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Everything posted by bilalila

  1. What are some of your favorite mods?
  2. Hey there, I'm playing skyrim on a PC that's not too high end but also not too cheap. I wanna play it on the highest graphics settings I can without lag. What are some mods that decrease lag/increase fps? Also mods that stop game from crashing/freezing would be appreciated
  3. What are some of the best Mods currently out there? Like, the favourites in your lists, ones that you'd always play. I quit Skyrim a while back but now I'm back to play. However I won't have time to endulge excessively into the world of modding (No Matter how much I love it :sad:). That's why I wanna ask my fellow adventurers for the best mods they know that I should play through. Anything that's good, even If I really SHOULD know it. What's the best?
  4. Hello there, I'm looking for a Housing mod that's suitable for an extremely rich character. Nothing specifically sneaky or magical but more all round. It should be epic and expensive for my Imperial character, who is also and all rounded character (The leader of every faction, etc...) I'm thankful for any replies :) Kind Regards Bilal
  5. Hello there, I want to start a new character and I have plans to make him rich. But any characters I used to have that became rich ended up getting boring because there was nothing left to do with all the gold. If you know any mods that encourage you to spend money in any way, please inform me about it. I would love for there to be some kind of business mod, like Trade and Barter for Oblivion... but I haven't yet found something like that. :sad: Thanks Bilal
  6. Hi, A few days ago, I remember finding this mod that in a way encouraged the use of one handed without anything in the other hand. I think it partially did so using the One handed perk tree but I'm not too sure. I thought that would be perfect for my pirate character as that would make it better for him to only use a cutlass. But ever since, I've lost the mod! So if you know what mod I'm talking about, please let me know how to find it.
  7. Hello, I've been slightly bored lately and am a huge fan of pirates. So why not play as a pirate in one of my Favorite games ever?? But I'm not entirely sure what mods there are that would be useful for a Pirate. If you know any mods that could improve my Game play as a Pirate, I would greatly appreciate it if you could inform me about them. Kind Regards Bilal
  8. Hi, I'm not sure if there's already a mod out there that allows you to unlock perks individually when reaching their required skill level without having unlocked previous perks. If there isn't, I think this would be a good Idea.
  9. Hi, I was just wondering if there's a mod out there that allows you to unlock perks individually when reaching their required skill level without having unlocked previous perks.
  10. I was playing skyrim since a while, really enjoying it up until suddenly, for some reason my character had unlimited shouts/no shout cooldown. I honestly found it to be very annoying and for me, it killed the atmosphere of the game. I tried loading an old game save (very old) and then the shouts were working fine, it's just my current saves. It did not happen right after I installed one of these mods so I'm not sure wether it is because of them. And if you're wondering, No I don't have TGM on. Could someone please tell me what I could do ? Here are my data files: -FasterHorses_Sprint_x1_5.esp -backpackfrankdema.esp -buildablehouse.esp -Carriage1.esp -Dr_Bandolier.esp -hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp -Improved Dragon Shouts.esp -JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp -lt_better_horses.esp -RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp
  11. I was playing skyrim since a while, really enjoying it up until suddenly, for some reason my character had unlimited shouts/no shout cooldown. I honestly found it to be very annoying and for me, it killed the atmosphere of the game. I tried loading an old game save (very old) and then the shouts were working fine, it's just my current saves. It did not happen right after I installed one of these mods so I'm not sure wether it is because of them. And if you're wondering, No I don't have TGM on. Could someone please tell me what I could do ? Here are my data files: -FasterHorses_Sprint_x1_5.esp -backpackfrankdema.esp -buildablehouse.esp -Carriage1.esp -Dr_Bandolier.esp -hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp -Improved Dragon Shouts.esp -JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp -lt_better_horses.esp -RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp
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