, eh!?

      Getting older, moving on in life but modding... modding never changes! ❤️😉

      Greetz *SD

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Damn dude, any of my cool friends still here? Wasteland Renegades part 4 is out today, I used to make them for you guys! :'(
    1. SariDecember


      I loved it! You havent lost your siganture style humor! Rhys and the extinguisher and that Lighthouse incident killed me! XD
    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. tnx a bunch for the add! i'm such a big fan of your mods and screenshots ^^
    1. SariDecember


      Of course, you're welcome! So am I! =) it was about time I add you! Have a good time!
  4. Uploading some ME3 ss, in case anyone wants to see them... http://aynien.deviantart.com/gallery/36383854
    1. SariDecember


      Looks like you always succeed at creating beautiful characters!? ;) Hope you're fine!?
  5. Can you guys share funny/interesting FO or NV videos here? I'll start...
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