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Posts posted by Thefireball

  1. Well, ever since I got my Graphics card, I found out I never had enough watts to support it.

    So my Power Supply had to pull what little watts it had left out of it's ass.

    But if that wasn't enough, I decided to try Hyper Drive with my Graphics card since the game had been running fine ever since upgrading to Windows Vista..

    Bad move.

    Fried my Power Supply.

    My old Power Supply was 550 watts, and the Geforce GTX 560 Ti uses about 200 Watts +..

    Luckily, i've ordered a new Power Supply that's 800 watts.

    Should be here by Monday.

    I'm dying to play Skyrim again.


  2. Well, so far, i'm playing with no problems at all.

    It doesn't even seem like there's anything wrong with the game for me!

    All I did was upgrade from Windows XP 32-Bit to Windows Vista 32-Bit.

    Working like a charm, except for Riften with all the fog slightly lagging me though..

    'bout it.

    But that should'nt be hard to fix.

  3. ^^ Should be the same for both nvidia and ati.


    1. Download yourself an older version of your ati cards drivers from http://www.oldapps.com/ati.php (try and aim for drivers that are about a year or so old.)


    2. when its installing there should be an option for a clean install - do it (this means that first it will completely get rid of all your current ati drivers and CCC profiles.)


    3. Then turn off skyrims AA, anistropic filtering and FXAA.


    4. Like I mentioned before, if you go into catalyst control center to where it has individual game profiles and if skyrim and portal are listed there then the driver was too recent. You need a driver/CCC that's old enough to not recognize/autoprofile skyrim, but new enough to not suck.


    Hope this helps :)


    So far, that has gotten rid of my Yellow Texture, but I haven't played long enough to find out.

    But last time I played, I entered a building and there was Yellow textures every where.

    I still have to play long enough to see if it crashes me though.

    Will report back later



    Monitor turned off when looking at mountains. =l

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